<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Regarding frozen bananas, I always wait until they're really really super ripe, like almost too ripe to eat, then I cut them into little pieces and throw them in zip loc bags in the freezer. When I want to use them in a smoothie or make banana 'ice cream" I break them apart and throw them in the blender like ice cubes.

    oh that is a good tip cant wait until bananas are cheaper so I can eat them too
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Regarding frozen bananas, I always wait until they're really really super ripe, like almost too ripe to eat, then I cut them into little pieces and throw them in zip loc bags in the freezer. When I want to use them in a smoothie or make banana 'ice cream" I break them apart and throw them in the blender like ice cubes.

    oh that is a good tip cant wait until bananas are cheaper so I can eat them too

    A lot of times the overripe bananas are on sale at the grocery store, so maybe look into that.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm a big believer in clean eating. I love to cook and bake so I pretty much make everything at home from scratch. I was a vegetarian for a few years so my go-to foods are always fruits and vegetables. I only eat local organic meats and I try to only eat freshly caught local fish.

    It can be difficult to eat clean when the rest of your family isn't interested, so that's a constant struggle for me. No one else in my family seems to understand my interest in healthy eating and fitness. So that's sad.

    Anyone else have difficulties with their families supporting healthy eating/fitness?
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    My mum told me I was getting too thin and then handed me a pie. But she had brought the pie before she saw me and I have dropped a ton of weight since she last saw me. Most people are supportive on my healthy living/ weight loss but they always warn me about dropping too low ect.

    I live with my husband and three children so whatever I want to eat is what they eat but I have only a certain amount of money for the food per fortnight. Like 200-250 for five people and guests for 14 days isn't a lot, I spend 80 or so just on fruits and veggies. I do buy fruit and veg local where I can and the shop I go to buys direct from farms so if it has to travel I think at least its straight here unlike supermarket stuff that is grown near me then travels to the capital of our state (like 1000 miles away) then back to us. But we eat packaged things too like savory biscuits, pasta sauce bottles (way cheaper than from scratch) and canned veg ect.

    We had a cyclone destroy all our banana crops and despite how long its been they are still charging so much for them. Its ridiculous the crops should be bouncing back by now! I saw a ton of them grown four months ago. I need to drag my bottom to the markets on Saturday and see how much bananas are going for there.
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Hello... just posting here because its the first time I've spotted a group that fits more with where I'm at, and would like to come back and read the whole thread... MFP thinks I should eat 2700 calories today (that's because I'm doing a couple of hours of cycling) I must average around 2000 depending on what I do.

    I did a lot of triathlon training earlier this year and lost a bit of weight in the process. Current plans are to enter a marathon for early next year, do some more triathlons, stuff like that. I'm hoping to make time to do some more serious weights work over the winter. I don't "need" to be any lighter, but would quite like to loose a couple of kg and be a bit more toned. We'll see what happens...
  • kayla220220
    hey guys give me some advice please
    I currently eat around 1700 calories a day
    am 19 female around 5 1 in height and weight 57kg
    i really want to drop down to 50kg
    i live on campus in a not so great area so my exercise is usually 40 minute walk to/from uni ( 20 each way)
    and what ever I can do in my room
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    hey guys give me some advice please
    I currently eat around 1700 calories a day
    am 19 female around 5 1 in height and weight 57kg
    i really want to drop down to 50kg
    i live on campus in a not so great area so my exercise is usually 40 minute walk to/from uni ( 20 each way)
    and what ever I can do in my room

    There's so much you can do in your room.

    Check out these links. You can do pretty excellent bodyweight workouts in the privacy of your own room. I pretty much exclusively work out in my room at home. I don't belong to a gym or anything, just turned my bedroom into my own personal gym.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    hey guys give me some advice please
    I currently eat around 1700 calories a day
    am 19 female around 5 1 in height and weight 57kg
    i really want to drop down to 50kg
    i live on campus in a not so great area so my exercise is usually 40 minute walk to/from uni ( 20 each way)
    and what ever I can do in my room

    Do you have enough room to get something like insanity, p90x, 30ds ect and work out to those?

    here is a link to insanity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLK28BHJDd8

    here is 30ds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WSPkxYX2Xc

    Otherwise you could jog to and from uni. Jog rest jog rest using whatever you can to trigger your jogging and resting points. People use power poles ect.

