Motivated Mamma's Week 3 (Closed Group)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    0 points for me today, as I cannot seem to meet my protein requirements. Sorry I haven't been posting much, I will try a lot better.

    Protein is soooo important for muscle building and helps keep you satiated longer (i.e. best hunger satisfaction for the calories). Keep working at it! :smile:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Today was my day off but I was super busy.
    So last night around 3:30 my dog woke me up to go outside, I walked with her to the back door and when I opened it she growled so I grabed her before I knew it we were both sprayed by a SKUNK!!!! Gross, spent the whole day cleaning and airing out the house. What a day!

    ****By the way the Emotional challenge was supposed to be done by Louie I believe and due to her injury, I need another taker on creating this challenge. Anyone????
    We will miss you Louie just come back and join us after you heal, there is always a place for you!:flowerforyou:

    Here's a great "de-skunking" recipe (roughly measured): 1 bottle hydrogen peroxide, 1 small box baking soda, couple big squirts of Dawn dish soap (unscented, plain)... all into a bucket then add water and scrub! ;) That's so has happened to me- my sympathies are with you!

    I'll take the emotional challenge if you still have a need... can I message it to you tomorrow AM (early)?

    Thanks, the emotional challenge has been taken care of but I would love for you to do it next week. I used that exact recipe and it the scent seems to have left or maybe I am just more used to it now. LOL...I hope not!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I've got a sinking feeling the scale will not be happy to see me tomorrow! Hubby came down with a sinus infection last week, then our camping trip, now my little guy has the same thing my hubby has, so no working for me today, just some cleaning. I'm so ready to get back to the normal swing of things but its just feels like the universe is against me right now! Having some issues balancing everything especially when all my son wants to do is lay down with mommy! And I'm feeling super guilty for wanting to get up and workout even though I know he doesnt feel good...that makes me sad! Hopefully tomorrow will be better, until then Im going to go snuggle with my sicky boy!

    Ah but the key is that YOU have to be happy with the scale... and ultimately you did what matters! :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Okay here's my high protein recipe... a very flexible recipe that you can add to/ modify at will; often I'll add chopped spinach or fresh tomatoes and top it off with non fat sour cream...

    Easy Turkey Chili
    ~ 45 Minutes to Prepare and Cook
    1 pound lean ground turkey (93% lean)
    2C chopped onion
    1C chopped celery
    1C chopped red bell pepper
    6 cloves chopped garlic
    2T olive oil
    1 can black beans, no salt added
    2 can kidney beans, no salt added
    1 can pinto beans, no salt added
    2 cans diced tomatoes, no salt added
    1 quart chicken broth, fat-free, low sodium
    Chili powder to taste
    Brown ground turkey until pale pink, then add onion, celery, bell pepper & garlic and sauté until turkey is fully cooked. Drain any excess liquid. Rinse beans in a colander, then add to the turkey mixture, along with remaining ingredients. Simmer for 15 minutes or longer to taste. Add chili powder, salt and pepper to taste. # of Servings: 8 (~ 2 cups each)
    Nutritional Info
    Servings Per Recipe: 8
    Amount Per Serving
    Calories: 330
    • Total Fat: 4.9 g
    • Cholesterol: 42 mg
    • Sodium: 450 mg
    • Total Carbs: 35 g
    • Dietary Fiber: 17 g
    • Protein: 25.9 g
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    TU. 10/11 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO: - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (3/3) DANCE, 20-30 minutes 3x = n/a
    Part 2- (4/4) Log your regular calories 4x = n/a

    STRENGTH: - 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = n/a
    Planks (3/3)- do 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = n/a
    Reverse Crunches (3/3) - 2 sets, 15 crunches ea. = n/a

