Do you want people drooling over your profile?



  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    In my dreams! No-one would drool over my 44-year body whatever I did to it. But you can bet your booty, the moment I get down to my ideal weight, you'll be seeing a bikini picture. Not because I think anyone would drool over it or I'd find the next future-ex-Mr Berry, but because I'd be damned proud and I'd hope I'd be an inspiration to other older women looking to get a hod bod. How cool would it be to get asked, "How did you do that?!"

    I have to tell you that I have a friend that is 41 and she is GORGEOUS! She has an awesome body!! She even looks better than girls 10 years younger than her! She is half Asian and sometimes I think that helps her out some lol..... BUT she takes really good care of herself. Don't think that just because you are a little older that you won't look as nice as a younger girl! I'm sure that you are beautiful inside and out! :)
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Ugh negative.......................

    My best assets are definately NOT on display (those are for hubby ONLY)...... and guys hitting on me here makes me want to puke.... just sayin'

    Love it! :) Well said! :)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I just wonder, looking at some people's profiles. Are you simply showing off your best bits in a being proud of you achievements way, or are you trying to look hot to the opposite sex?

    At this particular juncture in my diet and physical fitness journey, my success is waning. So, right, now I'll just have to settle for looking pretty.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Sure thing.
    Let me break it down.

    Oh, I seeeeeee. Well why didn't you just say so?

    I disagree.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Sorry. Those were the female category.
    Males have their own asterisked self taken photo categories....but they seem less hilarious to me for some reason.
    That said, I really can't imagine you taking any of those pictures. ha.

    Yeah, I am more of a video guy. :tongue:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    EDIT: Ha! no wonder you aren't amused by the self portraits and/or think boob shots are funny, as I see one of your friends has a pair as a profile picture. Carry on not being amused, then! Enjoy those boobies!

    If you click on the woman's profile, you will see she changed it from the boob picture. She changed it to a much better treat! :tongue:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Well, comprehension leads to the formation of one's own opinion, in most cases, I'm glad I could help you to understand.
    Congrats, and I'm sorry you do not think the thread is funny, because it has been quite entertaining for me.

    EDIT: Ha! no wonder you aren't amused by the self portraits and/or think boob shots are funny, as I see one of your friends has a pair as a profile picture. Carry on not being amused, then! Enjoy those boobies!

    How very dare you Madam. Please do not put words in my mouth. I have plenty of my own.

    Now that you have sullied my good name with your monstrous assertions about signature portraiture I will bid you adieu! Please do not darken my doorstep again. Now where I can find some bewbs?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I humbly request all pictures referenced be posted in this know for science.
  • ThinspiredButterfly
    ThinspiredButterfly Posts: 176 Member
    EDIT: Ha! no wonder you aren't amused by the self portraits and/or think boob shots are funny, as I see one of your friends has a pair as a profile picture. Carry on not being amused, then! Enjoy those boobies!

    If you click on the woman's profile, you will see she changed it from the boob picture. She changed it to a much better treat! :tongue:

    i saw that..i want her *kitten* xD
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    *runs off to take 50 self portraits before deciding on just the right one for my PROFILE*
    (and not of my *kitten* in a thong, though, that one over there is admittedly a very nice *kitten*)

    I am sure your *kitten* is drool worthy. :tongue:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    being proud of what i worked so hard for and showing it off. if i would have someone drool over my pics or profile thats an extra compliment to me :)

    ^^^ AGREED!!!!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    being proud of what i worked so hard for and showing it off. if i would have someone drool over my pics or profile thats an extra compliment to me :)

    ^^^ AGREED!!!!

    Consider yourself complimented :tongue:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    *runs off to take 50 self portraits before deciding on just the right one for my PROFILE*
    (and not of my *kitten* in a thong, though, that one over there is admittedly a very nice *kitten*)

    I am sure your *kitten* is drool worthy. :tongue:

    Yeah, but its the granny panties that really get the drool flowin.

    I didn't pay for this keyboard, so bring it on! :wink:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I think that some people are saying "Hey, this is what I've done, you can look this way too" and then some people are just showing off their bodies. Then there are those that are low in self-esteem and want someone to say "Wow, you're sexy/beautiful/hot/gorgeous, etc etc etc".. There are a lot of reasons why people do it :)

    I could not have worded this any better......I agree 100%
    I believe this to be true as well.

    For those unsure...We're not talking improvement shots we're talking about 'shoved up against the camera cleavage shots, or butt shots close up... I have no issues with those parts of our body but I don't think of them as improvement shots but photos taken for the reason above, insecurity and a great need for attention. Full body shots showing muscle or a before/after pose are awesome to me and so inspiring as I imagine they are to others on here.

    I think those taking that type of shot (the ones I shared earlier) know exactly what they are doing and deep down do know it's feeding the need for attention not sharing them to show their hard work.

    I love so much about this site...but somethings creep me out that ppl feel a need to do.... :ohwell: