low carb or not?



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    <-- not a low carber. I hit my protein and fat minimums and stay at my calorie goal. Carbs end up wherever they end up.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    Please make a point of debating the topic under discussion, and refrain from attacks on character or personal insults. I'm going to take a minute to clean out some part of the thread that are attacks on the messenger, rather than debate on the merits of the hypotheses being argued.

    Lots of great discussion here, so please keep it above-the-lne so this thread isn't reported again in the future. I'd love to leave it running.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    They became obese by accumulating fat. His hypothesis is that this fat accumulation is directly affected by the body's insulin production. I think it is slightly more complicated that than as I think there are other hormones which effect this fat accumulation but I believe like him that insulin is the primary one to be concerned with and think that his hypothesis is worth testing.

    and did this accumulation of fat happen in a consistent caloric deficit or surplus?
    Obviously in a consistent surplus. But why are they constantly eating at surplus? Simple gluttony and sloth?

    I say yes! People who don't admit that they got fat because they ate too much and exercised too little are just lying to either themselves and/or everyone else. Whether you say "carbs make me want to eat more" or "fat makes me want to eat more" or "XXXX makes me want to eat more", the fact is that nothing other than your own gluttony and sloth actually made you eat more. Just because you find food tasty and want more does not make the food guilty when you get fat. You ate it. You did it. You are guilty.

    If you can lose better by avoiding the food, then absolutely you should do that, whatever the food is. But it is still you who lack the self control, not the food.

    (you = general "you", not any specific person).

    And that's a bunch of BS. If carbs don't negatively effect you, congratulations. But don't speak for the rest of us. Throughout my 30's and 40's, I kept gaining weight on a low-fat/high-carb diet as promoted to me by both a dietitian and the contemporary thinking about what healthy eating was. And I was not a glutton or a sloth. I have years of food diaries showing that I rarely ate more than 1500 calories a day and, many days, much less. I also exercised regularly. I have only been able to lose weight if I also cut my carbs, no matter how much exercise I do.

    Another point is that when eating low-fat/high-carb, even though I didn't eat a lot, I was starving all the time. I never felt satisfied, I would start thinking about my next meal before I had the dishes washed from what I just ate, and I was totally and completely miserable over it. This was all odd to me because, before my pregnancies, I had always been thin and a light eater and was never hungry. Now I was fat, a light eater, and always hungry. What the heck?

    It wasn't until I cut the carbs down dramatically that I could lose weight (a total of 54# from my highest) and eat light without being hungry. In fact, these days, I often have to remember to eat as I could go all day without eating as long as breakfast is more protein-based. If I slip and have a bowl of cereal, I'm starving in an hour, even if it's something extremely healthy like All-Bran.

    My overall calories eaten per day have not necessarily decreased as I have always eaten light even as a child and, unfortunately, believe I do have a damaged metabolism because of it. So I do have to eat less than many other folks here at MFP in order to lose which is a bummer. But the fact remains that I could eat the same calorie level with carbs and gain weight and starve or eat that same calorie level without many carbs and lose weight and not be hungry.

    As for your sloth accusations, eating lots of carbs didn't prevent me from exercising but it did make me sleepy and I would often have to nap often after meals, even a small meal of only about 300 calories total. Without the carbs, I never have to nap because of a meal because my blood sugar doesn't spike. Maybe you're observing people who are carb-sensitive and having these same reactions and that is making you think they are sloths? But if they are, it's not intentional or a choice but a by-product of the carbs in their diet. At least based on my own experience.

    I just find your statement extremely offensive. It doesn't reflect my reality at all. And I'm sure it doesn't reflect the reality of all overweight people. I'm not saying that it might not apply to some but you can't make an assumption that it applies to all. In fact, what you're saying sounds like ignorance based on a stereotype which is just another form of bigotry.

    LOL So sorry. I'm sure I'm 100% wrong and the carbs you ate were at fault and not the person who ate them.

    Why are you laughing? She is not the only person that has had this happen to. There are plenty of us here as I am another one.

    It is the carbs that is causing the weight gain. I can eat 300 calories of carbs and gain weight versus eating 2,000 calories of fat and protein and lose weight.

    Please consider doing some reading and research on current research. Not that research that was done in the 1950's that was VERY WRONG.

    The current research concludes that Saturated Fats are very healthy for us and are in no way detrimental to the heart or cardiovascular system and do not cause high cholesterol either.

    I will keep referring back to Ancel Keys because he is the "Father of Low Fat" and it was his misinformation that led to this fiasco.

