What have you completely given up?



  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    soda, pizza, chinese food, mayo, most fried foods.. Basically alot of stuff that made me fat in the first place.
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Soda for me, too. Oddly enough, I don't really miss it. I still have coffee in the morning, though. :) I also no longer eat cereals of any kind. Sure miss those Honey Graham-Oh's!
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    I don't stop myself from eating/drinking anything but I don't buy soda anymore. Haven't bought ice cream in a while too but might have to start if I want to eat 3.5k cal a day...
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I gave up so much... Still more to add to the list, but I don't know what they are until I come up against them... so the list still in progress is:
    ice cream
    Chinese food
    fast food of any kind
    cake, cookies and pastry
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Milk. I now have soy or almond. If I drink milk now, it actually bloats me and makes me feel sick! I also try to stick to goats or sheep cheese and yoghurt although that's not ALWAYS the case ;-)
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Oh and ps. Eating clean is so damn hard! So much time and dedication is needed!! I still like to eat my bit of chocolate or gluten free museli bar or have an occasional glass of beer/wine. I don't think that makes me unhealthy, just normal =)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    soda, pizza, chinese food, mayo, most fried foods.. Basically alot of stuff that made me fat in the first place.

    that stuff didn't make you fat, overconsuming in general did
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Eating "clean"
    Haha! Me too.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member

    well i used to. I didn't drink soda for almost 2 years because my boyfriend at the time couldn't drink soda for baseball and we thought it'd be a fun challenge to do haha.

    but now i occasionally will have a diet dr. pepper :)

    i used to eliminate one food after the other but ... i find that if i deprive myself too much, then i will binge later on.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    McDonalds. Completely cold turkey on that shizz. I used to eat TWO large orders of fries in one sitting. Two.
    6 hash browns.
    So none of that anymore.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    I gave up on giving up.

    THIS. exactly. I've "given up" foods before and then BAM! binge months or a year or two later. now, i don't give up on anything.

    This makes a lot of sense. I've been seeing a lot of posts talking about moderation instead of eliminating foods. Maybe I wouldnt be making a second trip down weight loss lane.

    For the last several years I really try to stay away from sugar, and thats because I dont like the way it makes me feel. Also soda, for the same reason.
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    The only thing I've completely given up is Sweet Tea----It's really sad and makes me wanna cry when I think about it though :(
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
  • milehighcritic
    Soda , including diet soda.
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    I second this!!! :)

    Nothing - everything in moderation. That's what this makes MFP sustainable!:tongue:
  • Ruby11222
    Ruby11222 Posts: 114
    Juice, cow's milk, having any junk food in the house!

    McDonald's, Hungry Jack's(BK) and all pizza stores. But I already gave up McDonald's and Burger King, they were making me VERY SICK, racing heart a few bites in, instant muscle weakness and the need to go to bed right away, terribly itchy scalp!!!

    I'm another one of those who says if it's in the house and it's junk I HAVE TO EAT IT, even if it's something I don't really like.
  • moniquelessard
    Hmmmm anything in large servings, white bread, and no more DONUTS or MUFFINS (which are calorie disasters!). I've also really limited my soda intake. Otherwise I believe that if you restrict too much, you'll eventually cave and binge on the restricted item. So everything in moderation is my motto. :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That's what I was thinking. Eating 'clean' is the one thing I actually enjoy eating.
    Eating "clean"

    I'm confused....you gave up eating clean?

    Why would you give that up? Isn't that a good thing?

    Eating clean is a very good thing. Some people just like to continue to eat junk food while losing weight.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    skittles, chex mix, white flour and soda. Also most juices