Creepy guy in the weight room advice



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I recommend taking a self defense class if you can find one. I also think you should try to be aware of your surroundings as much as possible. Don't wear headphones or hats. You want your field of vision to be open and your ears open so you can always be aware of who is nearby.

    Tell your friends and coworkers that he gives you the creeps and ask them to keep an eye out for you. They might be helpful, they might not, but if something happens to you, you would want everyone to know who the suspects are.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Also the guys in here that think we're being overly-paranoid...fortunately for you, you will never have to live life with the fear that somebody will attack you simply because you're viewed as an inferior and weak person due to your gender. You don't have to carry rape whistles, mace, pepper spray, tasers and other precautions when going for a jog. You don't have to worry like a woman does. Is this guy more than likely harmless, of course, but as women who deal with living life like this, we have to be overly cautious. Women are always blamed for everything. "She wanted it", "she was dressed scantily" etc. We're always blamed and told it's out fault we're attacked and raped. So yeah, we are paranoid, because god forbid this guy is a sicko and thinks that in her workout clothes, she's trying to seduce him or whatever. We have to be overly cautious because society teaches us that if we aren't, bad things will happen to us and they will be our fault. Be lucky, you can live a much more worry free life.

    100% true. couldn't have said it better.