Oct. Challenge Week 2 Open!

Welcome everyone, Here's week 2 Challenge!!!

1. Pack your lunch all week. No eating out at work OR at home! We can do it!!!
2. If you work in a building with an elevator… don’t use it! If you don’t have an elevator, then park farther away from the door when you go somewhere, or do both!
3. 1 hour and 15 minutes of cardio! Oh my!!!
4. 45 minutes of strength training! We WILL have buns of steel! LOL
5. Try a new recipe this week and share what it was.

If you are like me, people at work are always trying to get you to eat out, or they bring in food for carry in’s, don’t let them lead you a stray. Don’t take money or debit cards with you. Leave them in the van, or at home. It has worked for me till the cafeteria started letting us swipe our badges and do payroll deduction for food. Now I have to be strong!

Getting off the elevator and parking farther lets you get more walking into your day, you’ll get into shape and feel better! You might want to invest in a stepper. I can’t spell the real name of them. I got mine at CVS for like 30 bucks. It is a real good one, and it doesn’t count steps when you shake it.
Brand of mine is: life fitness active step. Just an interesting toy really.

Go search a new recipe on line. There are so many to choose from! I could play for hours looking for new things, and most have pictures!

If you need the link to the spreadsheet message me!



  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Oh I hate following recipes I just like to make up my own. Mix and match and today I made couscous with onions and carrots which actually turned out to be good.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Sounds fun!
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    ooooooo hello week two :D
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Mmmm, I love couscous!! I have yet to meet a couscous I didn't want to nom on all day.

    The hardest part of this week for me will be the 45 mins of weight training. I have such wimpy arms that situps are embarrassing. I have such bad knees that squats and lunges set me back weeks in running.

    So weight training for me is me doing plank pose till I want to die, followed by a few meager attempts at flopping on my stomach I MEANpush ups, followed by tons of crunches and bridge poses...maybe some superman action.

    Anyone have any better suggestions? I tried doing the tricep push-ups where you use the edge of a chair behind you and raise and lower yourself? YEEEEEAAAH. Myself weighs A LOT and my arms gave out on my very first attempt.

    I don't own hand weights, and can't afford to get anything on my budget this month, so I'm just looking for great exercises that might help me meet this goal this week. I do own an inflatable exercise ball and a yoga mat, though, if anyone has upper body ideas with those!

    Edited to add: how do I get to the spreadsheet? Do I just post my stats here on Saturday?
  • jcarmel
    jcarmel Posts: 30
    Looking forward to it! This has helped get me back in the swing of things:)
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    Mmmm, I love couscous!! I have yet to meet a couscous I didn't want to nom on all day.

    The hardest part of this week for me will be the 45 mins of weight training. I have such wimpy arms that situps are embarrassing. I have such bad knees that squats and lunges set me back weeks in running.

    So weight training for me is me doing plank pose till I want to die, followed by a few meager attempts at flopping on my stomach I MEANpush ups, followed by tons of crunches and bridge poses...maybe some superman action.

    Anyone have any better suggestions? I tried doing the tricep push-ups where you use the edge of a chair behind you and raise and lower yourself? YEEEEEAAAH. Myself weighs A LOT and my arms gave out on my very first attempt.

    I don't own hand weights, and can't afford to get anything on my budget this month, so I'm just looking for great exercises that might help me meet this goal this week. I do own an inflatable exercise ball and a yoga mat, though, if anyone has upper body ideas with those!

    Edited to add: how do I get to the spreadsheet? Do I just post my stats here on Saturday?
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    we have used cans milk jugs with water for weights
  • strivingfor130
    strivingfor130 Posts: 221 Member
    I am hoping to get that exercise in for this next challenge. I didn't do so well on the 1st challenge. :(
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    sounds fun
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Great I always pack my lunch! Must remember the elevator challenge I'm on the 3rd floor at my office. I lost 1 lb from last week yay! This week should be a breeze. Thanks Jen! Goodluck everyone :wink:
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Is the exercise part everyday or that much per week? I second the advice about heavy cans for weight. I have done that before.
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    Cool! I am gonna work harder this week cos i was ill last week :(

    The scale didnt move this week, so hopefully i will have a loss next week once i get back on track :)
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    The workout is weekly time...

    Here's the spreadsheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqxTXEpIQxabdGR1U05jNGVkMTBLTi1kWmFvZk9RWEE&hl=en_US#gid=0

    Zoe: You can make something up, just as long as it is something new, you have never tried. that's all.
  • amitcham4
    amitcham4 Posts: 14 Member
    I stepped on the scale mentally preparing myself to have maintained this week and just did a happy dance around my house because I lost this week!! Yay! I am thankful for this challenge as it has focused me.

    Packed my lunch for today, planned out my other meals and my workout. Watch out week 2 here I come!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    My SW for the first week of the challenge was 179... and today I am at 177.4 ...I lost 2.2lbs this week! Definitely my best loss in quite a while. Thank goodness, I have been stuck at 179 for SO LONG now it's become disheartening. I literally came running out of the bathroom jumping for joy when I saw the scale this morning!!
    I added my CW to the spreadsheet. :) Thanks for starting this challenge Jennmoore!! I am LOVING THIS!
    I did drink my water this week, and then some... though I only logged my food for the last half of the week. I planned my meals out for the entire upcoming week though already, so logging next week won't be a problem. (Even with two Thanksgiving dinners to attend!) I also got out of my comfort zone, and got in my cardio and strength training by going to Curves, walking and jogging.

    May I propose a mini challenge for today?? I dare us all to get in 50 crunches, 50 squats and 100 jumping jacks. You can break it into small reps if you want, and you have all day to do them. :) Happy Friday all, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my fellow Canadians!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I will have no issue packing my lunch this week, I planned to anyway when I planned my meals for this week. :)
    I don't have an elevator at my work, so I'll park a little further from the door.
    As for cardio/Strength, I think I will make my goals...
    My new recipe this week is my breakfast for tomorrow. I plan on having the scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms and green peppers shown HERE: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/359936-a-photo-diary-of-my-meals-today

    Have a good day all!
  • wifewith2boys
    only did 1 day of exercise last week. thankfully I walk a lot at work. Getting a cold so will have to try extra hard to get the exercise in this week.
  • Malumyangel
    I am hoping to get that exercise in for this next challenge. I didn't do so well on the 1st challenge. :(

    I didn't do so hot on the 1st callenge either, we are gonna own week 2! WOOT WOOT
  • Malumyangel
    My SW for the first week of the challenge was 179... and today I am at 177.4 ...I lost 2.2lbs this week! Definitely my best loss in quite a while. Thank goodness, I have been stuck at 179 for SO LONG now it's become disheartening. I literally came running out of the bathroom jumping for joy when I saw the scale this morning!!
    I added my CW to the spreadsheet. :) Thanks for starting this challenge Jennmoore!! I am LOVING THIS!
    I did drink my water this week, and then some... though I only logged my food for the last half of the week. I planned my meals out for the entire upcoming week though already, so logging next week won't be a problem. (Even with two Thanksgiving dinners to attend!) I also got out of my comfort zone, and got in my cardio and strength training by going to Curves, walking and jogging.

    May I propose a mini challenge for today?? I dare us all to get in 50 crunches, 50 squats and 100 jumping jacks. You can break it into small reps if you want, and you have all day to do them. :) Happy Friday all, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my fellow Canadians!

    50 squats, 50 crunches, and 100 jumping jacks! OH MY! lol you're on I'm gonna give it a try.