Oct. Challenge Week 2 Open!



  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I'm down 2 lbs this week. Woo hoo! I love the challenge for week 2!
  • Malumyangel
    Cool! I am gonna work harder this week cos i was ill last week :(

    The scale didnt move this week, so hopefully i will have a loss next week once i get back on track :)

  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    My SW for the first week of the challenge was 179... and today I am at 177.4 ...I lost 2.2lbs this week! Definitely my best loss in quite a while. Thank goodness, I have been stuck at 179 for SO LONG now it's become disheartening. I literally came running out of the bathroom jumping for joy when I saw the scale this morning!!
    I added my CW to the spreadsheet. :) Thanks for starting this challenge Jennmoore!! I am LOVING THIS!
    I did drink my water this week, and then some... though I only logged my food for the last half of the week. I planned my meals out for the entire upcoming week though already, so logging next week won't be a problem. (Even with two Thanksgiving dinners to attend!) I also got out of my comfort zone, and got in my cardio and strength training by going to Curves, walking and jogging.

    May I propose a mini challenge for today?? I dare us all to get in 50 crunches, 50 squats and 100 jumping jacks. You can break it into small reps if you want, and you have all day to do them. :) Happy Friday all, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my fellow Canadians!

    I will do these in the morning since I have an hour of Friday left
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member

    May I propose a mini challenge for today?? I dare us all to get in 50 crunches, 50 squats and 100 jumping jacks. You can break it into small reps if you want, and you have all day to do them. :) Happy Friday all, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my fellow Canadians!

    50 squats, 50 crunches, and 100 jumping jacks! OH MY! lol you're on I'm gonna give it a try.

    I just got in 25 of my squats in the bathroom at work haha... I didn't want people staring if I did it at my desk! :P 25 to go, 50 crnches to go.. and the 100 jacks. Not too awful when done in 'chunks' though! :)
  • SaraSatin
    SaraSatin Posts: 48 Member
    Can I join in? I really need something to force me to do this while packing up my house. Cardio = packing and carrying boxes up and down stairs. Weight training = tossing babies up in the air to get giggles (awesome triceps workout). How do I join in?
  • Malumyangel

    May I propose a mini challenge for today?? I dare us all to get in 50 crunches, 50 squats and 100 jumping jacks. You can break it into small reps if you want, and you have all day to do them. :) Happy Friday all, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my fellow Canadians!

    50 squats, 50 crunches, and 100 jumping jacks! OH MY! lol you're on I'm gonna give it a try.

    I just got in 25 of my squats in the bathroom at work haha... I didn't want people staring if I did it at my desk! :P 25 to go, 50 crnches to go.. and the 100 jacks. Not too awful when done in 'chunks' though! :)

    LOL, at work! I love you.
  • alirae75
    I'm down 0.6 pound from my starting weight!

    1. Pack your lunch all week. No eating out at work OR at home! -- Anyone have suggestions on salads? I love salads, I just don't like making them myself as I don't feel I am as creative.

    2. If you work in a building with an elevator… don’t use it! If you don’t have an elevator, then park farther away from the door when you go somewhere, or do both! -- Done!!!!

    3. 1 hour and 15 minutes of cardio! -- For the week or each day?

    4. 45 minutes of strength training! -- In need of some suggestions here? Would this be like sit ups, squats?

    5. Try a new recipe this week and share what it was. -- Love this idea

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Happy Friday to everyone!! So proud of all our accomplishments this week!!!! Sooo looking forward to Week 2!! YAY!
    My week 1 was fantastic, met all the wk1 goals, and some personal ones!!! Its been 10 days and no chocolate and a week with NO Diet Mt Dew(or any soft drinks), going to keep this going!!! Got in 142 mins of Cardio this week and 32 mins of Strength training!! YAY!!

    The greatest news yet is my Challenge SW was 258 and today I am (drum-roll.....)252.7!!!!!!!! 5.3lbs loss and 8.3lb loss total!!!

    I love the new Week 2 goals!! Packing my lunch and no eating out, will be super easy. Have been taking my lunch to work for 3 years now. We cook alot at home so eating out isn't an issue for me. I will use the stairs all wkend at work (unless i'm rolling a BIPAP/CPAP machine to a patients room or helping transport a pt.). The cardio challenge should be good too, I nearly got that this past week! I think I need to definitely step up my strength training!! I love the recipe challenge, i like the idea of trying something new! Good luck to everyone!!! I know we will ROCK week 2!!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I'm down 0.6 pound from my starting weight!

    1. Pack your lunch all week. No eating out at work OR at home! -- Anyone have suggestions on salads? I love salads, I just don't like making them myself as I don't feel I am as creative.

