<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I eat a banana most days, at school.

    At breakfast I'm really rushed so end up eating Belvita Fruit and Fibre breakfast biscuits while getting lunch ready for dh (pita, ham, lettuce) and ds (bento box of veg and some kind of protein + other stuff). If I remember to, I have 100 ml prune juice and 100ml orange to try to counteract the constipation I get from my iron tablets.

    Even a bowl of cereal is a slow breakfast for me :Laugh:

    I realised today is a day that I would have binged if I wasn't calorie counting. I had about 500 kcal of breakfast, so didn't feel snacky, didn't have a dessert at lunch (yummy school dinner of spanish omlet, fresh baked bread, fresh soup and lots of salad) and had the suggested portion size of stuffed pasta for dinner. Logically, that sounds like plenty, and if I wasn't counting calories, when i still felt hungry after all that, I would have thought I couldn't possibly need more food, resisted eating for a while and then binged on icecream or chocolate.

    Today I had nuts and dried fruit instead. :happy:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I read a great quote from tom Venuto in his book The Body Fat Solution which fits in well with this group:

    "Your RMR (resting metabolic rate) is directly related to the amount of muscle you have. If you lose muscle from extreme dieting, then your RMR will decrease. If you gain muscle from supportive nutrition and weight training, then your RMR will increase. "

    One more great reason to eat more!!!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Wow - I was part of the initial post where it was talked about to start a group and then I forgot about it and now it's at 13 pages! I'll have to read through tomorrow.

    Hi -

    I'm 32, 5'10" and fluctuate between 148 and 150 lbs and live in the Rockies in Colorado!
    I eat around 2200 calories/day.

    My workout schedule looks like this:
    Monday: Power Sculpt Class
    Tuesday: 75 minutes spinning
    Wednesday: NROLFW
    Thursday: Power Sculpt Class
    Friday: NROLFW
    Saturday: 30 min of HIIT
    Sunday: NROLFW

    Fun group! Can't wait to read more.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Don't ever buy pea protein!!!

    Does that come from pregnant ladies hehehe oh, wait no, that would be Pee Protein!!


    I need to get a life :P

    I've been listening a bit to some podcasts from fat2fit radio, they are all for encouraging people to eat more to lose, and their explanations of things have me going "oooh, true!". Haven't listened to many of them, but am enjoying them!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks Dawn! I stopped and picked up some rice protein....a different brand but pretty much the same. I tried some after I ran....a bit gritty but ok with the stevia added. I think it will work well in shakes but not to drink plain. I can do the whey once in a while if I need to drink it plain. I almost bought the Pee protein though, yikes! Thanks for the heads up!

    Had to meet mom for lunch so blew cals on nasty Red Robin food. She likes to go there. I just ate half and when I came home to look it up it was about 750cal lunch, ugh!

    Ok..I picked up some bananas...now how the heck to I freeze them after I cut them up?? Do you just stick them in a baggie or lay them out flat so they don't stick together? Sorry for the dumb question.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Thanks Dawn! I stopped and picked up some rice protein....a different brand but pretty much the same. I tried some after I ran....a bit gritty but ok with the stevia added. I think it will work well in shakes but not to drink plain. I can do the whey once in a while if I need to drink it plain. I almost bought the Pee protein though, yikes! Thanks for the heads up!

    Had to meet mom for lunch so blew cals on nasty Red Robin food. She likes to go there. I just ate half and when I came home to look it up it was about 750cal lunch, ugh!

    Ok..I picked up some bananas...now how the heck to I freeze them after I cut them up?? Do you just stick them in a baggie or lay them out flat so they don't stick together? Sorry for the dumb question.

    I actually throw the whole banana, with the peel into the freezer, but that's because I toss my "turning" bananas in there. For my blender, I have to pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds so it doesn't overwhelm it. But they are still ice-like, just softer on the outside.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I actually throw the whole banana, with the peel into the freezer, but that's because I toss my "turning" bananas in there. For my blender, I have to pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds so it doesn't overwhelm it. But they are still ice-like, just softer on the outside.

    I did this once. How do you get the frozen peel off?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Had to meet mom for lunch so blew cals on nasty Red Robin food. She likes to go there. I just ate half and when I came home to look it up it was about 750cal lunch, ugh!

    I split a burger with my husband and then got a side salad last time I got there. Good right? Nope. 1000 calories for half a burger and a salad.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I actually throw the whole banana, with the peel into the freezer, but that's because I toss my "turning" bananas in there. For my blender, I have to pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds so it doesn't overwhelm it. But they are still ice-like, just softer on the outside.

    I did this once. How do you get the frozen peel off?

    After you microwave it for 30 seconds, the peel is easy to get off.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Had to meet mom for lunch so blew cals on nasty Red Robin food. She likes to go there. I just ate half and when I came home to look it up it was about 750cal lunch, ugh!

    I split a burger with my husband and then got a side salad last time I got there. Good right? Nope. 1000 calories for half a burger and a salad.

    Red Robin has an app where you can build your meal in advance, adding and removing items to see the calorie impact. I always go for a salad with chicken because I'll eat all the chicken and only half the salad. With the dressing on the side so you can control it, a 500 cal or less meal is possible.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Had to meet mom for lunch so blew cals on nasty Red Robin food. She likes to go there. I just ate half and when I came home to look it up it was about 750cal lunch, ugh!

    I split a burger with my husband and then got a side salad last time I got there. Good right? Nope. 1000 calories for half a burger and a salad.

    I can take my kids there because they have an allergy-friendly menu (DS is dairy/egg/peanut allergic, DD is peanut allergic). I used to lurve me some Banzai Burger, but after starting weight loss I could only get myself to eat half and take half home. At least 4-500 calories for half. O_O So the next time I had a grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side. That's doable. Always on the side.

    RE: bananas, my husband cuts up ripe banana slices, throws them in a tupperware or ziploc, then freezes. He'll add them to his protein shakes, breaks them apart in their frozen state, and toss them in the Magic Bullet.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I do love their burgers though, probably worth 500 calories. Next time I just won't get ranch on my salad. Somehow their ranch was like 300 calories!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I usually do ok at Red robin - there's a chicken ciabatta sandwich that's something like 700 for the whole thing (no fries of course) -- you can drop the mayo from it to save a tiny bit and I usually peel off the extra bread to shave off a few calories. Not too bad.

    most stuff is pretty horrendous because portion sizes are huge and they use a lot of mayo and high cal sauces, but if you drop some of that stuff ti comes out ok.

    Fries add a TON but I'm actually not sure how much, I found that lately they are REALLY stingy with em (you get like 6) and i don't know if thats because they started measuring more carefully due to the calorie counting laws or what.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    So I just recently switched to maintenence so my calories are now 1620 instead of 1200, and I have been trying to eat back my exercise calories. I just have stuck in my brain that less calories=less weight & I need help! I currently weigh 110lbs and am 5'2. Put on 2lbs with 3 weddings in one weekend and having a terrible cold. So I have some weight to lose & some muscle to gain.
    For exercise I do p90x strength training, and running for cardio. 1st half marathon is in 1.5weeks!
    Basically, I am terrified to up my calories, and would like to know you reasons for increasing them in the first place, and how your body initially reacted. THANKS!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Regarding frozen bananas, I always wait until they're really really super ripe, like almost too ripe to eat, then I cut them into little pieces and throw them in zip loc bags in the freezer. When I want to use them in a smoothie or make banana 'ice cream" I break them apart and throw them in the blender like ice cubes.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    So I just recently switched to maintenence so my calories are now 1620 instead of 1200, and I have been trying to eat back my exercise calories. I just have stuck in my brain that less calories=less weight & I need help! I currently weigh 110lbs and am 5'2. Put on 2lbs with 3 weddings in one weekend and having a terrible cold. So I have some weight to lose & some muscle to gain.
    For exercise I do p90x strength training, and running for cardio. 1st half marathon is in 1.5weeks!
    Basically, I am terrified to up my calories, and would like to know you reasons for increasing them in the first place, and how your body initially reacted. THANKS!

    If you're doing P90x and a half marathon, you should probably be eating more. Seriously. I understand the fear and I understand the thinking of less calories=less weight, but if you really want to see progress, particularly in strength training, then you have to eat. You'll never have the energy to give it your all and gain muscle if you're not eating enough.

    I'm going into week 13 of P90x and starting NROLFW next week and I eat quite a lot, usually 2000-2400 calories and I've had incredible results. I haven't suddenly gained weight, but I've seen a definite increase in strength and my body looks a lot better.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    I am definitely open to it, and finally feeling a little better. Yesterday was my first normal day in a week. So I think today I will start eating all of my exercise calories, or at least up to 2,000.I'm ready to see that last bit of weight fall off and to start seeing more muscle definition.
    Feel free to add me if you want! I would love any extra support!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I am definitely open to it, and finally feeling a little better. Yesterday was my first normal day in a week. So I think today I will start eating all of my exercise calories, or at least up to 2,000.I'm ready to see that last bit of weight fall off and to start seeing more muscle definition.
    Feel free to add me if you want! I would love any extra support!

    Heya and welcome to our little corner of MFP

    I can understand that is must be hard for you to get your head around eating more when the whole mantra around here is focused on low calories.
    My advice would be to increase your calories, but stay away from the scale for a little bit. Sometimes increasing can result in a small gain before you start to loose or maintain and this can be discouraging. Our bodies are amazingly complex, crazy, frustrating and beautiful things. They take some time to really get to know.

    Hang out here with us! We're all educated, strong, active women who enjoy food and fueling our bodies right!!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member

    Quick question:

    Do you 'eat clean'? Why or why not?
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    mmmmmm steak, terrible store brought pasta salad and bean salad for dinner. Ton of carbs, protein and fat gosh I love being in surplus now! This morning my breakfast was 669 cals half of what I was eating before.

    I don't eat clean but I put in effort to eat lots of veggies and fruits thats about it. Can't be bothered making things from scratch really

    I have a question. we are super tight on money and I made the mistake of going for the cheap protein powder thought it would be ok cos it is endorsed by popular people ANYWAY it tastes fine but feels like I am drinking milky chalk and I struggle to down it. Which do you use? Oh and I'm Australian so idk which I can get here.