Oct. Challenge Week 2 Open!



  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I forgot to mention... last week I didn't do perfect with cutting out my sugar. (My big downfall) though I have now gone two days without snacking after 8pm, or having any chocolate/candy/sweets.... A big victory for me there!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    So I was thinking about the lunch challenge......I think a bigger challenge for me would be to not eat dinners out. I have to bring my lunch every day because of my job. I'm a teacher....we can't really leave the building not enough time. So I'm going to say that I will limit the dinners out to one night.

    You go girl!!!

    I love that we are getting excited, and a mini daily challenge is so awesome! I am so in as well. I have a late start cuz it is almost lunch time here, but why not?!?
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm up 1.8 :sad: but I'm trying not to stress about it too much! I've read about a lot of people gaining their first week or two of 30DS. Plus it's my TOM. Next week will be better! I've just got to keep making good choices, food wise, doing 30DS, and getting other exercise in!

    I hand't heard about people gaining at first with 30DS maybe that's what's happened to me. I am up 2 lbs from last week too but it's about to be my TOM also... maybe I haven't blown it after all. This helps change my outlook. Thanks!
  • bekkadillon
    bekkadillon Posts: 200 Member
    I am finally down one pound!
    I've been stuck on 177-178 for SEVEN weeks!
    SW: 196
    CW: 176 YAY Me!
    GW: 136

    Can't wait to get to my crunches. Maybe we should add 10 push ups too?
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member

    Thank you! I'm SO in the zone, I'm in the mindset where i was 3 years ago when I first began this weight-loss journey!! I feel great and energized!!! Can't help but be enthusiastic! :D
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm up 1.8 :sad: but I'm trying not to stress about it too much! I've read about a lot of people gaining their first week or two of 30DS. Plus it's my TOM. Next week will be better! I've just got to keep making good choices, food wise, doing 30DS, and getting other exercise in!

    Carrie, temporary setback, i bet by next weigh-in you will have lost that and more!! I have faith in you girl!! You can do this!! Hugs!!
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    I forgot to mention... last week I didn't do perfect with cutting out my sugar. (My big downfall) though I have now gone two days without snacking after 8pm, or having any chocolate/candy/sweets.... A big victory for me there!

    Awesome on ur not snacking after 8pm!!! And also for laying off the sweets for two days, baby steps!!! My vice(addiction) is chocolate!! I've been w/o chocolate or any sweets for 10 days now!!! So i can sympathize!! WTG!!!
  • Malumyangel
    WOW, So many posts here, I want to reply to you all. Good job for those who lost, and good job to those who are frustrated too. We are all hanging in there, together! I did the mini challenge for the day and it feels great. 50 squats, 50 crunches, 100 jumping jacks. Keep doing your best everyone!
  • wifewith2boys
    Lost 2 pounds this week! Drank lots of water without adding flavoring. That was really hard for me to do. I cut way back on the diet sodas. Now I just need to add the exercise in this week. Hopefully this cold will go away soon!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i cant wait to way in tomorrow!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    First, if you guys add your own weight to the sheet you don't have to message me. Why do double the work? LOL :happy:

    I have been checking out the numbers, and I am so proud of everyone! I never thought I would get this much involvement from a challenge, ever! I am so motivated and excited! You all are making me this way! Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    I am working on the challenge for the day. Got in all jumping jacks, and 1/2 the squats. may not do any more of them. my legs are still sore from boot camp class. lol
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I forgot to mention... last week I didn't do perfect with cutting out my sugar. (My big downfall) though I have now gone two days without snacking after 8pm, or having any chocolate/candy/sweets.... A big victory for me there!

    Awesome on ur not snacking after 8pm!!! And also for laying off the sweets for two days, baby steps!!! My vice(addiction) is chocolate!! I've been w/o chocolate or any sweets for 10 days now!!! So i can sympathize!! WTG!!!

    Thanks!! I had no idea how much I was hooked on the sugary junk (chocolate is my biggest downfall.... ) Until I decided to cut it out. Today is day three without sweets, and night #3 of no snacks after 8pm. It feels easier already! Haha. I've taken to having an herbal tea (I drink it black) in the evening, and I find it as satisfying as any late-night bowl of icecream or sweet tarts ever were! :)

    I did the mini-challenge, all the jacks/squats/crunches. Did the Curves circuit, and walked for 40mins on my lunch. Going to have my tea, and relax before bedtime. Congrats and nice work to all of you, but keep it up because we still have work to do!! Nite all!
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    I'm dreading my weigh-in tomorrow morning! Eep! I am officially past my one week a month where I don't retain massive amounts of water. My ankles are already swollen up again. *sigh* My doctor said there's no reason for it (same reason there's no reason for my slow weight loss rate) just that that's how my body is. I don't have heart problems, so he's not worried about me. Worse, I've been drinking GALLONS more water than normal to try and kick a cold, and I had pizza two days in a row, so salt+extra water=even more bloat than normal.

    Stupid body!

    So weigh in tomorrow will be terrible, I'm predicting about four pounds up. I swear, I didn't eat sugar all week!

    I also didn't get in more than 15 mins of weight training. I was going to do it today, but I got home and conked for three hours on my cold meds. Tomorrow I'll make up for it with the mini challenge. : )

    Thanks for the tips about the gallon jug as a weight, I'll be doing triceps and biceps with that! Great idea!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Just finished the mini challenge and oh baby it hurts so good :smile: Good luck to anyone how has yet to weigh in.:heart:
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    confession time!!!

    1. Today at work I wanted those fries off of my friends plate. so, there were like 2 left, and I said something are you gonna eat those? And she said no you can have them... I sat there. Then like a cat, I ripped them off of her plate and tossed them across the room right into the trash. I did crush them in the process. It felt so good! Everyone in the room was shocked! LOL then we all cracked up laughing.

    2. Yesterday my hubby just HAD to have this pecan pie at the store. So i have looked at it all night tonight. I mentioned to him that I want to get a fork and eat the middle out of it, so bad. So he got a piece. he started in with the "1 piece won't hurt" "it is so good". So I got a small bite of his, and it was so wonderful... then I left the room with my water and fiber one bar and got on here.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I know I said goodnight already... (Lol) but I just thought to add another mini-challenge for tomorrow!!
    I am goIng to shoot for 25 push ups, and 25 dips. You can adapt the push ups to your ability.

    (Thanksgiving Dinner #1 tomorrow. :)
  • alirae75
    I forgot to mention... last week I didn't do perfect with cutting out my sugar. (My big downfall) though I have now gone two days without snacking after 8pm, or having any chocolate/candy/sweets.... A big victory for me there!

    Great job! Small steps make a big difference!
  • alirae75
    Mini challenge done. My legs are like jello!
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    Weight 209......Week 2 204 Down 5 WOO HOO!
    Chest 41.0..... 42
    Waist 38.0.....37.25 Down .75
    Left Leg 24.5.....26
    Right Leg 24.5.....25.5
    Left Arm 14.5 .....15
    Right Arm 15.0.....15
    Hips 44 - Same

    Help! Why am I going down in pounds but up in inches ?! It makes me feel like I am getting nowhere! GGGRRRR!!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I know I said goodnight already... (Lol) but I just thought to add another mini-challenge for tomorrow!!
    I am goIng to shoot for 25 push ups, and 25 dips. You can adapt the push ups to your ability.

    (Thanksgiving Dinner #1 tomorrow. :)

    so what are dips???