<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    favorite fast breakfast: 1 egg, bit of shredded cheese, wrapped in ww tortilla

    favorite slow breakfast: french toast with cream cheese and berries :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You people are little.... :wink:

    I usually have 3 scrambled eggs but I'm getting REALLY sick of it. Today I gave in and had kids cereal.
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Question of the day:

    Favorite go to breakfast choice for quick and easy days & weekend/slow days?

    Fav fast breakfast: Any type of cereal Ex: Special K, Kashi Go Lean or Cheerios with a banana. Especially my banana thats a must.

    Fav slow weekend breakfast: My homemade Apple Cinnamon Wheat Pancakes, 2 Turkey Sausages, 2 egg whites and my banana!
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    You people are little.... :wink:

    I usually have 3 scrambled eggs but I'm getting REALLY sick of it. Today I gave in and had kids cereal.

    Mmmmm lol I do that too but once in a blue moon. Mmm to Reeses Puff cereal :-P (^_^)
  • mrsmorris13
    Ok Peeps....I had plateaued for weeks! I up'ed my calories this week...I really shot for 2000 daily...but Damn! I wasn't hungry. However...I was getting 1500-2100.....

    I lost a pound! Woohoo!

    Thanks for reminding me that eating is good! I almost got sucked into the "1000 calorie a day" black hole......apparently, that was not working for me!

    Thanks guys!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Looks like I missed a bunch yesterday while at work....I will try to address some!

    Fav body part...hmmmm, would have to be my feet. I have lovely feet! I also like my clavicles (someone else said that too).

    Found out why my scale was soo mean this week, started period yest. Well...at least I have an excuse now ;)

    I am so happy to have found such a SMART, educated group of like-minded ladies! I don't have any friends that eat and work out like I do. They all try the quick tricks and yoyo like crazy. It's awful to watch.

    Todays question...my go break is Almond butter and jelly on WW eng muff. I eat this everyday. Today I tried something new a quinoa like oatmeal and it just didn't do the trick. Healthy but yuck and now I want my PBJ!! Sometimes I will have a homemade english mcmuffin after I run.


    Rachel-I agree "you girls are tiny" lol! The smallest I've been is 138 and I was too thin for my build and it was extremely hard to maintain. My body didn't like it at all. So I'm shooting for 150. 145 would be better but I think may be too hard to keep there with running. Whoever answered about the running...yes, it is really hard to lose weight while in marathon training. I'm hoping that this go round will be different. No free passes to eat whatever I want just because I ran 10 miles...sheesh!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The smallest I've ever been as an adult was 145. My goal for the spring will be 18%-20% body fat which will probably be in the low 140s again. Right now I'm working on building muscle, so will be trying to eat at a surplus once I figure out what maintenance is...
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    You people are little.... :wink:

    I usually have 3 scrambled eggs but I'm getting REALLY sick of it. Today I gave in and had kids cereal.

    I used to think so, but compared to some of you, I'm starting to feel average, although not that it's always a bad thing. :D I'm 5'3" and my ideal weight is 120 lb. I checked in at 127.6 today -- woo hoo! I haven't seen a 7 at the end since ... well ... I'd rather not think about when. ;) I'd love to go down lower, but I don't think that'd be possible without a breast reduction (I'm a natural 32DD, which boggles everyone's mind -- including my own -- because I'm also Asian. My mother was a 32B before she went up to a 32C in her middle age.)

    I'm not much of a breakfast person on weekdays; I usually don't have time to grab anything before I head out to work, not even a coffee (I brew at work). So my first meal of the day is usually lunch, and depending on how I know the rest of my day will go, it can be anything moderate like a half sandwich and soup to something big. Today I have a business lunch meeting, so it will be yummy curries at the Indian restaurant. :) Since I know that will be carb-heavy, I'll have a low-carb dinner later and a protein drink after lifting at the gym later tonight to make up my ratios for the day.

