<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Psych-I am a RN and I have always loved nutrition. I am passionate about people and horse (you think people are complicated, lol) nutrition. I'm in Grad school now (MSN) and really considered a degree in nutrition but I couldn't really figure out how it would be used. I even looked into a degree in equine nutrition but there is like only one school here in the US. I would love to live in NZ...lucky you!

    Ok I'm off to workout and then Sprouts to spend more $$ of food of course :)

    I hae my MSN. I am a nurse practioner, working in cardiac surgery!!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    I think working with a dietician would be so valuable, not for me right now, but for my kiddos: one has autism and is super picky (texture issues?), one has dairy/egg/peanut/tree nut/legumes allergies so getting healthy foods into him gets trumped by finding foods that just won't cause an allergic reaction, and one has peanut/soybean allergies (but she can eat lots of things, so she's not a real food problem). Just knowing someone who is educated in nutrition and dietetics is so valuable, IMO.

    And the more I read up on food and how to eat better/what can fuel my body, the more fascinated I am by nutrition. I think I am more aware about food now than in my entire life.

    RE: degrees, I have a BA in Advertising and a Masters in Business Administration... and I'm a stay-at-home mom. :huh: Well, having kids redefined the career path and I don't regret it. But I hope to dust the cobwebs off my brain very soon and start working in advertising/business again in account management, as soon as all the kids are in school and there's more time for ME. :bigsmile:

    One more thing: tonight I discovered SPAGHETTI SQUASH. It is fantastic with any meal and low cal! Anyone else eat it?
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member

    I have posted this here and on the bodybuilding forum.

    I think this topic is for me because I exercise heavily I need a decent amount of calories.

    Sorry for the length as this is my first post on myfitnesspal.

    I have been lurking regularly here at bb and at myfitness pal since June. Have tracked my exercise and food since I started. I have had an interesting last few months and wanted to share my experiences and my journey. Also hoping for some support and encouragement.

    I have lost 27 kg's or 59 lbs since April 2010. Started out with weight watchers. The reason I wanted to lose the weight was because I could hardly move on the footy field. I play aussie rules and was getting all sorts of injuries because of my weight. That was my motivation for losing the weight!

    Sorry if I get too long winded but I tend to go on and on sometimes. This im sure will be a long post.

    Here are my details:

    157 cm 39 year old Female from Perth, Australia

    April 2010:
    91.3 kg - 201 lbs

    October 18, 2011:
    64.5 kg or 142 lbs

    12 Month Goal:
    Lose 6.5 kg = 58 Kg or 128 lbs
    Waist size 78 cm
    Body fat 25%

    Except for the past 6 months I was losing at the rate of 0.75 kg's per month. I like others I found that the closer I got to my goal weight the slower the weight was coming off. I was finding I needed more energy to peform in my sports. I play aussie rules and its very demanding. This is when I found this website and decided I would up my calories and have been eating between 1800 - 2600 calories a day lifting very heavy and also vigorously exercising. My strength gains were great and although I haven't lost much on the scales since June my body has been recomposing itself and I have lost body fat and put on muscle. People keep saying how thin I am getting even though I have only lost 1 kg in 4 months.

    I have a mesomorph shape and even though I'm female I have put on some muscle since rejoining the gym about 8 months ago. I have nicely defined quads, hammys and calves. The tummy is what I need to work on. Thats where my fat still lies. I have been discouraged with my scale weight but kept telling myself that its not the only way to measure progress so i have been taking measurements, noticing that i've gone down a few sizes in clothing and recently getting excited about seeing and feeling bones again especially the ribs and hips and knees.

    Now that it is my offseason I have decided to have a really good crack at losing at least another 4.5 kgs by pre-season in February and then once the season starts in April I plan to maintain my weight so that I have the energy to perform at my best.

    I eat a healthy non processed diet consisting mostly of lean meats, tuna, wholegrain bread and cereals, fruits and vege. I crave all these foods now.

