<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Favourite body part for me would have to be my collarbones (because now I can actually see them, they stick out!) and my arms - I have some good looking guns :P hubby is forever catching me flexing in the mirror....god I can't believe I just admittted that!! But after being so big for so long, to see actual muscle makes me feel strong - and not just physically.

    Did some ab work and lifted heavy last night for the first time in ages, felt good, feeling it today! Decided to walk to work this morning which is about 7kms - was actually a nice way to wake up! Who am I? I've never been a morning exerciser but I'm finding that I'm bounding out of bed at 6am every morning! Must be all those calories I'm eating, I'm not feeling run down and tired all the time!

    tameko2 - have you looked at beans and legumes as a way to increase your protein? I too get sick of too much meat and protein shakes (especially when I buy a massive bag of just one flavour, which is why I add things like spinach, nut butter, beetroot etc to them to change it up!) so I also try to hide beans in things - hey all the protein adds up! Hubby loves mashed potatoes so I add mashed beans to them, I add egg whites to my oatmeal in the mornings, heck I even have a recipe for Black Bean Brownies!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    thanks psych - is your diary open to friends? I wanna see your days!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Tameko...don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure there is something that when you get a glimpse of in the mirror you just think..."wow! I look good. I like that." It's supposed to be an uplifting question...praising yourself! I'm sorry you feel that way though.

    There are so many sources of protein...
    meat (different cuts --pork loin, chicken breast, chicken thighs, ground turkey, turkey breast, ground chicken)

    Sometimes just preparing things diffrently can help as well. There are a million recipes for chicken prepared with different sauces.

    You can make stews, chilis, and casseroles to make things less boring as well! Hope these ideas help.
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    tameko - greek yogurt! it's awesome - i personally love fage 2% yogurt, which has 20 grams of protein per container. i also love go lean kashi cereal because it's high in protein and fiber. i'm trying to keep my protein intake above 100 g, and ideally above 120 g, but i haven't been using any protein powder.

    also, have you tried veggie burgers?
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    hahaha, i also have a b.a in psych/soc and did my master's in spec ed. wow! we should gather our brain power and use it for good, not evil!

    i forgot to mention that i haven't been touching the scale because i upped my cals and i know it takes a while for my body to adjust. i've also been running lately, and it's awesome! i managed to do 4 miles in 40 minutes (with a few rest breaks)...woohoo!

    i hope everyone's been having a good monday :)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    hahaha, i also have a b.a in psych/soc and did my master's in spec ed. wow! we should gather our brain power and use it for good, not evil!

    i forgot to mention that i haven't been touching the scale because i upped my cals and i know it takes a while for my body to adjust. i've also been running lately, and it's awesome! i managed to do 4 miles in 40 minutes (with a few rest breaks)...woohoo!

    i hope everyone's been having a good monday :)

    awesome! Everything about this post is awesome!! :)

    tameko2 - unfortunately, my diary is set to private for all (we can still be friends though right?!) cos I leave myself little notes in it about how I'm feeling about food, bloating, life....silly really, but in the past I've struggled with emotional eating and this helps somewhat.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I do different things with my protien shakes. Sometimes it's coffee and splenda or I mix the powder with milk and add it to my coffee, or you can make a blended iced coffee drink. Ice, milk, banana and a little sugar is probably my favorite. I've tried berries but they are also a little sour. Sometimes I even just put in some strawberry or chocolate milk powder mix. You just got to get creative.

    I eat eggs for breakfast most mornings (although I admit I'm totally getting sick of them). Cheese is good for a snack, as is lunch meat (I eat processed food all the time though). I keep frozen shrimp cocktail in the house, you can thaw one servings at a time. Black bean quesadillas are a big thing in our house. Tuna pouches, even chicken breast from a can. And don't forget about red meat! Steak, burgers, pork chops....

    And yeah, my diary is almost always open.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    My favorite body part? Right now I'd have to say my calves & shoulders. I have always had big calves, but at least now you can see the muscle in them. My shoulders seem to respond quickly to weights, so they are always the first part to show.

    Still having a hard time getting up to 2000 calories. Trying to do this on an extremely tight budget sucks! But you do what you gotta do. Fortunately, eggs are cheap at Aldi, so I usually eat a lot of egg whites. It's weird - I used to hate them, but now I try to eat a whole egg, makes me wanna barf. Dogs love it though since they get the yolks.
  • lovetheweighitfeels
  • Samsara9
    bump for later :drinker:
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! :)

    I've been eating maintenance calories of between 1800 - 2600 since June. Lost a lot of cm's but not much on the scale!

