Braless at the gym...



  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    There is a 50 year old lady at my gym who does this... on machines. I say ewwww! Thoughts?

    Normally I would be all for this, but I think at age 50 more ladies are not equiped for it anymore.
    This strikes me as age biased. I do plenty of chest and peck strength training to keep the girls perky and upright. I've seen plenty of younger women at the gym who have seen greater effects of gravity than many of those ladies over age 50.
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    There is a 50 year old lady at my gym who does this... on machines. I say ewwww! Thoughts?

    Normally I would be all for this, but I think at age 50 more ladies are not equiped for it anymore.
    This strikes me as age biased. I do plenty of chest and peck strength training to keep the girls perky and upright. I've seen plenty of younger women at the gym who have seen greater effects of gravity than many of those ladies over age 50.

    Agreed I'm 32 and I'd trip over mine on the treadmill if it weren't for my supportive friend!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    There is a 50 year old lady at my gym who does this... on machines. I say ewwww! Thoughts?

    Normally I would be all for this, but I think at age 50 more ladies are not equiped for it anymore.
    This strikes me as age biased. I do plenty of chest and peck strength training to keep the girls perky and upright. I've seen plenty of younger women at the gym who have seen greater effects of gravity than many of those ladies over age 50.

    I didn't say that some 50+ year olds don't have perky ones (though I don't know from experience that they do either, hard to tell with a bra on), just that the law of averages is against you at that age. If you have good genetics and work at you might be just fine.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    As long as she is covered up and she is okay with how she looks, I don't think the probelm is hers. We can't all be firm, fit and fabulous forever. It may not be the most attractive to some and it might not fit the normal fashion at the gym, but maybe she's just there to work out and isn't trying to impress anyone with her fashion sense.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    There is a 50 year old lady at my gym who does this... on machines. I say ewwww! Thoughts?

    Normally I would be all for this, but I think at age 50 more ladies are not equiped for it anymore.
    This strikes me as age biased. I do plenty of chest and peck strength training to keep the girls perky and upright. I've seen plenty of younger women at the gym who have seen greater effects of gravity than many of those ladies over age 50.

    I didn't say that some 50+ year olds don't have perky ones (though I don't know from experience that they do either, hard to tell with a bra on), just that the law of averages is against you at that age. If you have good genetics and work at you might be just fine.
    Genetics does come into play with all things saggy, but just to pull out age 50 from your hat does seem biased. Your implication is that "at that age" "50+year" it's inevitable. Sorry, but that's not true. Any age and gender can get you the sags.
    I guess I'm tired of hearing that age 50 is such a turning point. I feel better today at 50 than I did at 40....
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    double post
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I say ewww and ouch. Obviously she is not THAT covered up if other people know she is braless.

    There are days that I wear 2 bras compression shorts and 2 ankle braces! If I have a blowout someone is going DOWNNNN.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    You should suggest protective eyewear and kneepads next time you see her.

    Just today, whilst waiting for my daughter to finish swim class, I watched an older woman come out for her reserved swim lane. When she turned around, she had at least 8 inches of sagging swimsuit crotch hanging down. She then turned her butt to face the opposite way, sparing my vision and mind from further duress thankfully. Though, upon turning around and stretching her legs apart to get into the pool, I could bet money on her doing a Geriatric Sharon Stone impression to the lifeguard with her flappy crotch. I swear from the sickened grin on his face, he almost either puked and/or burst out laughing.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member

    I didn't say that some 50+ year olds don't have perky ones (though I don't know from experience that they do either, hard to tell with a bra on), just that the law of averages is against you at that age. If you have good genetics and work at you might be just fine.
    Genetics does come into play with all things saggy, but just to pull out age 50 from your hat does seem biased. Your implication is that "at that age" "50+year" it's inevitable. Sorry, but that's not true. Any age and gender can get you the sags.
    I guess I'm tired of hearing that age 50 is such a turning point. I feel better today at 50 than I did at 40....

    OK, I'm getting fed up here so I'll just not respond or attempt to be polite anymore to someone who obviously has some body image issues.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    She probably has a reason she goes bra-less, even if its just personal preference. You'll never know.
    I asked a lady at the gym once why she did aerobics bare footed, (something most of us wouldn't do), and she had a long medical reason for her choice. The lady at your gym may not have a medical condition of some kind that makes it uncomfortable to wear a bra, but either way, I'd say live and let live.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Is it that she is 50 or the bra less thing that bothers you? Cause regardless of age you should have enough sense to wear a bra.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I can see a few possible reasons.

    Where I'd identify the most- I vaguely remember being an A cup (when I was 12), and I don't recall them bouncing all that much, or being uncomfortable when they did. And even at a D cup, except for TOM, my boobs never hurt when I bounce, supported or not. And I sweat. A LOT. You know the saying. "women don't sweat, they glow"? Well, not in my case; I sweat acid rain that kills smurfs. If I didn't need a bra, I wouldn't want to be wearing a sweaty one.

    So assuming your middle-aged friend was never blessed by perpetually-expanding boobage, I totally get it.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't get it, totally distracting and not in a good way. There's a woman who doesn't wear a bra during step classes, I wouldn't look but since I'm the instructor I'm supposed to look at everyone.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Eeewwwww. gross. bra less anywhere is gross to me though.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    WOW! A lot of opinions on this topic.
    1. Loved the guy who said he would rather see tata's than man balls hanging out of their shorts!
    2. I'm 47 and I have DD's and feel they look pretty. You know how it goes. When you are 20, 40 is old; when you are 30, 50 is old; etc... The older you get, the older old is.
    3. I admit, the girls could be distracting and should be covered up.
    4. If she wants to let them "fly" I suppose it shouldn't bother me, but it is noticeable.
    5. Rarely came across a man that wasn't fascinated by a braless boob.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Is it that she is 50 or the bra less thing that bothers you? Cause regardless of age you should have enough sense to wear a bra.

    Wearing a bra isn't about having sense.

    It actually makes more sense if you go with medical reasoning to go without a bra.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    If I had boobs that stayed up where I didn't need a bra, I'd so do it. As it is, I can't do it. I'd have no problem seeing other woman braless, but maybe I'm just a perv. :tongue:
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Eeewwwww. gross. bra less anywhere is gross to me though.

    intresting , maybe less attractive at times, but gross? have we issues?
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Why would it bother me? I don't care what she wears, it's not my business as long as everything is covered up.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    She probably has a reason she goes bra-less, even if its just personal preference. You'll never know.
    I asked a lady at the gym once why she did aerobics bare footed, (something most of us wouldn't do), and she had a long medical reason for her choice. The lady at your gym may not have a medical condition of some kind that makes it uncomfortable to wear a bra, but either way, I'd say live and let live.

    This is very true, my mother who has had acid reflux, had a lung removed 15 years ago, her esophagus shifted due to the empty space. due to the shift her reflux is worse, she can not wear a bra at all or she gets in so much pain she cannot breath. and defianly forget her eating in one. trying to wear a bra works better than gastric by pass for her.