    Edited to add I adore bodyrock!
  • kayla220220
    thanks for the link am loving them
    not really a fan of bodyrock ( too hard for me yet) but the rest are great
  • kayla220220
    i really would love to get p90x but im a uni student and don't think i can afford it :C
    around how much is it
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I've been eating maintenance calories of between 1800 - 2600 since June. Lost a lot of cm's but not much on the scale!

    Now I've decided to aim for around 1800 gross calories a day. I still want to lose another 4 - 6 kg to get to about 58 kg.

    I'm so happy!! Today I broke through my 3 month plateau. Been hovering between 64 and 65. Today I Lost 0.6 kg. Now i'm in the 63's. 63.4 kg. Wow I couldn't believe it!!

    Looks like 1800 gross calories is the correct amount for me to lose weight. woohoo. haha and when i went clothes shopping this arvo i got into some size 8 pants and tops. :) Was so excited.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    i really would love to get p90x but im a uni student and don't think i can afford it :C
    around how much is it

    P90x is quite pricey, around $120. I just finished university last year, so I can totally understand the cost issue. If you actually do the whole program and put in the effort, the results are really good. It is quite time intensive though and as a university student I could have never done it, time-wise or money-wise. Just my honest opinion.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Eating clean? No, not really. I would love to but I am go-go-go and have to eat what I can carry, so that usually means packaged. At home when I cook it is freshly killed meats from the local place, and fruits and veggies grown locally too, but for work I carry Pure Protein Bars, packs of cocoa almonds, AdvantEdge shakes, and little pre-packed tuna and cracker lunches.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I just read the previous pages and I have to say: I HATE bananas! LOL sorry, ladies! I know there's some serious nana-lovin going on but I cannot agree. The smell, the texture, and the taste all make me literally gag. I can't even stand next to someone while they peel a banana.:sick:

    My 6 hour meeting yesterday was killer. I had to open the store at 5, leave at 9 to get to the city for 10, meeting 10-4:30, back to my office at 5, and didn't get home till 7.
    14 freakin hours. But I managed to eat right around 2000. Usually on meeting days it is well over 3000 because I attack the dessert platter to keep awake. I did fairly well. :smile:
    Unfortunately my TDEE for yesterday was only 1900 since I spent so much time sitting...
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    on bananas....when I used to make my ex shakes I would slice the bananas and freeze them on a cookie tray. Then just put them in a zipkoc...this way they don't stick together or anything.

    On upping calories...well I love to eat and workout so it isn't difficult to burn calories. Ya know? I always read about people plateauing while eating 1200 calories which does not make sense at all. So I decided to do things my way and just monitor my body to see the impact of eating more on my weight. I know that if I'm eating enough while lifting of is possible for me to slowly gain muscle weight. I have gained a few pounds of muscle and it looks better than being super skinny. So....it is possiblle that you gain a couple pounds at first but this is usually due to extra food and water in your system. Over time small gains from muscle are also possible.

    On protein powder... EAS 100% whey tastes great but if you want to use up a yucky protein just add it to oatmeall and it should be fine.

    On eating clean....nope. It's fine though. Part of eating is the pleasure factor and there are some things that I just love the taste of. Processed granola bars, whole grain crackers, lifesavers, mini chocolate bars. I am a law student and I am super bidi so I cut myself some slack since fitting in a workout is hard enough.

    QUESTION of the DAY

    What are the foods that you always have on hand?

    For me it's yogurt and almond milk because I use them daily for protein shakes.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I always keep peanut butter, almonds, pistachios, apples and greek yogurt around. Peanut butter is absolutely my favorite food, I eat it at least twice a day in some way or another.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    RE: 5 pound buffer, I'm 5' 2.5" and am in the 120-124 pound range. After finally getting here from 157, my heaviest, I'm trying to figure out what range is the most sustainable. I hit 119 once and think that's not going to work for me. I think I can keep below 125, but next month I really want to start the NROLFW and see if that changes my body. If it does, then I'll do it and stay at whatever the scale ends up at, as long as it's below 125-127 and my body feels good/looks healthy. I'm starting week 3 of 6 Week 6 Pack and want to see if that makes a difference (so far, so good).

    Hooray for busting down plateaus!! :):):)


    Rachel-I agree "you girls are tiny" lol! The smallest I've been is 138 and I was too thin for my build and it was extremely hard to maintain. My body didn't like it at all. So I'm shooting for 150. 145 would be better but I think may be too hard to keep there with running. Whoever answered about the running...yes, it is really hard to lose weight while in marathon training. I'm hoping that this go round will be different. No free passes to eat whatever I want just because I ran 10 miles...sheesh!

    Well done on busting your plateau wooohoo. I did too today! :) I can relate to your post I feel exactly the same way!!

    Now first off, I'm struggling to keep up with all the replys in this topic and would love to respond to a lot more of you on here but haven't got the time atm, haha well I do have time but I'd end up spending hours lol doing it! ... sorry for the people who I miss out on quoting. I picked out a few quotes that I find I can really relate to in regards to the weight range you want to end up at.

    I will need to figure out what weight is the most sustainable for me as well! I'm 39 years old and 13 years ago when i lost the weight I got down to 58 kg (127 lbs). I'm 5 foot 2. I found though that I had extreme difficulty maintaining this weight and settled at at around 61 kg just about 1 month later. I would love to get to 58 and have a flatter tummy however and here is my main priority... The weight I settle at is not going to come at a cost to my sports. Perhaps I could get to and stay at the mid 50's - high 50's and I'd probably have great looking abs but the thing i find is if it means that in order to maintain this weight I have to eat less and it were impact on my sporting performance than I wont go there. When I did get to 58 back in 1998 I didnt have as much energy and I suffered in life and in sport and thats why I think my body decided to settle at 61 kg.

    I have a mesomorph build, i have muscle mass, strong bones/heavier structure so I know I'm at my healthiest at the upper end of my healthy weight range. I can understand though that some girls here weigh a lot less than me at the same height because their body frames are different than mine and thats fine. Also I agree that scale weight is not the most important thing. Your measurements and body fat % are just as important.

    Anyway I would still love to get my body fat % down and try to aim for 58 again but if I cant maintain it then I dont mind because the most important thing apart from having the energy for #1 my sport, is # 2 to be healthy happy and to realistically maintain my weight the rest of my life rather than yo yoing up and down which I dont want anymore.


    Kim55555: you're doing the right thing, listening to your body! You gotta fuel it if you expect great things from it!! I'm in NZ

    Yes, your right. My body was telling me back in June to start eating more to fuel my training and I listened. My body also probably needed to have a rest from losing weight and readjust/recompose to its new weight after having dieted for 13 months. Now 4 months later the body is ready to tackle the last weight loss stage![/quote]
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    My favourite meal atm

    Toasted Chicken yoghurt and avocado sandwich

    Jalna (low fat, low sugar yoghurt) mixed with avocado and between 50 - 100 grams of skinless chicken breast. Toast some bread. mmmmmm this is delicious!!!!!!!!!! You gotta try it. Its the yummiest mayo alternative. Very healthy dinner.

    This is also nice with lean meat and kangaroo meat
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't eat clean in the least bit. I eat a lot of processed meat, bread, cheese, even fast food. I do try to eat fruits and veggies as much as possible but that's pretty much it.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Bananas have gotten a bad rap with the low carb craze. I love bananas that are just a little green on the ends. I love them mushed onto a piece of toast with a little butter or peanut butter, yum!!!

    Have you tried banana sandwiches. They are the yummiest!!! With a little bit of margarine. :)

    Ohhhh and another:

    toasted apple and banana sandwiches. mmmm delic