<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I love to freeze bananas (sliced first) and throw them into smoothies/protein shakes like ice cubes. I've also frozen almond milk in ice cube trays and use that in my shakes as well.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I love to freeze bananas (sliced first) and throw them into smoothies/protein shakes like ice cubes. I've also frozen almond milk in ice cube trays and use that in my shakes as well.

    I can't find ice cube trays! I wanted to do that with regular milk but Walmart didn't have any regular ice cube trays. We have an ice maker in the freezer so I don't have any already.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I love to freeze bananas (sliced first) and throw them into smoothies/protein shakes like ice cubes. I've also frozen almond milk in ice cube trays and use that in my shakes as well.

    Almond Milk in ice cube trays!!!! WHY did I not think of this before?! Thank you!. I like my smoothies thick and frozen, and adding ice cubes doesn't work, just waters it down after a while.
    Thank you!
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I must have missed this when it first posted, but I'd love to jump on the bandwagon :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Can I join in?? I have been told to eat 2000 calories per day to help bust out of my 6 month long plateau and I actually just decreased calories again in an attempt to lose but again all my MFPers keep telling me to eat at least 2000. I would love to join this group! I have read through briefly but I want to go back and read through all the posts.
    here is my story:
    About 10 years ago I gradually lost over 120 pounds and have kept the weight off since then. My goal weight is 150lbs. I am 5'8".
    Last January I was at my lowest of 158 lbs. this was right after I did the walt disney marathon. Then in february I got the bodymedia system. Since february my weight has fluctuated from 160-167 pounds :sad:

    According to my bodymedia my average daily burn is about 2500. I take in anywhere from 1500-2000 calories since february and still up and down the same few pounds. I did 1 full round of p90x and did not lose any weight or inches. I did 6 weeks of Insanity and actually gained a pound. I had to quit due to knee creaking and pain. And my clothes were getting tighter. This past couple weeks I backed down to about 1500 calories per day and am down from 167 pounds 3 weeks ago to 163 this morning. This makes me scared to increase to 2000, but everyone keeps telling me to do that.
    I am willing to listen to any advice. I just want to bust through this plateau!!!
    I am currently doing round 2 of p90x and just started week 4!
    ANyone have any suggestions? ALso should I worry about the carb/protein/fat ratio??
    thanks so much!! I look forward to your thoughts!!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Dawn, since you have a body media you know exactly what you are burning. You are ahead of a lot of the rest of us! To lose a pound a week you subtract 500 calories, that'd be 2000. BUT you only have 13lbs to lose so you might do better only trying for a half pound a week which is 250, and 2250....Don't be afraid. You can do it. You run marathons! That's way harder than eating 2000 calories a day. :wink:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oh yeah, I've read a lot that says 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat is a good ratio. But really what is important is that you eat a gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass. Mine is about 115. The protein helps maintain muscle as we lose, which is especially important the closer we are to our goals.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I've been reading through this thread and I'm really thinking I need to look into increasing my calories. I'm currently netting 1200 (eating back all my exercise cals) and if I'm still hungry, I go over without feeling guilty. (Except once, when I ate out and found out later that the panini I had was over 1500 calories in one shot. I probably wouldn't have also had parmesan fries and chocolate cake if I'd known that.) A couple days a week, I net between 1500-1800 cals.

    I'm feeling more and more convinced that even though I've had some weight loss success and increased energy since starting watching what I eat and working out, that I need to think about eating more. I'm just afraid, because going back to the calories I used to eat when I gained all the weight in the first place seems counterintuitive It's funny, because I keep encouraging my friends to eat more (I don't congratulate people on the little post that says, "so and so completed their food diary for the day and was under their calorie goal" - I know eating enough is important. I'm willing to consider that what I think is "enough" may not actually be.

    In the interest of heading that way, I'd like some input: I'm 34 years old, 5'0", currently 137 lbs - I don't know my body fat % - I know that I'd like to lose another 20+ lbs (of course that depends on muscle, etc) and take another 9 inches off my waist. In that case - where I'm not near maintenance yet - how much should I be eating/netting, in general?

    ETA My food diary is public, and my main workouts are recorded in my blog -- I don't bother to record stuff like walking or low impact cardio that I might do, I mainly just use it to keep track of my progress in C25K and BodyRock workouts.
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Hi girls! Welcome to the new gals! Well I ran today and rode my horse and it is HOT here so I'm tired now :) Because I'm a runner I do 50/30/20. I need just a bit more carbs on run days and still have trouble meeting my Protein which should be about 150/day. Yikes!

    Diet foods-Yes I eat some. Mostly dessert stuff :) I like a little sugar after dinner. I don't do well with milk nor do I like it so I use almond milk in my protein shakes instead. I love almond milk! I rarely eat cheese but if I do then I use 2%. I usually don't have trouble meeting my fat intake because I eat a lot of natural fat like almonds, avocados, etc.

    I work 12 hour shifts (I'm an ER nurse) so on the days that I work, I don't exercise other than walking around for 12 hours. I exercise usually twice a day on my days off. My problem is that I'm over cals on my work days because I am hungrier at work...or maybe bored and then on my days off, I'm so busy that it's hard to meet my cals. Any ideas how to tame my hunger at work? I eat like every two hours. Also I am trying to stick to 2000 on the days I work out. Do you think I should up this? I don't know exactly what my burn is....I would love to try the Body media!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    No time for a decent breakfast this morning, so turned into a very snacky day! Ice-cream, crisps, nachos and a great cupcake (it was half price... Was going to have a mini one, until we heard that!). Tried a place called Coal and found their portions were huge, so I'll order differently next time.

