Females: How many calories are you eating daily?



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm sorry but this post is full of myths and broscience. Your metabolism does not go down because you don't eat for a few hours. Please go do some research so you don't continue to misinform people. My metabolism is not in "shut down" mode *sigh*

    I said your metabolism is down because you have lost muscle mass being in starvation mode and not doing any exercise for so long. That is what happens! Its a scientific fact! And also because your eating the one meal at night it is not normal for a healthy body to not be hungry throughout the day time hours. Your body is shutting itself down. Meaning low metabolism. When you go so long between meals your metabolism lowers itself. Thats why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your metabolism is at its lowest point when you wake up in the morning. Breakfast helps to spike up your metabolism. Because you dont/didnt eat breakfast or lunch on that one day means your metabolism is very low right through the whole day until you eat your dinner at night time. So what this means is the whole day you are burning very little calories. Metabolism thinks it is starving so is slowing everything down to prevent famine. Your metabolism will spike up when you eat dinner and stay up for the nightime for a few hours until you wake up the next morning. Its far better to eat throughout the day. You'll burn more calories this way!


    I realize you think you're being helpful, but once again you are regurgitating myths. Those things are just not true!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I am not in starvation and I'm very healthy. Where do you get off making these judgments of me? For your info you can keep most muscle mass with a decent protein intake and strength training. Go do some research on that. And I hope that in your first para you weren't addressing me by saying "you". I work out plenty but you wouldn't know that - so don't go around making assumptions.

    I read that you said you did not work out. You cooked and cleaned and didn't have time for it!? Page 11
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Technically my goal is 1200 kcal. I work out quite a bit and I don't worry about eating the exercise calories as such but I do worry about eating enough nutrition. I usually eat 1500-2000 kcal per day if I work out and often my net is around or under 1200kcal. If I don't work out then I still eat at least 1500 kcal because I don't think 1200 kcal is enough nutritionally.
  • BethanyAnn14
    I try to eat less than a 1,000, but thats cause I'm pretty tiny and if you wanna lose weigh at my weight you gotta eat less
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I am not in starvation and I'm very healthy. Where do you get off making these judgments of me? For your info you can keep most muscle mass with a decent protein intake and strength training. Go do some research on that. And I hope that in your first para you weren't addressing me by saying "you". I work out plenty but you wouldn't know that - so don't go around making assumptions.

    I read that you said you did not work out. You cooked and cleaned and didn't have time for it!? Page 11
    she said she didnt have time for 2 hour workouts - not that she didnt exercise at all
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I'm sorry but this post is full of myths and broscience. Your metabolism does not go down because you don't eat for a few hours. Please go do some research so you don't continue to misinform people. My metabolism is not in "shut down" mode *sigh*

    I said your metabolism is down because you have lost muscle mass being in starvation mode and not doing any exercise for so long. That is what happens! Its a scientific fact! And also because your eating the one meal at night it is not normal for a healthy body to not be hungry throughout the day time hours. Your body is shutting itself down. Meaning low metabolism. When you go so long between meals your metabolism lowers itself. Thats why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your metabolism is at its lowest point when you wake up in the morning. Breakfast helps to spike up your metabolism. Because you dont/didnt eat breakfast or lunch on that one day means your metabolism is very low right through the whole day until you eat your dinner at night time. So what this means is the whole day you are burning very little calories. Metabolism thinks it is starving so is slowing everything down to prevent famine. Your metabolism will spike up when you eat dinner and stay up for the nightime for a few hours until you wake up the next morning. Its far better to eat throughout the day. You'll burn more calories this way!


    I realize you think you're being helpful, but once again you are regurgitating myths. Those things are just not true!

    This is pure scientific fact!

    Well obviously I haven't helped you as you are not open to it. Hopefully someone else will read and learn!

    bye. oh well i tried :)

    I think i might leave this topic now. its too frustrating. feels like im beating my head against a wall
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    As I read what you type, you've got some of your facts straight but not all of them. It's ok, none of us know everything. Seriously, take a look at those links I posted Kim55555. Open your mind to something different aside from what's always in the limelight.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I'd like to read where you've gotten your info from, can you point me in the right direction? Seems like you do alot of reading on the topic. Links?
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    As I read what you type, you've got some of your facts straight but not all of them. It's ok, none of us know everything. Seriously, take a look at those links I posted Kim55555. Open your mind to something different aside from what's always in the limelight.