    FOOD - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 (5/5) - protein? = n/a
    Part 2 (2/2) - high protein recipe? yes
    Part 1 (1/1) Part 2 (0/1) - Bonus point
    WAIT for it... WAIT for it... See you in the AM Ms. Scale!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    In the past I really had a bad relationship with the scale, I never weighed myself. I thought it was easier to just ignore it. It seemed every time I stepped on it, I would get more depressed about gaining weight and then eat those emotions instead of doing something about it. I got pregnant and got weighed in at the doctors so I knew my weight then but I really didn't weigh in to much at home, I was just so happy to be pregnant I didn't want to get upset over gaining to much weight.
    Since starting this journey I told myself only to weigh in once a week and I have been pretty good about that, there has been weeks I get on more often but for me I just don't want what it says to determine my week. I try to weigh in before my period because I know during that week I usually gain so seeing the number before helps me not get discouraged.
    This challenge was pretty easy for me but then I cought myself wanting to get on just because I wasn't suppose to. LOL
    In all honesty though, I do get upset about what the scale says. If I have a bad week in numbers it gets me down and if I get that great number I want to keep trying even harder. That is why I am so greatful to all of you because I get to see everyone else going through what I am and it pushes me through even on a bad week.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    High Protien Recipe

    1 can Black Beans
    2 chicken Breasts (boiled)
    1 can Corn
    1 cup Brown Rice
    2 Tomatoes
    2 Green Chilis
    1 clove Garlic
    Handful of Cilantro
    1 Lime
    1/4 cup Cheese
    1 cup Spinich
    Whole wheat or low carb tortillas

    Boil Chicken breast with Garlic,let cool and shred then heat corn, black beans, tomatoes, and green chilis. Cut Spinich and cilantro and add to rice before cooking. Roll in tortilla. My family loves this recipe and with the blk beans and chicken it has alot of protien. I don't know the exact nutritional numbers..sorry.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting weight: 261 (May 31, 2011)
    Starting MM weight: 226.5
    Week 1 weight: 224.7
    Wee2 weight: 225.3
    Week 3 Weight: 225.3
    Weekly +/-: 0
    Total loss: - 35.7lbs

    Scale is broken so I am recording last week's weight again. Didn't realize my scale was out because I was a good girl that earned her bonus point by staying off of it all week! lol! May just need new batteries... I hope it's ok with everyone that I just record last week's weight again. TOM is still in town so I doubt I would have had a very accurate reading anyways.

    In other news, I'm back on the 30DS program and loving it! My butt is killing me from the squats but otherwise I am feeling great (and even that I don't mind cuz I know that means it's working :wink: ). Hope everyone's weight in goes well!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hi all! Here's our link to the new thread for week 4's challenge:

    Please make sure to record your weight on this thread as well as all your week 3 points/calorie burns etc on the spreadsheet found here:

    Have an awesome day ladies!!! :flowerforyou:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Here is my recipe, late I know:

    ~fish in tomato-caper butter~
    -1 T oregano
    -juice of one lemon
    -cooking spray
    -4 fish fillets, I used salmon, but use can use any fish or chicken
    - 1/2 t kosher salt
    - 1/4 t pepper
    - 1/2 c red wine vinegar
    - 2T capers rinsed
    - 2oz sun-dried tomato butter

    1. Heat saute pan on med-high. Coat both sides of fish with cooking spray and cook for 4 min, turn over cook 4 more minutes.
    2. Remove fish from pan, season with salt & pepper, cover to keep warm
    3. Reduce heat on pan, add vinegar, capers, lemon juice, & orengano. cook and stir 1-2 min or until liquid is reduced by half.
    4. Remove from heat, add tomato butter, wisk until blended. Serve over fish.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Starting MM weight: 192.2
    Week 1 weight: 189.8
    Week2 weight: 191.0
    Week 3 weight- 188.2
    Weekly +/-: -2.8 lbs
    Total loss: -4 lbs

    Whoohooo!!! Maybe all I needed was to take a bit of a break! Well, and some Pumpkin Pie. I'm *sure* that's what did it for me. :wink:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting MM weight: 192.2
    Week 1 weight: 189.8
    Week2 weight: 191.0
    Week 3 weight- 188.2
    Weekly +/-: -2.8 lbs
    Total loss: -4 lbs

    Whoohooo!!! Maybe all I needed was to take a bit of a break! Well, and some Pumpkin Pie. I'm *sure* that's what did it for me. :wink:

    Great job!!! Pie definitly counts as a "diet" food. In moderation of course :wink: And I agree, sometimes we just need to let our bodies rest a bit. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Here's my standing for last week's challenge:

    Cardio: 7points
    Strength: 9
    Food: 2, I completely failed on the protein challenge!! The only way I would get it, is if I went by the link that was posted. Going by my macros, I failed BIG time!!
    Emotional: 2, I stayed off the scale all week, YEAH! The first two days were the worst, after that I was mostly okay with it.