    Made baked bean cupcakes for church. I'll post a link to them later. They stay beautifully moist for days. I managed not to eat any either, but I'll make a batch for home again soon.

    Found a UK size 10 jacket fitted today! I thought I was between sizes, but in this brand a 10 is just right :happy:
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    P.S. I only lost 0.1lb this week.....geez!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    hmm...no tips for eating at work..I do the same thing at school on my long days. it sucks but i just try to workout a bit more. that's my only solution.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Re: diet foods

    I avoid them in general, except for milk and yogurt. I don't like the taste of whole milk and I like eating solid food for my calories. I drink soy milk with my protein shakes and the light version tastes the same to me. Fage greek yogurt has so many good flavors at the 0% rate that I always choose that over the 2% (the full fat is just a waste of calories to me). I still cook with real butter when the recipe calls for it, and love olive oil, so forget that spray in a can stuff if I can avoid it!

    For desserts I eat the same things I always have considerably less at a time and less often. Ben and Jerry's actually lasts for the whole 4 servings in a pint these days.

    Oh! Unrelated, but I thought this was the only place I could truly crow about it: I lost a full inch of each calf in the last two weeks! When I was out shopping today I could see the details of the muscles in my calves in a way I haven't seen since I was 25.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Until I upped my calories to 2450, I would be hungry for whole mornings at a time, I think, now, because I hadn't quite eaten enough the previous day. Because I was on maintenance, I would eat until I stopped feeling hungry (lots of nuts) and then eat a lot less in the evening, then the cycle would repeat.

    For me, if I'm maintaining, hunger is to be obeyed; if losing it is to be embraced as a sign of caloric deficit. My body isn't stupid, and it won't be convinced that it's not hungry unless it actually gets enough food.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I know I haven't been active on this thread, but life had gotten in the way.
    55 hour work weeks are killing me and all I do is work eat and sleep.

    I seriously have not picked up a dumbbell in almost a month. All my cuts and definition are disappearing and I look soft. Not to mention I am eating fast food almost nightly. I get home at 5 or 6 PM only having eaten 700-800 for the day but my Bodymedia telling me I should be up to 1800 by that time, so I am weak and starving. I collapse on the sofa and beg the man to "just make food appear in front of me, I don't care what".

    So even though I am "maintaining" by the bodymedia numbers' avarage, I have gained about 4 pounds due to the fact that what I eat has been crap. I am all squishy. :frown:
    I want my muscles back but I have at least 3 more weeks of odd schedules and no time to work out.

    Today I think I pity-ate over 2000 just by noon, by myself on the couch.....:grumble:

    I am here to say that I am DONE feeling sorry for myself and saying "I can't".

    When I wake up tomorrow morning I am going to have a big ol' protein shake and get outside and run. My son's soccer playoffs are at a field that has a track. I can multitask my morning. Then Monday I have the day off and I am going to do a full body strength routine. I want to feel that "good pain" again!:devil:

    And one way I am going to keep accountable is being a regular participant in this thread!
    You ladies rock!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    robin..that's awesome. we all have days like yours...i just wanted to eat and eat and eat last night. woke up 2 pounds heavier than usual and just said...you know what? I'm not going to carry on like this today. so i snapped out of it. You are going to get your muscles back hun and eat good food! you deserve that!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Wondering how much of a defecit do you all usually have??
    Also for those of you doing the new rules of lifting for women, how do you like it?? I am doing 2nd round of p90x but looking for something else...
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Wondering how much of a defecit do you all usually have??
    Also for those of you doing the new rules of lifting for women, how do you like it?? I am doing 2nd round of p90x but looking for something else...

    When I was losing I was only ever at a half pound a week.

    And yeah, I really like New Rules so far (I've only done 2 weeks), but it is easiest with access to a gym. The book has a lot of really good information and honestly might be able to help convince you to eat more.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    2147 calories today...not too shabby. had a pretty active day so it was good. hope you all did well!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Such a refreshing thread!!! I'd love to join your group. I too get VERY grumpy when I'm hungry!

    I just upped my calorie intake last week. I have a BodyMedia Fit and I've finally compiled enough info to know that I'm creating a larger deficit than I intended and I'm NOT losing weight as one would expect at that deficit. For the past month my calories burned = 2659 and my calorie intake = 1944 (deficit of 715) and yet my weight/inches have gone unchanged. HMMMM.... so, decided to set a goal of 2200 cal/day for the next month to see if that helps.

    Background: I'm 46 yrs old, married for 25 yrs, three kids (25, 23, 21) and 3 yr old twin granddaughters (joys of my life). I have rheumatoid arthritis (20+yrs) and finally found a drug combination that works for me about 6 years ago. Prior to that was surviving on steroids. I've been on a journey to "health" since. Lost 50 lbs and kept off for 2 years then decided I could do better. Joined MFP in March and have lost 20lbs since then. But the weight loss has been sporadic at best...steady for 2 wks - then drop 1-2 lbs...steady again. Yes, it's been coming off but I just didn't feel so great. Hoping that changing my calories will help! I know these last 10-15lbs are much tougher...just need to feel that I'm doing it the right way! :-)