    Take time to read my signature from a well known doctor in regards to the low fat era and the science experiment we have all been a part or are currently apart of.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    They became obese by accumulating fat. His hypothesis is that this fat accumulation is directly affected by the body's insulin production. I think it is slightly more complicated that than as I think there are other hormones which effect this fat accumulation but I believe like him that insulin is the primary one to be concerned with and think that his hypothesis is worth testing.

    and did this accumulation of fat happen in a consistent caloric deficit or surplus?
    Obviously in a consistent surplus. But why are they constantly eating at surplus? Simple gluttony and sloth?

    I say yes! People who don't admit that they got fat because they ate too much and exercised too little are just lying to either themselves and/or everyone else. Whether you say "carbs make me want to eat more" or "fat makes me want to eat more" or "XXXX makes me want to eat more", the fact is that nothing other than your own gluttony and sloth actually made you eat more. Just because you find food tasty and want more does not make the food guilty when you get fat. You ate it. You did it. You are guilty.

    If you can lose better by avoiding the food, then absolutely you should do that, whatever the food is. But it is still you who lack the self control, not the food.

    (you = general "you", not any specific person).

    And that's a bunch of BS. If carbs don't negatively effect you, congratulations. But don't speak for the rest of us. Throughout my 30's and 40's, I kept gaining weight on a low-fat/high-carb diet as promoted to me by both a dietitian and the contemporary thinking about what healthy eating was. And I was not a glutton or a sloth. I have years of food diaries showing that I rarely ate more than 1500 calories a day and, many days, much less. I also exercised regularly. I have only been able to lose weight if I also cut my carbs, no matter how much exercise I do.

    Another point is that when eating low-fat/high-carb, even though I didn't eat a lot, I was starving all the time. I never felt satisfied, I would start thinking about my next meal before I had the dishes washed from what I just ate, and I was totally and completely miserable over it. This was all odd to me because, before my pregnancies, I had always been thin and a light eater and was never hungry. Now I was fat, a light eater, and always hungry. What the heck?

    It wasn't until I cut the carbs down dramatically that I could lose weight (a total of 54# from my highest) and eat light without being hungry. In fact, these days, I often have to remember to eat as I could go all day without eating as long as breakfast is more protein-based. If I slip and have a bowl of cereal, I'm starving in an hour, even if it's something extremely healthy like All-Bran.

    My overall calories eaten per day have not necessarily decreased as I have always eaten light even as a child and, unfortunately, believe I do have a damaged metabolism because of it. So I do have to eat less than many other folks here at MFP in order to lose which is a bummer. But the fact remains that I could eat the same calorie level with carbs and gain weight and starve or eat that same calorie level without many carbs and lose weight and not be hungry.

    As for your sloth accusations, eating lots of carbs didn't prevent me from exercising but it did make me sleepy and I would often have to nap often after meals, even a small meal of only about 300 calories total. Without the carbs, I never have to nap because of a meal because my blood sugar doesn't spike. Maybe you're observing people who are carb-sensitive and having these same reactions and that is making you think they are sloths? But if they are, it's not intentional or a choice but a by-product of the carbs in their diet. At least based on my own experience.

    I just find your statement extremely offensive. It doesn't reflect my reality at all. And I'm sure it doesn't reflect the reality of all overweight people. I'm not saying that it might not apply to some but you can't make an assumption that it applies to all. In fact, what you're saying sounds like ignorance based on a stereotype which is just another form of bigotry.

    LOL So sorry. I'm sure I'm 100% wrong and the carbs you ate were at fault and not the person who ate them.

    Why are you laughing? She is not the only person that has had this happen to. There are plenty of us here as I am another one.

    It is the carbs that is causing the weight gain. I can eat 300 calories of carbs and gain weight versus eating 2,000 calories of fat and protein and lose weight.

    Please consider doing some reading and research on current research. Not that research that was done in the 1950's that was VERY WRONG.

    The current research concludes that Saturated Fats are very healthy for us and are in no way detrimental to the heart or cardiovascular system and do not cause high cholesterol either.

    I will keep referring back to Ancel Keys because he is the "Father of Low Fat" and it was his misinformation that led to this fiasco.

    Take time to read my signature from a well known doctor in regards to the low fat era and the science experiment we have all been a part or are currently apart of.

    Somewhat off-topic, but I think I'll share. I was watching a show, 48 hours on TV the other night, when a PSA-type commercial came on. The attractive announcer suggested that everyone eat some protein at breakfast, like an egg and bacon, because it staves off hunger until lunchtime. Woo Hoo, they are slowly getting it! FTW
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    I'm going to lock this thread, as there are too many unkind comments about gluttony and sloth to make it worth the time to clean it out, or at least to clean it out in a way that would still make sense to read.

    Feel free to pick up the discussion in a new thread, I'd prefer it that this thread not continue to rise to the top of recent posts, with the animosity it currently contains.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.