<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member

    The point of this group is not to suggest that eating 2000 calories a day works for every one. It probably won't. If your maintenance really is 1680 (that seems REALLY low, are you sure?) and you are trying to lose weight, no I wouldn't suggest 2000 calories a day unless you are burning 570 calories a day (that'd bring you to a half pound loss a week). For you I'd just suggesting "eating more" but switching your goal to 0.5lbs per week.

    Thanks for the reply!

    MFP says to maintain my current weight, I need to net 1680 cals - it has my BMR at 1241. To lose 1/2 lb per week, it says to net 1430.

    Fat2Fit has my BMR at 1373 calories. It has my calorie ranges from 1517 for sedentary to 1959 for moderately active. (2180 for very active, which I'm not at this point.)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Hey ladies...well I exercised! woot woot. Now I can eat the full 2000 calories. I was having a moment there when I didn't know which way I'd go but I wanted frozen yogurt and when the girl gave me 2x the size I ordered I HAD to give myself a little cushion for dinner and snacks and such. So I worked out! :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!! I am still wrapping my head around this as well!! For the past 2-3 weeks I have been doing WW and also counting calories and my intake has been much lower than I usually eat, around 1500 per day and not eating back my exercise
    I have been told by many to eat 2000 to help bust through my 6 mo. plateau. Today I weighed in and lost a pound from last week (total of 2 pounds in 2 weeks) which is unheard of for me. I usually gain a pound lose a couple, gain 4 lose 2, etc. I havent had losses 2 weeks in a row in over 6 months.
    SOOOO should I stick with the weight watchers which inevitalbley has me eating less? Are you guys netting 2000 or is your total 2000? It seems to me that the real key here is how much or a defecit is everyone running, because different weights/heights have different needs?? I noticed that the past week most days I stayed at 1500-1700 for 5 days or so and had a 2 days where I was more up at 2000 or over.
    Help, I am so confused on what to do!!
    I am very active, currently finishing second round of p90x week 4 (recovery week).
    By the way I LOVE to eat, and love eating 2000!
    Do you guys eat up to 2000 even if you are full??
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    I'd love to join this group. I have been struggling lately. I started back in August at 1200 calories. I was stressing every day bc it never seemed to be enough and I had to get in at least 500 exercise calories that I could eat back just to make it through the day. Over 6 weeks, I lost 14lbs but then for the past 3 weeks I've hovered around that but can't seem to lose. I started 30DS and half marathon training and I find myself binging here and there. Not seriously bad but definitely not sticking to 1200 calories and eating my exercise calories back. So I am going to up my calories on this site and focus on eating healthy. I'd be thrilled with losing a 1/2lb a week. I just want to have energy to exercise and not feel like I'm starving myself.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Love4fitnesslove4food: I owe half my body/weight changes to Jillian Michaels. Her workout-at-home DVDs are very popular: 30 Day Shred, Ripped In 30, 6 Week 6 Pack are the ones I do/have done. She has made 20-minute workouts (25 including the warm-up) using HIIT. Then I follow it up with crunches, weightlifting, or cardio. You can get them almost anywhere. I get them at Target or amazon.com. Some people don't like her tough trainer attitude, but I love it. I might try her Shred It With Weights down the road.

    That being said, I think I'd like to try other things, like the workouts in NROLFW, or things I've heard of like Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire or P90X. Right now Jillian Michaels workouts work for me because time is tight (3 kiddos to chauffeur around school and therapies). The eating part, however, is something that I'll constantly be working on and fine-tuning.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!! I am still wrapping my head around this as well!! For the past 2-3 weeks I have been doing WW and also counting calories and my intake has been much lower than I usually eat, around 1500 per day and not eating back my exercise
    I have been told by many to eat 2000 to help bust through my 6 mo. plateau. Today I weighed in and lost a pound from last week (total of 2 pounds in 2 weeks) which is unheard of for me. I usually gain a pound lose a couple, gain 4 lose 2, etc. I havent had losses 2 weeks in a row in over 6 months.
    SOOOO should I stick with the weight watchers which inevitalbley has me eating less? Are you guys netting 2000 or is your total 2000? It seems to me that the real key here is how much or a defecit is everyone running, because different weights/heights have different needs?? I noticed that the past week most days I stayed at 1500-1700 for 5 days or so and had a 2 days where I was more up at 2000 or over.
    Help, I am so confused on what to do!!
    I am very active, currently finishing second round of p90x week 4 (recovery week).
    By the way I LOVE to eat, and love eating 2000!
    Do you guys eat up to 2000 even if you are full??

    For me, yeah, I could have lost eating 1500, but if I can lose eating 2000, burning 250 (netting 1750), then I'd pick the eating more option. But I don't know for sure that you can lose by eating more, but probably. It's up to you if you wanna make the jum or not.

    I think most women here eat 2000 total, including exercise (so net 1700 or so). I am not trying to lose right now and am taller, bigger, and have a bit of a high metabolism, so yeah, I NET 2000, and eat 2300-2500 or so total. I have a deficit of 0. While losing I never went bigger than a 250 calorie deficit because I like to eat and was happy with slow weight loss.

    Yeah, I never have a problem of being full before I hit 2000. I eat heavier through out the day so it's not like I'm jamming 1000 calories in after 3pm or whatever.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member

    For those who have tried NROLFW, what kind of equipment would I need? I really need something to spice up my training!

    I was coming here to ask this as well... I want to get NROLFW, but if it requires gym equipment it might not work right now, because I'm very limited in what I have access to at the moment.

    ETA I found this thread that answers the question: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/368210-nrolfw-question-re-equipment?hl=nrolfw+at+home#posts-5007360 :smile:

    Thanks muchly for the link, I always groan when someone posts a new topic without using the search function, and here I did it myself!! lol

    I have a home gym that hubby bought for himself (and has never used) which I have been making good use of, but I'd like to try NROLFW to have something a little more structured and planned! I'm sure that I could change things up and swap out lifts using what I have....might have to borrow the book from the library.

    Someone asked me this weekend why I workout so often - I workout to look good and be fit, but I also totally workout to eat ;)
    When I was doing Insanity my hunger was through the roof and it was after I had a particulary scary case of 'hitting the wall' that I decided that I had to eat, that 1200 and even 1500 calories a day wasn't enough for me! I usually net around 1800 - 2000 calories a day depending on how I'm feeling and what I've been doing. I actually eat more now than ever before and I love it!

    Today is a beautiful Monday in NZ, I have a plan to run around 6kms after work and am going to make a healthier version of lasagna for dinner - hubs is going to love me! mmmm cheesy goodness lol

    Its so nice to have a thread of chicks who dig food and dig working out :)

    Have a great day!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Love4fitnesslove4food: I owe half my body/weight changes to Jillian Michaels. Her workout-at-home DVDs are very popular: 30 Day Shred, Ripped In 30, 6 Week 6 Pack are the ones I do/have done. She has made 20-minute workouts (25 including the warm-up) using HIIT. Then I follow it up with crunches, weightlifting, or cardio. You can get them almost anywhere. I get them at Target or amazon.com. Some people don't like her tough trainer attitude, but I love it. I might try her Shred It With Weights down the road.

    That being said, I think I'd like to try other things, like the workouts in NROLFW, or things I've heard of like Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire or P90X. Right now Jillian Michaels workouts work for me because time is tight (3 kiddos to chauffeur around school and therapies). The eating part, however, is something that I'll constantly be working on and fine-tuning.

    I didn't know Ripped in 30 was Jillian. I LOVE her. I have already done 30 D.S. and Banish the Fat Boost Your Metabolism (no equipment at all and super tough). I've not heard of Shred it with Weights either. I will look into it. Thanks for the information! :)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Love4fitnesslove4food: I owe half my body/weight changes to Jillian Michaels. Her workout-at-home DVDs are very popular: 30 Day Shred, Ripped In 30, 6 Week 6 Pack are the ones I do/have done. She has made 20-minute workouts (25 including the warm-up) using HIIT. Then I follow it up with crunches, weightlifting, or cardio. You can get them almost anywhere. I get them at Target or amazon.com. Some people don't like her tough trainer attitude, but I love it. I might try her Shred It With Weights down the road.

    That being said, I think I'd like to try other things, like the workouts in NROLFW, or things I've heard of like Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire or P90X. Right now Jillian Michaels workouts work for me because time is tight (3 kiddos to chauffeur around school and therapies). The eating part, however, is something that I'll constantly be working on and fine-tuning.

    How'd you find Ripped in 30 compared to 30 Day Shred? I own the Shred and have done it a few times, now I just alternate it with my running and lifting days. Would you recommend Ripped? Or is it just the same kind of exercises? I've read online that some people got better results with Shred than Ripped but I'd love your opinion!

  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Happy Sunday! Just checking in...I'm working so no exercise for me today and it's not busy so I've pretty much been sitting most of the day so far. I've decided to TRY to keep my cals at 1800 on work days (since I didn't lose much the last two weeks) and 2000+ on my days off depending on how much exercise I do. It sucks because all I wanna do is eat at work, whaa!

