Females: How many calories are you eating daily?



  • mabonnevie107
    mabonnevie107 Posts: 6 Member
    1400-1800ish depending on the amount and type of exercise I do. I'm not trying to worry so much about calories but I like this site for just recording what I eat and how I work out. restricting too much has never led to anything lasting or good for me, even if the loss is slower this way.
  • I am 41 and my calorie goal is 1200 per day and no I generally do not eat back my exercise calories. Occasionally I go up to 1400.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    im 18, 158cm tall (5"2) 50kg(110lb), im maintaining and trying to make 2000 a day (includes exercise) but lately ive been more active so i may have to increase it! :)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    I'm 46, 5'2" and 160.6 lb (weigh in day is Saturday). My calorie goal is 1200ish and I try to eat back every last calorie I burn during exercise. Since I like to eat, I really don't have to try too hard. :smile:
  • persistenttiger
    persistenttiger Posts: 25 Member
    1900. I'm at goal and trying to build muscle though. That factors in burning 1800 calories a week from exercise. I was still losing (slowly) eating 1650 and eating exercise calories back. I'm 5"2 and weigh 51kg.
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)
  • I try to stay at 1000 calories a day and not go over 25 carbs. I am 5'4" and weigh 126. I have lost 7 lbs in a month. I never eat back my excersize calories.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)

    You're doing just fine hun. Keep it up. <3
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm 24, 5'6'', about 130 lbs or so. I eat between 2000 and 2400 calories a day. I don't count calories anymore, so I can't say for sure if I eat my exercise calories back, but I definitely eat more on days that I lift. I eat healthy organic foods and limit my carbs though, but other than that I eat what/when I want. I'm trying to eat more actually, I really want to work on lifting heavier and building muscle.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    1200-1400 cals and usualy eat back half my work out cals
  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 44, weigh 159lbs, generally eat around 1150 a day - I do very little exercise due to back issues so generally only burning off around 150-250 cals 3-4 times a week. My weightloss is very slow 4 weeks in now, after a very good kick start of losing 6lbs in the first 2 weeks - so not sure if body just catching up - or if I need to tweak. As low carb diets have worked best for me in the past i aim for 45% protein, 20% carb, 35% fat.

    Mfp puts me at 1200 a day to lose 1lb a week.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    1260 and I almost never eat back exercise cals.
  • jussy83
    jussy83 Posts: 26
    I'm on a 1250cal a day program, this is my loosing weight calories, and when i want to maintain i add 500cal per day... I eat what ever calories i burn off :wink:
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    25, 5'5 & I eat 1200 calories. i exercise 6 days in a week & try to eat my calories. MFP has me on 1200 & estimating a weight loss of 1 lb per week.. but thanks to working out & eating my cals ( most days), m loosing 2lbs per week.
  • my goal is 1200 som days im under a little bit. i dont eat them all back but if im, hungry i take advantage of them
  • I don't count calories anymore as you can get obbessed by them. Nowdays I eat when I am hungry and ensure it is healthy food rather than anything fattening.

    I used to count calories and would start worrying if I went over my allotted calories which would stress me out which could at times lead to a bit of comfort eating.

    Using the not counting calories method I have lost 4 and a half stones (63 pounds).

    PS: I did not start using my fittness until I was halfway through my new regime.
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Wow you'all are soo good!
    My calorie goal is 1700 p/day and I usually exercise approximately 1000 calories worth p/day.
    Every day I definitely eat my 1700 cals... and i usually do munch through half of my exercise cals too!

    I have read a few other people's food diaries and notice how little some people have been eating.
    I try and eat healthily. Not too much fat/sugar/salt... but not too restrictive.
    Because I exercise alot, I need the extra boost of food; be it an extra sandwich or more fruit etc...
    At night I always allow myself a hot milo drink.
    I would probably lose more weight faster if I severely restrict my calorie intake... but i do want to have energy and be happy and not tired and lerthargic, so I am not worried about my 1700 cals + eating exercise cals etc..
    So that's just a snippet bout me!

    If anyone would like to add me, feel free :D
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Eating 1200-1300 calories a day and not burning off my exercise calories. I tend to net at around 900 cal a day.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Double posted odd
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    im 28 and originally had my goal set at 1200 calories but i was forever hungry and found myself binge eating , this time round i have set my goal at losing 1.5 lbs per week which gives me a cal content of 1500
    i sometimes eat my burn cos i find that the more excercise i do the more food my body needs for fuel:)
    if i dont eat my burn then that is just awesome, i like to go by my weekly average which is 1400 for this past week:)
    this stops the pressure feeling of being over one day then under the next:)

    good luck on your journey