    And here is my weigh-in:
    Week 3: 130
    Up 1 lb this week, but I'm not really worried about it, amazingly! I'm on week 2 of a new lifting program, and I can already see a difference in the tone in my arms and calves, maybe a little in the ab area (might just be wishful thinking?) My muscles have been sore lately, and sore muscles means water retention. Water retention means, muscle growth, and thats my goal, to build more muscle.
    Staying off the scale this week was probably a really good thing, I need to remember that the scale doesn't tell the whole story, only a small part of it. What I see in the mirror and how my clothes fit are just as important (maybe more) than a number on a scale. I think I might try to stay off the scale again this week? Maybe.....
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hi Shawn,
    What program are you on? I am starting to focus more and more on strength and toning and since you seem to be the resident expert (at least in my eyes!) I'd appreciate any advice you have to offer. Great tip on the sore muscles equation.I did not know that sore muscles meant water retention. Which would explain why when building muscle the numbers on the scale don't always seem to match my level of effort. Truthfully, this is part of what has always scared me off in the past. Well, that and strength and toning is HARD! lol!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    My Progress
    Starting MFP Weight: 286.6
    MM Starting Weight (9/21): 267.4
    Week 1 Weight (9/28): 269
    Week 2 Weight (10/5): 268.6
    Week 3 Weight (10/12): 266.6
    Week loss/gain: -2

    I am very excited about this weeks weight loss. I finally lost 20 lbs! What a great feeling!!!!! Only 15 left to reach my first mini goal!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Starting weight: 258
    Starting MM weight: 241.3
    Week 1 weight: 239.4
    Week 2 weight: 237.2
    Week 3 Weight: 236.6
    Weekly +/-: 0.6
    Total loss: 21.4

    I got all 25 points this week, luckily i got the rest of my protein in over the weekend, that was a toughy! I even managed to keep myself off the scale the entire week, it was nerve racking and I did not like it! Its a whole lot easier for me to maintain if I weigh atleast every other day! Not very impressed about my loss this week, but its better then nothing! Getting sick...but I'll do my best to rock it out with this weeks challenges!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Start of M/M: 149lbs
    Week 1 09/28: 149lbs
    Week 2 10/05: 148lbs
    Week 3 10/12: 149lbs
    Gained: 1lb

    Not too too disappointed with myself. I didn't do great at all this last week. and yesterday was a disaster. I'm just not feeling motivated anymore. I dont know whats going on. Need to get back on it. I'm not as dedicated like I was before when I first began my weight loss journey. I've been really busy with school and just everything else. Need to do some changing with my motivation. Well I have a mini goal set as of right now. The Warrior Dash is set to be here on Nov 19th & 20th. I'm going to sign up for it and do the best I can. Its a crazy 3 mile obstacle course so I need to train for it. I have convinced my hubby to do this with me. I'm so excited that he actually agreed to do it with me.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Starting weight: 244
    Starting MM weight: 215.2
    Week 1 weight: 215.2
    Week 2 weight: 213.2
    Week 3 Weight: 213.2
    Weekly +/-: 0

    Anyone seeing a pattern??:grumble: LOL it's okay this week and last was crazy for me! You are all doing an awesome job!!!
  • rapitup
    rapitup Posts: 20 Member
    Excited about week 4 even though I gained this week is going to be my offical week with you guys :bigsmile:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Excited about week 4 even though I gained this week is going to be my offical week with you guys :bigsmile:

    So Glad you are here! Make sure to post on week 4's thread.