    My weight loss on the scale has stalled over the past 8 weeks having only lost 0.3 kgs and just half a cm off my waist. I'm not so obsessed with what number I end up being at because I know that everyone is different and what weight someone else is for their height may not be right for me. I just would like to feel lighter on my feet and also reduce the tummy rolls of fat. Since Friday I have been eating 1800 calories per day and burning roughly 350 - 700 calories per day.

    Also because of my heavy frame/build I am at my healthiest at the higher end of the weight range for my height. Upper end being 61 kg - 134 lbs. I have maintained my weight well in the past at around 63 kg. I'm hoping to try to get to 60 kg and then i'll go from there to see if I can get to 58.

    Glad to have found this forum.

    Oh yeah I forgot to say at least I now know what intake my body likes in order to maintain my weight at the level of exercise I'm doing. The reason why I put on weight before was because I stopped playing sport and exercising. I know I'll be fine as long as I keep exercising and living this healthy lifestyle. The only thing that changes when I maintain my weight is a few more hundred odd calories per day and the food stays exactly the same - good clean/fresh food.

  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I spend a lot on food too although i've been trying to be more careful with my money lately. Its on things like lean chicken breasts, lean meats. Wow and things like mushrooms are so expensive I'm finding.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I spend a lot of money on food, but it really varies from week to week. i only buy my meat from our local organic butcher and that's pretty pricey, but for me it's worth every penny knowing where the animals come from and whether or not they are humanely treated (not farmed in some factory). I buy a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and those are actually pretty reasonably priced, it's just everything else that really adds up. I really love to cook so I'm always buying spices, oils, etc and those can be quite expensive. I also get some things for "free", in my yard I have an apple tree, a walnut tree and a plum tree so I eat the ones I collect. One of my friend's dad is a mushroom picker, so he always brings me kilos and kilos of chanterelle mushrooms. Yum!

    Regarding degrees, I have a BA in German, Humanities and Art History, but ironically I'm working in a super technical field in business development and operations. I spent literally every day working with pumps, motors, compressors, etc. I'm planning to do an executive MBA in the next 5 years or so.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Wow we are an educated bunch of ladies aren't we?! Holy smokes!! No wonder we're eating so many calories - gotta fuel those massive brains of ours hehe!!! xxx

    Welcome to our new Aussie friend - sorry about the World Cup - Go the ABs!!!! :P

    I hate the scale! I try to use my clothes as my main guide to my progress, I have clothes in my wardrobe that still have tags on them, I bought them for 'one day' when I fit them....now most are far too big and I've missed my chance!! D'oH!!

    Scarletleavy - I know what you mean about spices and oils adding up!! Mmm i love avocado oil so so good but so pricey!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Is it any shock that it's the smart ladies that are the ones eating the healthy amounts?

    Think about it, there is nobody here that types in all caps with no punctuation and text-speak.
    They're too busy starting the threads that say


    So, yesterday I ate 1568 but my BodyMedia says my TDEE was 1637. I spent most of the day on the couch. SO it was still pretty much maintenance.
    This morning I discovered that eggnog makes a great coffee creamer. But oh, the sugar! :noway:
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Is it any shock that it's the smart ladies that are the ones eating the healthy amounts?

    Think about it, there is nobody here that types in all caps with no punctuation and text-speak.
    They're too busy starting the threads that say

    Robin: I laughed so hard when I just read this - I was thinking it, you said it!!! :)
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Is it any shock that it's the smart ladies that are the ones eating the healthy amounts?

    Think about it, there is nobody here that types in all caps with no punctuation and text-speak.
    They're too busy starting the threads that say


    Love it!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Morning ladies...well I am currently getting my cardio in at the gym...PM workout is strength...arms and pilates today. Woo hoo;)

    I am always worried about my metabolism...about undereating for my fitness level. A mile for me burns about 70 calories so on a highly active day I must burn about 250 from walking and 700 from running...so that's 950 burned on top of by base which is anywhere from 1300-1450 for my size.

    I think 2200 on super active days might be a slight deficit but nothing meaningful.

    On regular days I plan to stick to 2000-30 min strength burns 200 and 90 min cardio burns about 560 so I will be at about 750. 2000 sounds good. A slight deficit but not more than 200 max.

    Sorry...I talk through my plans a lot. It helps me to see if they make sense.

    What body part do you love most about yourself. (choose a real body part- not hair or smile or hands)...LOL
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Gonnna go ahead and declare yesterday a "cheat day". 3100 calories!! Opps.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    rachel...that's okay. we all need those days. what'd you eat?
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Lucy-I just had spagetti squash yesterday!!! love it!

    Welcome Kim!!

    Rachel I had a cheat day also! Hard to know exactly how much I ate but somewhere around 2600-3000! damn cookies! Back on track today!

    64 oz of water done for today. Yoga X done.

    My favorite body part....That is tough. I have alot of excess skin from losing alot of weight many years ago....I guess for me my favorite body part is my calves which are very toned thanks to all the running!

    Hope you all have a great day!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    rachel...that's okay. we all need those days. what'd you eat?

    My diary is open, but it was normal until dinner. Then I had pizza, beer, some of my kids macaroni bites. Followed that with wine, cheese, crackers and an apple. Plus no workout.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    What body part do you love most about yourself. (choose a real body part- not hair or smile or hands)...LOL

    Probably my arms and shoulders.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member

    What body part do you love most about yourself. (choose a real body part- not hair or smile or hands)...LOL

    Well, actually my two favorite probably don't count: hands and eyes.

    But besides those, probably my legs. I have pretty muscular defined legs, probably from years of soccer and skiing. Now that they've slimmed down a bit, I really do love them. :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    my favorite body part...my butt. haha.

    Okay, so I've been running numbers all morning trying to figure out what I'm going to do plan wise. I have a daily goal of 1 hour walking, 90 minutes cardio, and 30 minutes strength (circuit/abs/pilates).

    Given my sedentary is about 1300 once I factor out the 3 hours of activity I figure that I'm burning about 2250 TOTAL on a daily basis. I want to slowly lose so I need a deficit of 250 max (slow loss). So I will eat 2000 calories a day.

    2000 (eaten)-1100(MFP burn estimate for exercise) is a 900 net calorie intake. In actuality I am only burning about 950 NOT 1100...so my actual NET is 1150 (I am 4'11 and this is appropriate for my height based on metabolic testing).

    So my plan is to eat 2000 calories for 6 weeks, maybe one day a week eat up to 2500 calories. So I have a 1250 deficit weekly. In 6 weeks that is a loss of just about 2 pounds.

    That will put me at goal whilst eating 2000 calories 6 days a week and 2500 calories 1 day a week. IF I keep up my exercise and stay consistent :) woo hoo! That's my plan and I'm sticking to it!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Body part - hmmm... Right now, it's my shoulders, but I need to shape them more so I can get that dent in the side of the arm above the tricep. Sorry, don't know the muscle groups well enough yet. But a rounded shoulder muscle would help define them from looking like a "mutton chop" when my arm is resting at my side. KWIM?

    And I like the hollows in my cheeks above the jawline. I had chipmunk cheeks before the weight loss, so I like the hollows now. But my cheekbones jut out a bit; can't do anything about that.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    That was a really yummy day rachel!

    I didn't log yesterday - I just couldnt' figure out what I'd eaten and normally I force myself to guesstimate but yesterday I just didn't want to. so Oh well - really struggling with protein the last 2 weeks ...and when I say 'struggling' what I mean is stomping my feet and refusing to do it. I hate my protein powder now - drinking it is like a chore, by the end I want to just toss out the last half of it. Bleh. I'm sick of having to eat TONS of meat to hit 140 grams - it makes eating a chore too. Horrible. I LIKE eating!

    I hate all my body parts right now (wrists? do wrists count!?) and I can like, FEEL the muscle loss happening and I don't know if its all in my head or if its really happening. nnnnngh.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member

    And I like the hollows in my cheeks above the jawline. I had chipmunk cheeks before the weight loss, so I like the hollows now. But my cheekbones jut out a bit; can't do anything about that.

    I would do anything to have cheekbones like yours!!! My mother had beautiful cheekbones, but did I get them?? Nooooo....I inherited my dad's jowls instead!!

    However, I do have great calves! And my shoulders and arms were looking rather defined during my Turbo Fire workout today!