<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Re fat2fit podcasts

    I've listened to every one of their podcasts and they really do provide good information. Their philosophy is all about living as the thinner person you want to becomeand they advocate eating the maintenance calories of your goal weight. That's why I upped my calories several months ago and I started losing weight again as a result. It's a slow process - sometimes only a pound a month - but over time it's working. As for how long it took to break a plateau, I believe they suggest giving it a month before you panic about gaining weight. I know that's how long it took for me - I went up briefly, and then back down in a few weeks. Now I haven't seen those kind of numbers since June.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Re fat2fit podcasts

    I've listened to every one of their podcasts and they really do provide good information. Their philosophy is all about living as the thinner person you want to becomeand they advocate eating the maintenance calories of your goal weight. That's why I upped my calories several months ago and I started losing weight again as a result. It's a slow process - sometimes only a pound a month - but over time it's working. As for how long it took to break a plateau, I believe they suggest giving it a month before you panic about gaining weight. I know that's how long it took for me - I went up briefly, and then back down in a few weeks. Now I haven't seen those kind of numbers since June.

    Yeah, I just looked at their BMR and goal weight calculator. It appears I’m eating at what my maintenance would be for my goal weight, so that’s good I guess (I’m trying to get through this 3-month long plateau). I’ve been at it for about 3 weeks, and it looks like instead of fluctuating between the same few pounds, I may have gained a couple. I will wait until this weekend to weigh in again. I also took measurements last weekend and there was no change, which I found to be strange considering all the strength training I’ve been doing. I don’t think I could have gained muscle in such a short amount of time. We’ll see what this weekend brings and maybe I’ll consider another couple of weeks at this calorie level either way, just to make sure. I have to remember to be patient.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I don't eat clean in the least bit. I eat a lot of processed meat, bread, cheese, even fast food. I do try to eat fruits and veggies as much as possible but that's pretty much it.

    This is exactly me except I'm a big foodie so I'm picky about meat/bread/cheese. The only 'healthy' change I've made is if my meal comes with vegetables or fruit, I eat it, and if it doesn't normally have veggies or fruit I try to add some. If I tried to eat clean I would probably be close to tears within days, I did south beach for 10 days in college and the only reason I lasted that long was because my roomate (who had made me do it with her in the first place) prepared ALL of our food and basically fed me the appropriate things every day.

    And then she had some kind of horrible food-breakdown and insisted on going to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner and we GORGED ourselves because we'd been starving ourselves for 10 days - seriously the first 2 weeks of south beach if you follow the 'suggested' foods and meals is like a 1000 calories a day of egg whites and spinach. Its freaking awful.

    This morning one of the girls on my friends list was wailing about her 600 calorie salad and how she couldn't have any of her usual 60 calorie snacks because of it - so I went to look at her diary and yep, 1200 calories. It frustrates me because I try to tell them "look you're eating a 1000 calorie deficit, if you go over by a few hundred today it DOESN'T MATTER" but no one listens.

    Someone already said everything needed about that article - yes, people's BMRs are different and BMR calculations are estimates at best. But Calories In < Calories out = weight loss and that is that.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I posted this on the other thread but I'm reposting here.

    You CAN eat more if you're active...and you don't have to go overboard and try to negate every calorie you eat. More is less, believe it or not. Most women can maintain on ~1800 calories a day, as long as you're an overall active person (and by active, as long as you do some kind of activity 30-45 minutes a day, whether it be working out, walking, running, etc).

    If your metabolism is high, because you live an active lifestyle, your body will get adjusted to burning more calories naturally, and you won't gain weight. Of course if you go back to being a couch potato it will definitely come back on.

    Back in the day, years ago, I used to eat 900-1200 calories a day (even though I was working out) because I figured a small girl needs to eat like a rabbit to stay small. I smartened up by educating myself, and now my body is more muscular and thus, burns more calories naturally. I went from 102-103 pounds and 22% body fat, to 110 pounds and 17% body fat by eating MORE and lifting heavy weights. I am so much healthier now and look way better too!

    he11yah! same here. I'm low carbing it to get cut and lovin it. 2k a day takes allot of effort for 5'3" lil ol me! Lots of raw dairy cheese, butter, coconut milk, proteins, pecans, almonds, macademia nuts (addicted!) and squashes! nom nom.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Ah, I didn’t even answer the clean eating question.

    I eat “clean” about 85% of the time. I tend to think I’m usually pretty awesome when it comes to food. It’s the fitness and weight loss part that I struggle with.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Ok, so today starts officially bumping up my calories! & I have decided I am not going to weigh myself until Nov.12th. The morning of my Tough Mudder Race! I think that will give me enough time to determine if this is working for me. I'm just going to trust my body.

    Also, I have a question...Today, after my workout I will have burned between 900-1000. Which means if I ate all my exercise calories I'd be eating about 2600 calories today. That seems very high. So should I just am for 2,000 or should I eat all of my exercise calories?

    Why not do somewhere in between?? Say 2300-2400 calories. 2000 is definitely not enough if you burned 1000 working out, that's 1000 net.
  • kayla220220
    okay thanks for your opinion
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    re: eating clean,

    Yes, I eat clean 95% of the time. My weakness is diet coke, but I usually have 1 can of zevia a day which is no made with stevia, all natural, no artificial indgrediants etc. I try to do organic for all meat/dairy/fruit and veggies.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    By the way - I actually have a good relationship with my scale. I weigh myself pretty often but kind of randomly other than my 'official' weekly weigh in but lately I've decided that even weekly weighins are 'too frequent'. I think its fine to check every week, but week to week fluctuations and "plateaus" are normal and to be encouraged. If you are literally losing a measurable amount every single week like clockwork, unless you are very overweight you're probably losing too fast. I was losing regularly every week until I hit about 180 (30lbs 'overweight' but BF wise I was 30% which is considered the high end of healthy) and then it kind of stalled out -- upped my calories and lost again, but then it was a 3 week "plateau" followed by a `1.5lb loss even though it wasn't like I was eating a HUGE deficit that week, its just that a lot of things happen and a pound or 2 (or 4) is just a random little fluctuation.

    So anyway - I weigh myself often but I don't consider it meaningful as anything other than seeing my general fluctuation range. I only consider long term trends meaningful.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    By the way - I actually have a good relationship with my scale. I weigh myself pretty often but kind of randomly other than my 'official' weekly weigh in but lately I've decided that even weekly weighins are 'too frequent'. I think its fine to check every week, but week to week fluctuations and "plateaus" are normal and to be encouraged. If you are literally losing a measurable amount every single week like clockwork, unless you are very overweight you're probably losing too fast. I was losing regularly every week until I hit about 180 (30lbs 'overweight' but BF wise I was 30% which is considered the high end of healthy) and then it kind of stalled out -- upped my calories and lost again, but then it was a 3 week "plateau" followed by a `1.5lb loss even though it wasn't like I was eating a HUGE deficit that week, its just that a lot of things happen and a pound or 2 (or 4) is just a random little fluctuation.

    So anyway - I weigh myself often but I don't consider it meaningful as anything other than seeing my general fluctuation range. I only consider long term trends meaningful.

    I totally agree. I'm the one that brought up the "ditch the scale". I actually weigh myself twice a day sometimes. The deal is it doesn't affect me like it used to. I'll weigh myself one day and I'm 155, then the next day I'm 152, then a few days later I'm 149. I will weigh myself in the morning, eat a protein shake, sweat my *kitten* off in the workout, weigh myself again and be down 3 pounds - in 3 hours!! The only thing I want to make sure of is that my fluctuation doesn't go from 148-155 to 155 - 165. That's the only reason I weigh myself. I just feel SO bad for the girls that see the extra two pounds on the scale and just berate themselves and wonder what they're doing wrong...it's like, well, keep checking back and if it stays that way, then yes, maybe change something up, but there's a REALLY good chance that scale is going back down again. OR - just forget about it and pull out the tape!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    2505 today!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    2505 today!

    Nice eating! :happy:
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    I weigh in every morning - but I actually couldn't care less about the number that shows, I just note it down and carry on. I use my clothes as my guide, its far more satisfying!

    I do the same. I'm a numbers geek, so I like being able to see the trend on a more consistent scale (no pun intended) than a random weigh-in whenever I remember. And if it were weekly or something, I'd never remember. Far easier to just incorporate it into my daily routine.

    Long day at work again today, and it was yoga night. Called the bf and we went to the buffet. No idea how many calories I took in, but it was a deliciously wicked feeling to just let go for a meal. Oh, and they had some really killer iced lemon cookies fresh from the oven. I helped myself to two.

    Didn't too hot in yoga class 45 minutes later. Some poses were ... well, a real stretch even for someone of my limited flexibility.

    It was worth it though. :D No dishes tonight!!!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I have a really crappy scale at home, so it was easy to give up on that thing. I haven't been bothered to spend the money buying a new one. For me, I'm 24 and have struggled with disordered eating since I was probably 13. I'd say I just recently finally deal with a lot of the issues contributing for it, and for the first time I really think I'm in control. Part of avoiding falling back into old habits is staying away from the scale and staying away from obsessive calorie counting. I've been re-training myself to concentrate on strength and endurance gains, measurements and how my clothes fit. I try to keep a general mental tally of approximately how many calories I'm eating (mainly to make sure I'm eating enough), but I can't keep a food diary on here anymore. It made me into an absolutely crazy person.

    Today is technically my "rest" day, but I'm feeling some sort of activity tonight, maybe a run or bike ride. Not sure yet, but I'm not so good at rest days, I'm always itching to get out and do something.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    thanks :) yep atm i'm focussing on around 1800 gross. i'm netting about 1300-1400
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Ok, so today starts officially bumping up my calories! & I have decided I am not going to weigh myself until Nov.12th. The morning of my Tough Mudder Race! I think that will give me enough time to determine if this is working for me. I'm just going to trust my body.

    Also, I have a question...Today, after my workout I will have burned between 900-1000. Which means if I ate all my exercise calories I'd be eating about 2600 calories today. That seems very high. So should I just am for 2,000 or should I eat all of my exercise calories?


    Do you go by the amount of burnt calories fitness pal lists? I think they are way to high! I usually pick either the light option or sometimes moderate even if I'm doing a vigorous workout. For instance the other day i had a moderate run and I chose the 5mph option 384 calories burnt. If im not sure what to choose I underestimate my workout to be on the safe side.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Do you go by the amount of burnt calories fitness pal lists? I think they are way to high!

    I agree! MFPs exercise estimates are WAY too high. After using both an HRM and the BodyMedia I discovered that some are more than TWICE what they should be for me!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member

    Do you go by the amount of burnt calories fitness pal lists? I think they are way to high!

    I agree! MFPs exercise estimates are WAY too high. After using both an HRM and the BodyMedia I discovered that some are more than TWICE what they should be for me!

    Agreed. They are way too high on some things and closer to accurate on other things. I much prefer to use my HRM, although I never assume anything is 100% accurate.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Any advice for when you WANT to eat 2000 calories but CAN'T, due to being somewhere/doing something with no food available or can't stop to eat?

    For example yesterday I ate a good breakfast before leaving the house (my diary is open). I logged a bunch of "work snacks" throughout the day so I would be up to 1600 when I got home at 6PM. But work is work, and sometimes if it is busy I can NOT stop to eat. What do I do? I can't tell the line of customers "go away. I want to eat". So I end up busting *kitten* for hours with no break. Yesterday I ended up deleting half of the stuff I intended to eat, and I ended up getting home at 7:30PM, bodymedia said I was over 2000 already, and I had only consumed 681!

    My honey had just cooked up a pan of stir fried veggies and kielbasa to split, and I ate the whole thing myself, he was SOL, but he let me have it, lol.

    Then I was about to crash and my tummy was rumbling so I ate a chocolate peanut butter protein bar right before bed at 10. AT that point the bodymedia was at 2200 and I was only up to 1386! :frown:

    Work has been crazy lately, as I have 3 new employees so I am training these 3 girls when they get out of school so I have to be there late, but I still have to open most days, so I am having some 11 or 12 hour days.
    Today I am working 8-6 but then I have to go to bed as soon as I get home and eat because I have to get up 3:40 Saturday morning because I'm opening.

    Any ideas? :frown: I'm exhausted and crabby all the time and it is affecting my home life too.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Any advice for when you WANT to eat 2000 calories but CAN'T, due to being somewhere/doing something with no food available or can't stop to eat?

    For example yesterday I ate a good breakfast before leaving the house (my diary is open). I logged a bunch of "work snacks" throughout the day so I would be up to 1600 when I got home at 6PM. But work is work, and sometimes if it is busy I can NOT stop to eat. What do I do? I can't tell the line of customers "go away. I want to eat". So I end up busting *kitten* for hours with no break. Yesterday I ended up deleting half of the stuff I intended to eat, and I ended up getting home at 7:30PM, bodymedia said I was over 2000 already, and I had only consumed 681!

    My honey had just cooked up a pan of stir fried veggies and kielbasa to split, and I ate the whole thing myself, he was SOL, but he let me have it, lol.

    Then I was about to crash and my tummy was rumbling so I ate a chocolate peanut butter protein bar right before bed at 10. AT that point the bodymedia was at 2200 and I was only up to 1386! :frown:

    Work has been crazy lately, as I have 3 new employees so I am training these 3 girls when they get out of school so I have to be there late, but I still have to open most days, so I am having some 11 or 12 hour days.
    Today I am working 8-6 but then I have to go to bed as soon as I get home and eat because I have to get up 3:40 Saturday morning because I'm opening.

    Any ideas? :frown: I'm exhausted and crabby all the time and it is affecting my home life too.

    Ugh, that is tough! I had the same problem last night, we had DS football game to go to so I planned out a shake before we left, some leftover stir fry when I got home and then I was supposed to have another snack after that, but I was exhausted to stay up to have it, so I deleted it this morning. And of course, yesterday was a higher burn day at almost 3,000 calories and I came in at only 1561 (planned was 2000 which still would have been a little low for my goals). Sometimes life gets in the way and you just have to go with it. I am going to make sure I hit my goal today, if not going a little over.
    Perhaps you could cycle your calories when you need to. Have a lower day one day due to busy schedule or whatever, and then the next day or on a day off, eat at a higher level to try to make up for it?
    I am curious to see what others suggest to you too.