what would you guys do?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Eat them and compliment her. Then work your butt off in the gym.

    This :)
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Shes getting a better and better understanding of what Dads goals are ... Shes even getting to the point where shes slapping my hand if im getting into the fridge (even for water) if its later than 8 PM LOL
    Uh oh sounds like you've got a drill sergeant now. Haha.

    a VERY cute drill sargent at that :happy:
    Find some healthier recipies that she could make to make it easier on you. she could make diet soda cupcakes or use applesauce instead of oil. That way there are less calories if she is baking a lot. :)
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Tell her you want to take it to work and have it for lunch so that you can show it off to your coworkers. While at work, give it to your coworkers...lol Two things accomplished,

    1) she's happy
    2) Your coworkers get larger and it makes you look smaller...lol
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    eat one, factor into your caolries for the day, save one for tomorrow, factor into calories, and next time bake with her and show her healthy recipes?

    This seems like a cool plan. Luckily I have no children so those kinds of temptations will not be put in front of me.
  • quigonnjae
    LOL once again she strikes again .. This time with some incredible HOMEMADE salt water taffy... How could I pass that up?
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    at least she will understand when you only want a little :) she'll probably start giving you rations since she's turning into a drill sargent
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    My 11 year old is learning how to bake. I came home from work and was greeted by her beautiful smiling face that just SCREAMED of accomplishment . She grabbed me by the hand and lead me to the kitchen and there in front of me was at least a dozen intricately decorated cupcakes.. She pointed to 2 of them off by themselves and said "I made these ones special for YOU "

    Not wanting to ruin the moment I smiled , ate them and raved for the next 20 mins on how they were the best cupcakes i HAVE EVER HAD, how she must have worked sooo hard on them, how proud of herself she must be , etc. As im walking off to my room to get the shorts and tshrt on my 1:1 with "Dr Treadmill" she says..."Im gonna make a cake tommorrow" (sigh)

    I guess the extra mins on treadmill are nothing compared to seeing her light up as I complimented her baking but if this keeps up I not sure what Im going to do LOL
    This is why I have dessert everyday. I counter with exercise. And enjoy every morsel.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    lol. I can't even say no to what my aunt makes for me. Forget a little girl! :laugh: