do you judge others based on what they eat?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If someone has an oxygen tank and is lighting a cigarette in MY vicinity, then yes I'd say something. I'd say something if someone was smoking near a gas tank, too.

    Because THAT has the potential to end my life. Someone eating a doughnut has no effect on me. It's that person's business. And if that person doesn't know that a doughnut is high in fat and calories and not healthy, I can't help him or her, anyway.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Of course people have the right to think (and even say) what they want. But you insisting that everyone who said they don't care about what other people eat is insulting. Unless you're a mindreader or other kind of psychic, you can't know that. YOU think it, so of course that must mean everyone does.

    And if you come on a public message board and say, "I have these thoughts, what does that say about me?" then you're going to get answers. When you make your thoughts my business, then you get what you ask for. You don't want me to judge your thoughts, don't tell me what they are.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I don't care what they eat. I care about how they act and treat others.

    Well said! :)
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Nope. Tbh I wouldn't even notice, I'm not the most observant person in the world.

    That said, what does get me judging and angry is when parents give kids their bad habits. Make whatever choices you want for yourself but don't risk your child's health.

    I'm a kindergarten teacher, and there's a 3 year old in our school who is overweight. Every day, her mother sends in a cake and chocolate milk in case she doesn't want to eat her lunch, so she won't get hungry.Basically, this child has learned not to eat her lunch so she can have the cake and chocolate milk. It's encouraging horrible habits in the child, ensuring she never has to try a vegetable or anything healthy.

    Now I don't know how she is fed at home, but based on her reactions to all foods in school, and the mother's response then I don't hold out much hope.

    This makes me really angry, even though technically I guess it's none of my business
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Nope. Tbh I wouldn't even notice, I'm not the most observant person in the world.

    That said, what does get me judging and angry is when parents give kids their bad habits. Make whatever choices you want for yourself but don't risk your child's health.

    I'm a kindergarten teacher, and there's a 3 year old in our school who is overweight. Every day, her mother sends in a cake and chocolate milk in case she doesn't want to eat her lunch, so she won't get hungry.Basically, this child has learned not to eat her lunch so she can have the cake and chocolate milk. It's encouraging horrible habits in the child, ensuring she never has to try a vegetable or anything healthy.

    Now I don't know how she is fed at home, but based on her reactions to all foods in school, and the mother's response then I don't hold out much hope.

    This makes me really angry, even though technically I guess it's none of my business

    That's so sad...I really hate to see bad habits passed onto children. My SIL hates veggies, so she never tried to teach her kids to eat healthy. My 19 year old niece is overweight and just started college (freshman 15+), my 9 year old niece is still thin, but eats horribly and has been crabby her whole life. My nephew is almost 18, and he took control of his own destiny by starting a major healthy-eating and workout regiment (he wants to be a Marine)..I'm very proud of him, but I do worry about the girls. Its much harder to correct bad habits when you're older than it is to learn them early.
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    I judge everything that everyone does at any given moment, just because it makes me feel better about myself. I expect the same treatment.
    [/quote] thats messed up...:noway: this is not my quote by the way......cant get it off me...!!!!