Do you want people drooling over your profile?



  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I like when people drool, however if I was single, there would be no "lines' that wouldn'r be crossed, for now classy lady pictures. I say more power to the people who show it off, I would if my husband would let me lol
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    Ugh negative.......................

    My best assets are definately NOT on display (those are for hubby ONLY)...... and guys hitting on me here makes me want to puke.... just sayin'

    ... and yet your avatar is you dressed in a low cut top and a super short skirt with your leg up so you can see up it almost to your crotch?

  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I wouldn't want someone from RL googling me and finding a semi-naked picture of me.

    You shouldn't post anything (semi-naked picture or not) online that can come back to you with a google search.

    Pretty much everything online is googleable. Most forums, this one included, are open.

    You obviously aren't getting the point. If you google my full name, you are not going to find MFP in the search. Nor will you find the deals sites I go to. Or the finance sites I go to. Are there people capable of identifying my ISP and compiling information on me? No doubt. But not the average person doing a google search.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    I haven't made any judgement at all. I generally don't give a toss what other people do. But it's nice to know you are defensive to the point of insult. I'll avoid commenting on anything you write in future.

    You're being disingenous. You started this topic. Everyone of your posts read along the lines of "Do you people really want to show so much skin? I'd feel like I was being trashy." If you don't think that's judgmental you don't understand the term. You can't say "Oh I really don't care what other people do" when you started the thread titled "Do you want people drooling over your profile?" Clearly it matters to you quite a bit.

    No I haven't. I don't use words like trashy and haven't implied it. I did start the topic but I think you are confusing my replies with someone else's. All I have said is that I wouldn't get semi naked on an open forum. I wouldn't. I am hostly surprised so many people don't mind strangers seeing them like that, but that's not a judgement in any way. Surprise isn't disapproval. Not every statement has intent, which is something that people often find hard to grasp online.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    i was JUST thinking about this today!! i personally dont see the reason behind a *kitten* shot or a crotch shot or boobs.....your just ASKING for attention....and one's pictures just sum up who they are w/in a few glances IMO. vanity is a *****.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    No I haven't. I don't use words like trashy and haven't implied it. I did start the topic but I think you are confusing my replies with someone else's. All I have said is that I wouldn't get semi naked on an open forum. I wouldn't. I am hostly surprised so many people don't mind strangers seeing them like that, but that's not a judgement in any way. Surprise isn't disapproval. Not every statement has intent, which is something that people often find hard to grasp online.

    And to that I say... you make a very good point. You never did accuse anyone of being trashy or slutty. In my mind (and I'm willing to bet the minds of many others) it was inferred. If all you wanted to do was express surprise it comes off making less sense than if you were trying to quietly pass judgment. If it's really no big deal to you I don't understand why start the thread? Clearly you know some people like the attention they get from the pictures they post, it doesn't take a therapist to realize that. So what's the next step? You say "Do you people like this? I know I sure don't. I think it's a bad idea to post pics like that on the internet." Well what response do you expect from people who disagree with you? You're saying that your statement has no intent. Ok. But why start a thread then?
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I wouldn't want someone from RL googling me and finding a semi-naked picture of me.

    And that's fine, for YOU. I don't see anyone here telling you that you must. But your continued comments to or about those who have profile pictures that YOU would never post are coming across as very judgmental to or about those people. Some people just have a different reason / approach / outlook / perspective on the matter.

    I haven't anywhere said people shouldn't post whatever pictures they want. I'm just asking what the intention is. No judgement implied.

    I love the way some people manage to take EVERYTHING written online as a personal attack.

    The initial post you asked the intention. Then when people said, "This is why I do it," you repeatedly said, 'I wouldn't do it" in a manner that comes across as insulting to anybody who would do it. It's one thing to ask intention. it's another entirely to tell people who provide you the requested information how your way of doing things is different because of x, y, and z, and fill it with the implication that they are wrong because they do not see things the way you do.