    Weekends, I love -- LOVE -- diner food. Corned beef hash and eggs are my favorite. <3 These days, I leave it to my bf to finish my toast or pancakes, but I still can't resist the smell of corned beef hash. MmMmMmMMmm...
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone, I would love to be a part of this group! It is so refreshing to see other ladies eating like I am!
    II am coming up on my one year anniversary of my lifestyle change on Dec 1st. I started at 230# and am down around 178-180 right now. Goal is 145(ish).
    In the beginning of my journey, my deficits were way too high, I was working out a lot and eating way to little. So my goal now is to keep my deficits around 500 daily which means netting around 2000 calories a day depending on the workout and other activities that day. I am so glad to find a group like this, I was beginning to think I was crazy and I had thoughts in my head every day that maybe I should go back to 1200 calories. I keep seeing people on this board and others dropping weight like crazy on low calories and my brain wants to be sucked into that, but know it won't work for me. I mean seriously, I am 5'7", I burn at least 400 exercise calories a day, on a light day, I am active most days and I have a big appetite. 1200 calories for me is just wrong. My goal is to be well nourished, fit, muscular and healthy. I don't want to be skinny fat and I cringe every time I think about how much muscle I burned off with too much cardio, no weights and not enough calories in the beginning. Live and learn! I am still not sure if I have my numbers down just right, but I will get there and am interested in learning from all of you!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    OMG I am so happy to find this thread!! It's such a nice change from the "eat 1200 (or less) and work out for hours" camp - I don't know HOW they do it; I'd be extremely cranky eating only 1200 calories even if I did nothing but sit on the couch all day!!

    So... I have been in maintenance for two months. My net calories were at 1630 and I typically averaged about 1960 with exercise added in. I am doing NROLW (stage 1) twice a week and running 3x a week (currently about 12-13 miles per week) in preparation for a 15K in December. I also do a ton of yoga - usually 3-4x a week, but am currently at 6x a week for a 1-month challenge at my studio (practice 25 days out of 30).

    I've maintained my weight right around 129-129.5 for two months, but my measurements and % body fat haven't changed at all (currently 21.6%). I just upped my net calories to 1770 to see if that does anything. So my total with exercise will be about 2100. I only record weight every four weeks because I have a lot of fluctuations due to monthly cycles.

    My macros are set at 45% carbs - 30% protein - 25% fat. I have a muscle milk shake after each lifting session per the book's instructions; I'll be adding a daily protein shake (just ordered Jillian Michaels' whey powder off of amazon) as well.
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    *BUMP* Love this thread. I am slowly upping my calories as I focus more on heavy lifting!!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    i have an ingrown toenail. it sucks :(
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Question of the day:

    Favorite go to breakfast choice for quick and easy days & weekend/slow days?

    I'm5'6" so I'm medium sized I guess - but according to the BMI chart I could weigh as little as 115 and still be healthy and WHAAAAAAA??? Doesn't seem right - I'm gonna hit 150 and reevaluate then. Depending on how much muscle I lose while I'm dropping those 25lbs -- I might be ok not losing anymore at that point but I'll probably drop to 140 or 145. Can't imagine weighing 105! I wouldn't mind being super slender like some of you but I'm a d or dd so I think i'm just not built that way.

    So what is this breakfast of which you guys speak???? I pretty much wakeup, roll into clothes, go to work, and have some coffee. Or sometimes a scoop of protein powder. Or sometimes an earl grey tea. I don't eat til lunch time most days. The exception is if I wake up and I'm really hungry I usually grab a breakfast sandwich.

    Weekends are different, I tend to eat a big late breakfast/brunch and then a late afternoon/early evening dinner.

    today I was hungry and I had a meeting so I grabbed a trader joes peanut butter and oats bar -- it was the only thing we had in the house.

    I ordered more protein powder, I was trying to wait until I finish the one I had but I am SO DAMN SICK of hte one I have -- all the reviews say the "natural" pro complex is gross compared to the regular pro-complex so I got that in vanilla instead of chocolate and I hope it makes a difference. I might go pick up a single serving packet of something at the local shop though just to tide me over for the day as vanilla whey protein in almond milk sounds really good right now.

    Probably because I'm hungry still and haven't had any COFFEE yet. I'm trying to decide if I should go in to work today or not - I was staying home to wait for the repair guy but he's sick and he called to cancel. I really don't want to go.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Fave breakfast - there's no slow breakfast for me right now. If I could eat Kashi Go Lean Toasted Berry Crumble cereal at every meal, I would. I MIGHT. I love it. My go-to breakfasts have been the Everything Bagel Thins and Philly cream cheese, or PBJ. The last time I had a decadent breakfast of pancakes w/syrup, bacon and eggs, I was with my girlfriends on a Las Vegas weekend GNO. I thought I was so cool with eating a big breakfast and then walking the strip, but if you take in more than put out, no go!

    RE: 5 pound buffer, I'm 5' 2.5" and am in the 120-124 pound range. After finally getting here from 157, my heaviest, I'm trying to figure out what range is the most sustainable. I hit 119 once and think that's not going to work for me. I think I can keep below 125, but next month I really want to start the NROLFW and see if that changes my body. If it does, then I'll do it and stay at whatever the scale ends up at, as long as it's below 125-127 and my body feels good/looks healthy. I'm starting week 3 of 6 Week 6 Pack and want to see if that makes a difference (so far, so good).

    Hooray for busting down plateaus!! :):):)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    hey ladies!!
    Today was my last day of recvoery week 4 in p90x and then Firiday I start week 5!

    Welcome to the new ladies!!

    On work days I usually have a whole wheat english muffin (lite) with 1 egg. One half of the english muffin has lite cream cheese, the other half has 1tbsp better n' peanut butter. This is pretty quick.
    Other days I might have oatmeal plain, quick oats with some agave made with water.

    Every now and then I will splurge on pancakes, but that is rare!!

    Hope you all have a great day!!!
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Bumping this page. I need to start having a larger Net calorie intake!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Well ladies, it's official...I think I'm sick! Grrrr! I couldn't get out the door early to run before the heat because I woke up with a sore throat and sinus problems. I had a jump lesson on my horse and felt ok so I'm gonna to to the gym and run on the treadmill and see what happens...I better not be sick on Sat! I have 6 miles to run on my training schedule, Ugh! I'm a bad sick person.....Bought the 30 DS DVD and thought I would start that tomorrow.

    Tameko-I'm 5'6" also, so we are probably pretty similar. I don't go by what they say I should be on the charts...if I weighed that little then I would have no muscles so I'll stick to a goal of 150 with a possible 145 if I'm really feeling motivated :)

    Love4fit-Sorry about the toe...those really suck!!

    I can not find any protein powder that doesn't have Soy or Lecithin in it....so frustrated. I'm trying to avoid all soy due to my hypothyroid.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    i am so happy to have so many ladies on board. anything exciting happen today? any yummy food finds lately?
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Welcome to all our newbies!! Yay, this is quite the group we're creating!

    I fully support having a goal weight range, my weight fluctuates at the drop of a hat so I think that sounds sensible to me :) I'm actually struggling to decide where my goal should lie.
    I've always been obese, I don't have a 'High School weight' that I want to get back to (never ever going back to THAT weight!) I've never ever been as small as I am now, I have NO idea what I 'should' weigh. I hate the whole BMI thing but I think its useful as a rough estimate - I'm sitting at 25.0 darn it! I currently have my goal set as 70-72kgs or 154 -159lbs and I'm 5' 9". I'm thinking I might just aim for the 150's range :) I'm fitting into the kinds of clothes and the sizes that I want to be already so the whole weight thing isn't too much of a worry for me.

    Onto today's question

    Fav fast breakfast - protein shake with banana, almond butter, spinach and whatever else I find in the fridge to throw in! At the moment I'm loving making oatmeal with banana at work and eating it out of an almost-empty almond butter jar mmmm melty almond butter goodness....

    Fav not-so-quick breakfast - I love banana pancakes with bacon mmmm

    I obviously have a banana fetish going on!! I gave someone advice in another thread the other day and mentioned bananas - all of a sudden another poster told me not to eat bananas?!?! I'm like "look lady, look at my ticker...do you see how much weight I have lost, good grief, I know what works for my body" there is NOTHING wrong with bananas!!! aargh!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    bananas make the best protein shakes. Yum.

    I just got a new fancy smancy blender....