    2. If you work in a building with an elevator… don’t use it! If you don’t have an elevator, then park farther away from the door when you go somewhere, or do both! -- Done!!!!

    3. 1 hour and 15 minutes of cardio! -- For the week or each day?

    Happy Friday everyone!

    For a salad idea, I love chicken breasts, oven roasted with a side salad made of spinach, green pepper, tomato, hard boiled egg, red onion and cucumber.... and the exercise total is for the week. :)
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    My weight is up this week :sad:

    I know I had some bad days and made a some not so great food choices here and there but mostly everyday I was under my calorie goal and I have been doing week one of the c25k on the treadmill everyday and I am on L1D5 of JM 30 Day Shred and I really thought I should be down at least 2 lbs from last week but instead I am up 2 lbs.... it's hard not to get frustrated and say that all of this is not working but I am going to keep at it with hopes for a better week next week.
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I'm down a little this week which was a very pleasant surprise. I'm ready to take on this new week.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Happy Friday to everyone!! So proud of all our accomplishments this week!!!! Sooo looking forward to Week 2!! YAY!
    My week 1 was fantastic, met all the wk1 goals, and some personal ones!!! Its been 10 days and no chocolate and a week with NO Diet Mt Dew(or any soft drinks), going to keep this going!!! Got in 142 mins of Cardio this week and 32 mins of Strength training!! YAY!!

    The greatest news yet is my Challenge SW was 258 and today I am (drum-roll.....)252.7!!!!!!!! 5.3lbs loss and 8.3lb loss total!!!

    I love the new Week 2 goals!! Packing my lunch and no eating out, will be super easy. Have been taking my lunch to work for 3 years now. We cook alot at home so eating out isn't an issue for me. I will use the stairs all wkend at work (unless i'm rolling a BIPAP/CPAP machine to a patients room or helping transport a pt.). The cardio challenge should be good too, I nearly got that this past week! I think I need to definitely step up my strength training!! I love the recipe challenge, i like the idea of trying something new! Good luck to everyone!!! I know we will ROCK week 2!!

  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    My weight is up this week :sad:

    I know I had some bad days and made a some not so great food choices here and there but mostly everyday I was under my calorie goal and I have been doing week one of the c25k on the treadmill everyday and I am on L1D5 of JM 30 Day Shred and I really thought I should be down at least 2 lbs from last week but instead I am up 2 lbs.... it's hard not to get frustrated and say that all of this is not working but I am going to keep at it with hopes for a better week next week.

    How was your sodium intake? It could have been water retention. Don't give up, and don't lose hope! Resolve to eat cleaner this week, and keep at it... you WILL succeed! :)
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member

    May I propose a mini challenge for today?? I dare us all to get in 50 crunches, 50 squats and 100 jumping jacks. You can break it into small reps if you want, and you have all day to do them. :)

    You got it!
  • Jrisl86
    Jrisl86 Posts: 25 Member
    I did Okay for the week one challenge. My weight is the same as last friday :( But i guess its better than gaining weight. Im excited for this weeks challenge, eating out is something I need to work on. However, it will definetly be a challenge!! The exercise should be no problem. I dont have an elevator at work and our parking lot is pretty small, so when i go somewhere such as the grocery store i will park farther away. Im a really picky eater so finding a new reciepe is something I look forward to!!
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    I'm up 1.8 :sad: but I'm trying not to stress about it too much! I've read about a lot of people gaining their first week or two of 30DS. Plus it's my TOM. Next week will be better! I've just got to keep making good choices, food wise, doing 30DS, and getting other exercise in!
    Here are my stats

    SW 213
    GW 135
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Didn't lose a lot but its going in the right direction!

    I contacted my old hiking buddies yesterday for some fall hikes, so that will definitely push me.

    Try not to stress Carrie, you could be holding water with TOM.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I'm up 1.8 :sad: but I'm trying not to stress about it too much! I've read about a lot of people gaining their first week or two of 30DS. Plus it's my TOM. Next week will be better! I've just got to keep making good choices, food wise, doing 30DS, and getting other exercise in!
    Here are my stats

    SW 213
    GW 135

    Well, you seem tot have the attitude this requires! Just stick to it like you said, and you will lose! :)

    ...got my squats in.... now for jacks and crunches! haha
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    So I was thinking about the lunch challenge......I think a bigger challenge for me would be to not eat dinners out. I have to bring my lunch every day because of my job. I'm a teacher....we can't really leave the building not enough time. So I'm going to say that I will limit the dinners out to one night.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Can I still join this challenge??? I am looking for something that is going to help me stay on track and kick start my weight loss