im not losing weight and its been over 7 months :(



  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    why are you eating so much for breakfast and no dinner? you should try balancing your meals. If your eating that much breakfast its telling me your body is hungry due lack of dinner. Or maybe I missed the dinner log in? Try eating less at breakfast, less at lunch and a little dinner. Also get away from all the processed food, the sodium in them is horrible. I have cut salt out and don't miss it. Also try cutting back on your exercise. if you are at a gym that has a circuit, use it every other day. Your muscle need time to recoup from exercise. And I agree maybe you should bring it to your Dr.'s attention. Show him your food diary and ask what he thinks. Good luck

    Lol I eat dinner I just log it late because i havnt decided what to eat
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    Umm. Ok so for a long time I mean months my favorite machine was the elliptical and I have a trainer that works with me on weights once a week . Recently I started the c25k so now on the treadmill for 3 out of 5 days a week the other two days ill do strength

    Also just an add about two weeks ago my gym shut down to remodel for 10 days . In those ten days I lost 2 pounds (didn't work out at all ) but now that I'm working out again (this is when I started the c25k) I have gained those 2 pounds back . Not cool -_-

    If you lost weight while not exercising for a week, it may be that you really aren't eating enough. You may be underestimating how much you burn, thereby accidentally cutting too many calories per week. Ideally, many on MFP say just stay above 1200 net per week or only lose 2 lbs per week. I think cutting 15-20% of calories per week is really the most effective for steady and long term weight loss.

    Yeah that's what I was wondering . When I didn't work out and lost weight I was so confused .
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    What type of exercise are you doing. Even if you elminate the processed food, there is still a question if you eat enough. 1400 is not that many calories. The two plateaus i have beaten have been from increasing my calories.
    I don't doubt your expertise on the subject, but I wonder if she suddenly cuts back on calorie intake, in theory, this should make her lose weight for short term, right? Then we could discuss that infamous "starvation mode"...

    Her body isn't necessarily in starvation mode but your body does hold onto fat and calories when you are not getting enough. I can almost guarentee that it's not a thyroid (if it is, then kick me in the butt, lol) but a combination from processed foods and not eating enough. This is also one of the reason why when I was only eating 1800 calories and doing p90x where I was burning 500-900 calories per session, after 3 months I didn't lose. So what did I do? I added natural foods in place of pre packaged foods, I upped my calories to 2600 and actually started a workout program that was less intense than p90x. The result another 5 lbs, 3% body fat decrease and 6" off my waist/hips/abs.

    Also keep in mind, that a 20 year old naturally has a higher metabolism than a 30 year old. A younger body tends to have greater muscle mass than an equivalent 30 or 40 year old. So if you take a 5'5" girl who is 20 and weighs 209, their BMR is estimated at 1776 vs the same girl at 30 and their estimated BMR is 1727 (according to As you age, your body tends to lose body fat (something liek 8% over 10 years from the reading I have seen). So if a person burns about 1800 calories by doing nothing but sleeping for 24 hours, what do you think the chance of losing weight are off of 1400 calories of very process foods? If you do some basic calculations utilizing TDEE (or the amount of energy expended through out the day) you will see a different story, see below:

    BMR = 1776
    Sedentary : 1776 * 1.2 = 2130
    Lightly Active: 1776 *1.375 = 2441
    Moderately Active: 1776 * 1.55 = 2752
    Very Active:1776 * 1.725 = 3063

    Now, to understand weight lose, you would have to add a deficit (probably 500 for 1 lb a week). So if her life was sedentary (with no workouts), you would aim for 1630 calories a day. Now add in the exercise calories (so if you average a burn of 400 calories per session) you are talking 2030 calories a day.

    The second option (the one I have utlized to get down to 10.5% body fat is by factoring in my exercing into my TDEE so I don't have to worry about catching up at 10 pm at night. Since i workout 5-6 days a week, I consider myself moderately active. using this logic, then you would be at 2252 calories (similar as above) and still lose weight. But even if you are moderately active and shoot for 2 lbs a week that only puts you at 1752 calories a day. Still more than she is averaging. I honestly think it's a combination of both under eating and poor food choices.

    Just this mans opinion, take it if you like. I fyou want more info let me know.

  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    thanks for all of yall's help so ok so basically, less processed foods, buy a scale, more veggies and fruit, possibly may not be eating enough? and uhh less sodium and track sugar, ok on it or wel im going to probably improve over the next week (one fam goes shopping again ) this has been tough and im happy i didnt quit (good support system aka my boyfriend ) so now that im doing c25k im seeing a little improvment in my legs soooo lets see how this goes only 7 more weeks :)