    I do not see everything written online as a personal attack. I just feel some of the later-than-original posts you made in this thread came across as condescending and/or judgmental.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    being proud of what i worked so hard for and showing it off. if i would have someone drool over my pics or profile thats an extra compliment to me :)

    I'm gonna amend my answer to agree with this.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    being proud of what i worked so hard for and showing it off. if i would have someone drool over my pics or profile thats an extra compliment to me :)

    Definitely complimenting you right now! :love:
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I don't condem people for putting up their pics whether they be scantily clad or whatever. And I can't say that if I had the kind of body to show, I would do. I mean.. lol 50 this Friday, who wants to look at that besides my husband? lol But I don't think I would do it because of the steps that employers take these days to find out information about people.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I want my profile pic to serve as a warning

    Warning taken.. do not mess with you, or else you will get poked to death. ooy!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I wouldn't want someone from RL googling me and finding a semi-naked picture of me.

    And that's fine, for YOU. I don't see anyone here telling you that you must. But your continued comments to or about those who have profile pictures that YOU would never post are coming across as very judgmental to or about those people. Some people just have a different reason / approach / outlook / perspective on the matter.

    I haven't anywhere said people shouldn't post whatever pictures they want. I'm just asking what the intention is. No judgement implied.

    I love the way some people manage to take EVERYTHING written online as a personal attack.

  • ThinspiredButterfly
    ThinspiredButterfly Posts: 176 Member
    I am proud! Although I am very critical of my body and I have a LONG way to go before I am perfect (in my eyes) I want to remind myself of what I have accomplished. I also want to show others what they can achieve.

    u look perfect to me. id love to look like you!!!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    The bottom line is that it is a public,free to use Internet site and within the confines of the printed rules whatever a person wants to use as an AV is their business and theirs alone.
    Everyone else is free to choose whether to interact with them or not or participate in the forums.

    In short,if you think someones pic is too revealing or put up to attract attention from the opposite sex (I may have missed it but strangely no complaints about guys posting shirtless pics for some reason) just get over it,it isn`t any of your concern.
    If it somehow affects your happiness then rather than carping about it some inner reflection seems like it should be more in order.
  • ThinspiredButterfly
    ThinspiredButterfly Posts: 176 Member

    I haven't made any judgement at all. I generally don't give a toss what other people do. But it's nice to know you are defensive to the point of insult. I'll avoid commenting on anything you write in future.

    You're being disingenous. You started this topic. Everyone of your posts read along the lines of "Do you people really want to show so much skin? I'd feel like I was being trashy." If you don't think that's judgmental you don't understand the term. You can't say "Oh I really don't care what other people do" when you started the thread titled "Do you want people drooling over your profile?" Clearly it matters to you quite a bit.

    i COMPLETELY agree
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    being proud of what i worked for. I don't care about the opposite sex. i'd rather show females that they can EAT and still get a body they can be proud of!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    *kissy pouty face*
    *tongue sticky outty*
    *look at my bewbs!*
    *I'm making a sultry sex face*

    Everyone loves to post em, no one likes to admit that they do!

    This site is a bit different, its about bodies changing, and being proud, and motivation and body shots in bikinis seem like no biggie.....
    ....but you have to admit, the look at me I'm so kewt! pics BEG explanation...if only to call those people out!
    we've all taken em.

    I can honestly say I have never taken any of the pictures listed above.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Oh, come on....give the OP a break!
    Self taken signature "myspace pics" are ALWAYS hilarious! And everyone knows it!!

    *kissy pouty face*
    *tongue sticky outty*
    *look at my bewbs!*
    *I'm making a sultry sex face*

    Everyone loves to post em, no one likes to admit that they do!

    This site is a bit different, its about bodies changing, and being proud, and motivation and body shots in bikinis seem like no biggie.....
    ....but you have to admit, the look at me I'm so kewt! pics BEG explanation...if only to call those people out!
    we've all taken em.

    Hilarity. The internet is a strange place.

    This whole thread makes me laugh. Love it.

    Can you repeat that in English for me? I think I agree with you but I can't be quite sure...