    Maybe I will check out the JM videos for at home after work if they are short and sweet. Please let me know which ones would be good to do after work when I'm kinda tired.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I feel "somewhat good" about my day.
    I did NOT get to run this morning like I thought. It was cold and damp and very windy.
    My son's soccer playoffs went long because they kept winning (when you lose you go home). Which is good but damn I was cold and starving. So I ate nothing till about 3PM when Jacob wanted Chinese for his reward for doing so well in the tournament....so we went to the buffet! I ate a little of everything.....
    Then after we got home, I was feeling like a lazy bum and talked Jacob into running the Viking Trail with me, which is a 1.2 mile loop through the woods. Well, he was tired from soccer and we ended up walking, but we took a wrong turn and ended up on the street in the next town over and had to walk back to the car. So "we fail at trail". But we did 3 miles instead of 1.2, so that's "kind of " a win...lol

    (Jacob's the one in my ticker pic...that's the day we ran our first 5K, he's my little trooper...he beat me...)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Maybe I will check out the JM videos for at home after work if they are short and sweet. Please let me know which ones would be good to do after work when I'm kinda tired.

    For JM I have 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones....the Shred is the best one for "I don't have much time and I'm kinda tired." It is 27 minutes including the warm up and cool down.
    The other 2 are an hour each, BFBM is mostly cardio, NMTZ is mostly bodyweight strength moves, neither use weights.
    Shred you will need a mat and some 5 lb dumbbells.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    By the way I LOVE to eat, and love eating 2000!
    Do you guys eat up to 2000 even if you are full??

    If sounds like yuo maybe averaged 1700/day for the week? So you could easily bump that to 1900 and still expect to see a loss (but a smaller one)

    I don't eat 2000 every day - I play it by ear and by week. If I'm full because I ate really low cal nutritionally dense food I don't tend to run out and spoon peanut butter in my mouth because MOST of my days I don't eat like that - so I let the days that I'm satisfied stay wherever they are at (usually around 1500-1600 on those days) and then I don't sweat the days where I want to eat more and I go a little over (like 1900ish) because I figure it evens out.

    I'm not losing consistently from week to week but I am losing over time and so far its averaging out a bit over .5 lb/week. So that's working for me. I'm jealous of Oishii and Rachel with their super high metabolisms. Well mostly Rachel is just tall :) I'm guessing in maintenance I'll end p eating around 2200/day.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Thank you all! that helps!!

    I have the 30 day shred but for some reason when I do it, I notice that my back bothers me afterwards, yet p90x doesnt bother me?
    I would love to try one of her other videos, particularly weight training since I like to run for cardio!

    What are your favorite weight training programs??? ( I dont belong to a gym and dont plan on joining since I like to run and already have p90x/insanity)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thank you all! that helps!!

    I have the 30 day shred but for some reason when I do it, I notice that my back bothers me afterwards, yet p90x doesnt bother me?
    I would love to try one of her other videos, particularly weight training since I like to run for cardio!

    What are your favorite weight training programs??? ( I dont belong to a gym and dont plan on joining since I like to run and already have p90x/insanity)

    Have you done the 30ds exercises n front of a mirror? something lioke back pain to me suggests you might be holding yourself oddly in one of the poses. Not that I'm an expert or anything.

    I work out with a personal trainer (out of her home) 2x a week and then during the other days I try to just do SOMETHING - I usually do stuff like squats, lunges, and pushups at home (And variations on those) or I go to the gym and do some of the basics - chest presses, etc, with dumbbells.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member

    I don't eat 2000 every day - I play it by ear and by week. If I'm full because I ate really low cal nutritionally dense food I don't tend to run out and spoon peanut butter in my mouth because MOST of my days I don't eat like that - so I let the days that I'm satisfied stay wherever they are at (usually around 1500-1600 on those days) and then I don't sweat the days where I want to eat more and I go a little over (like 1900ish) because I figure it evens out.

    THIS!! I think the most important element is Listening To Your Body!!!

    Flashback twenty-one years: I'm 19 yrs old, starving and bulimic on my 1000cal/day, expensive "eating system". After a year of this torture, I'm introduced to a book written by a local woman whose college professor answered her weight-loss frustrations with this: The answer to losing weight may be EATING MORE, NOT LESS!

    Her book chronicled her experience of going from 5'9", 136 lbs, size 18, to 150lbs, size 4. In a nutshell, she ate a veggie, whole grain, protein with each meal, exercised about an hour a day, and only counted calories out of curiosity. She averaged 2200-3500 cals per day.

    Luckily, implementing her advice resolved my bulimia, got me healthy again, and at a healthy weight.

    Unfortunately, genetics and four kids in seven years have given me further weight challenges but I've usually lost it by just eating clean and exercising, not necessarily counting calories but paying attention to my energy levels.

    MFP has clarified the science behind what I've been doing. Sometimes I've felt like I should drop my calorie intake since so many other people were so low but I had to stick with what's worked before.