    Which things do you think i dont have correct? the eating frequently info i gave. i agree 3 meals would be ok. i like to eat more than this. but i go by what i say and i have read this that if you are just eating at night time your metabolism will be down throughout the day it wont get that spike that you get at breaky that you need and you will suffer until you first eat. its the thermogenetic effect of food too which increases your metabolism.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I'd like to read where you've gotten your info from, can you point me in the right direction? Seems like you do alot of reading on the topic. Links?

    i wish i had saved them all lol. im typing from my head atm

    ive been reading tom venuto

    and heaps of stuff too

    also have studied sports science at one stage at uni.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Ow noes! The proof is in the pudding! Where's the pudding! OMG no pudding. I like pudding. =)
  • Mandys_Getting_Fit
    I'm a small framed 5'3" and 128 lbs and working on some vanity weight. I'd like to be between 115 & 120 lbs. I'm a stay-at-home-mom, so I listed my daily activity level as sedetary. I do the housework, take care of the kids, walk my older daughter to and from school 5 days per week, etc. I don't think I burn too many calories doing that though and MFP calculates my daily burn from day to day stuff at 1600. So at 1/2 pound weekly loss, my daily calorie goal is currently set at 1350. I do some cardio/muscle work 3 to 5 times per week and burn anywhere from 300 to 500 calories at a time. If I'm hungry, I'll eat some those calories back. If not, it's not a big deal to me. Today, for example, I ate closer to 1500 calories.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    As I read what you type, you've got some of your facts straight but not all of them. It's ok, none of us know everything. Seriously, take a look at those links I posted Kim55555. Open your mind to something different aside from what's always in the limelight.

    always open. thats what i love about internet forums. and discussions. always new things to learn and to listen to different peoples views. :)

    well - limelight. i was replying to some posts. dunno if those topics are in the limelight.


    catchya later
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'd like to read where you've gotten your info from, can you point me in the right direction? Seems like you do alot of reading on the topic. Links?

    i wish i had saved them all lol. im typing from my head atm

    ive been reading tom venuto

    and heaps of stuff too

    I love Lyle McDonald and www.bodyrecomposition.com. I have two of his books, he's great!

    Opinions will always differ, but Tom Venuto is a tad outdated, IMHO. He does represent the "eat more frequently" crowd, but he also has tons of other useful info in his books. Newer science is emerging. The whole "eat breakfast to lose weight" theory is also based on correlation, not causation. I am not blatantly disagreeing with you though, I eat 1700 - 2200 calories a day. Lots of people have success on intermittent fasting regimes as well. Me personally I do best on 3 square a day, and don't think anyone should eat if they're not hungry. People do what works best for them.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am not in starvation and I'm very healthy. Where do you get off making these judgments of me? For your info you can keep most muscle mass with a decent protein intake and strength training. Go do some research on that. And I hope that in your first para you weren't addressing me by saying "you". I work out plenty but you wouldn't know that - so don't go around making assumptions.

    I read that you said you did not work out. You cooked and cleaned and didn't have time for it!? Page 11

    Yeah, no time for TWO HOUR workouts. I do have time for a ONE HOUR workout. You need to read more carefully and stop assuming things. So I do workout very regularly - but with my (very good) fitness level and low (but healthy) weight, it's hard to burn enough cals to justify eating too much more than I already do if I still want to stay in a deficit.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I'd like to read where you've gotten your info from, can you point me in the right direction? Seems like you do alot of reading on the topic. Links?

    Here's one before i get going. Pretty interesting article



    Also check out

    Scooby's website and forum board. He's pretty cool

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I NET Inbetween 1300-1600.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I honestly don't know how anyone could eat all or most of their calories at once. I'm sure it works fine for some people, but I generally feel over-stuffed eating any more than 500 calories in one sitting (depending on the food). My brothers, on the other hand...