    That's why I love this thread! You really do need to eat to lose weight!!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Love4fitnesslove4food: I owe half my body/weight changes to Jillian Michaels. Her workout-at-home DVDs are very popular: 30 Day Shred, Ripped In 30, 6 Week 6 Pack are the ones I do/have done. She has made 20-minute workouts (25 including the warm-up) using HIIT. Then I follow it up with crunches, weightlifting, or cardio. You can get them almost anywhere. I get them at Target or amazon.com. Some people don't like her tough trainer attitude, but I love it. I might try her Shred It With Weights down the road.

    That being said, I think I'd like to try other things, like the workouts in NROLFW, or things I've heard of like Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire or P90X. Right now Jillian Michaels workouts work for me because time is tight (3 kiddos to chauffeur around school and therapies). The eating part, however, is something that I'll constantly be working on and fine-tuning.

    How'd you find Ripped in 30 compared to 30 Day Shred? I own the Shred and have done it a few times, now I just alternate it with my running and lifting days. Would you recommend Ripped? Or is it just the same kind of exercises? I've read online that some people got better results with Shred than Ripped but I'd love your opinion!


    I did 30DS first, then did Ripped. Some of the moves are the same, this goes for all her DVDs. But she adds some tough moves in Ripped, and you have 4 levels to get through vs. 30DS's 3 levels. Personally, I liked Ripped better and think it's tougher. I stayed on Level 2 for over a month because it kept giving me a great sweat. I liked Levels 2 & 3 more than her Level 4 (which she called The Mother Of All Workouts. Um, not really, but it was still challenging.). Starting with 30DS and then moving on to Ripped is a good strategy, and how can you beat getting a sweat-inducing workout in about 25 minutes? I may try the NMTZ or Banish The Fat DVDs, but those workout are longer. And working out with Jillian for longer than 25 minutes is T O U G H!!!!!!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    I don't eat 2000 every day - I play it by ear and by week.

    I agree with this.
    Some days I am just not hungry and am ready for bed and at 1400...no sense stuffing myself....others I indulge and have over 2000 easily...they all average out to a little over 2000 in the long run.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    And since we're talking calories, I'm currently working my way up to 1600-1700 NET, and work out for 280-300+ calories to eat back. Still at 1550 but not for long; I'm trying to eat back everything, work out and see if I'm still losing (so far, YES, in small increments). I'm at maintenance and want to start lifting, and getting prepped to start NROLFW soon.

    I, too, love that this group is just plain, simply honest about eating more than 1200 calories. It's normal to start on the low end, but hell, it's not the road for everyone once you figure out what works (or doesn't work) for you!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Love4fitnesslove4food: I owe half my body/weight changes to Jillian Michaels. Her workout-at-home DVDs are very popular: 30 Day Shred, Ripped In 30, 6 Week 6 Pack are the ones I do/have done. She has made 20-minute workouts (25 including the warm-up) using HIIT. Then I follow it up with crunches, weightlifting, or cardio. You can get them almost anywhere. I get them at Target or amazon.com. Some people don't like her tough trainer attitude, but I love it. I might try her Shred It With Weights down the road.

    That being said, I think I'd like to try other things, like the workouts in NROLFW, or things I've heard of like Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire or P90X. Right now Jillian Michaels workouts work for me because time is tight (3 kiddos to chauffeur around school and therapies). The eating part, however, is something that I'll constantly be working on and fine-tuning.

    How'd you find Ripped in 30 compared to 30 Day Shred? I own the Shred and have done it a few times, now I just alternate it with my running and lifting days. Would you recommend Ripped? Or is it just the same kind of exercises? I've read online that some people got better results with Shred than Ripped but I'd love your opinion!


    I did 30DS first, then did Ripped. Some of the moves are the same, this goes for all her DVDs. But she adds some tough moves in Ripped, and you have 4 levels to get through vs. 30DS's 3 levels. Personally, I liked Ripped better and think it's tougher. I stayed on Level 2 for over a month because it kept giving me a great sweat. I liked Levels 2 & 3 more than her Level 4 (which she called The Mother Of All Workouts. Um, not really, but it was still challenging.). Starting with 30DS and then moving on to Ripped is a good strategy, and how can you beat getting a sweat-inducing workout in about 25 minutes? I may try the NMTZ or Banish The Fat DVDs, but those workout are longer. And working out with Jillian for longer than 25 minutes is T O U G H!!!!!!!

    Thanks so much for your input! I've been thinking about ordering Ripped for a while now, and I think I'm just gonna go ahead and do it! I mean, I can quote her word for word in every level of Shred so it might be time for a change!! I love that her workouts are challenging and quick!