    Now I've decided to aim for around 1800 gross calories a day. I still want to lose another 4 - 6 kg to get to about 58 kg.

    I've been worried that 1800 wont be enough for me but so far so good I haven't needed more. I think cutting down my bread intake in half has helped. 6 - 8 slices was too much. I eat every 3 hours and now instead of having a 300 ish calorie meal each meal time what I do is every 2nd meal I'll just have some vege or fruit to fill me up and then i'm good for a few more hours. Thats helped to reduce my intake. Coffee and water helps fill me too.

    I'm very active every day. Intense exercise! I have spoken to a couple of personal trainers and they reckon I should give 1800 gross calories a day a go. After daily exercise I'm netting around 12-1350 a day.

    I'll give 1800 a go for the next month and see how my body responds to this. I'd be happy to lose 3/4 a kg per month.

    Anyone else here from Australia?
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Actually today i'm going on a vigorous 90 minute bike ride. A lot of hills. I may have 1900 - 2000 gross calories. I'll see how hungry I am. Will see what my body needs.

    Its a fine line between providing enough fuel for your training + performance requirements and yet still achieving a calorie defecit. I can see why people training for marathons have difficulty losing weight as they tend to get hungrier as they are placing large demands on their body.

    This is why I think losing slowly is the best way to go especially for very active people.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Tonight is my last weight workout on P90x (Legs & Back) and then into my last recovery week and next Thursday I'll be done. I'm planning to really up my weights and pull-ups for this last workout so I'm gonna be starving tonight. Definitely big calorie day for me today.

    Now I have 113kg of adjustable weights plates and I can up my weights as far as my little heart desires. On some of the P90x weight workouts I'm getting close to lifting what the guys in the video (including Tony) are lifting. Makes me happy. :)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    scarletleavy: I've thought about P90x in the past, especially as I've done insanity and a lot of folks do a hybrid of the two. congrats on being so close to the end!!

    Kim55555: you're doing the right thing, listening to your body! You gotta fuel it if you expect great things from it!! I'm in NZ

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Fave body part? I will have to say arms, shoulders, back.

    I have been eating better. No crazy binges since I found you ladies!

    I had a 650 calorie deficit yesterday (TDEE 2200, ate 1550), but that's because I know I have a catered meeting today and will be stuck in a room with amazing food for 6 hours. I will for sure be closer to 3000 today!:laugh:

    I'm still holding onto this 4 pounds I put on in the last month though. Maybe my body just prefers to be 112 rather than 108? Or maybe I'm just using that as an excuse to let it go.
    That's how I ended up here in the first place. I told myself I would "never" get over 120. But once I did, it was "You're over 30 now, it was bound to happen, just don't go over 125" then I did, and told myself 130 was the limit. Then I hit 130. That was rock bottom. I gave away all my clothes and cried. A few months later, after starting here, I wanted them back!:laugh:

    Do you think I am just talking myself out of working harder Or could 112 really be the "happy number" rather than 108?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    robin...I think 112 can be your max and that might make you feel better. I have a 5 pound acceptable range and one pound over that means immediate action. My range is 95-99 and I'm usually around 98-99. 100 is danger zone and I need to reassess.

    So 108-112 is exactly 5 pounds so I suggest trying to focus on strength and toning and monitor your weight. You might lose a few pounds without focusing on it. Then once you've dropped to your most comfortable weight keep repeating those behaviors. 110 would be a happy medium and is right in the middle of your range.
    I say "adopt the 5 pound range!!!" and do NOT allow your weight to go over 112. I was 92 for the longest time and binged up to 115 then lost 16-17 pounds over 7 months while eating 1600-1800 calories. But my goal changed because of wasn't feasible to get to that weight and it doesn't bother me at all.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    robin...I think 112 can be your max and that might make you feel better. I have a 5 pound acceptable range and one pound over that means immediate action. My range is 95-99 and I'm usually around 98-99. 100 is danger zone and I need to reassess.

    So 108-112 is exactly 5 pounds so I suggest trying to focus on strength and toning and monitor your weight. You might lose a few pounds without focusing on it. Then once you've dropped to your most comfortable weight keep repeating those behaviors. 110 would be a happy medium and is right in the middle of your range.
    I say "adopt the 5 pound range!!!" and do NOT allow your weight to go over 112. I was 92 for the longest time and binged up to 115 then lost 16-17 pounds over 7 months while eating 1600-1800 calories. But my goal changed because of wasn't feasible to get to that weight and it doesn't bother me at all.

    I totally agree on the weight range suggestion. Our weights fluctuate naturally so it's probably not the best idea to obsess about a few pounds on either side, unless it becomes a steady upward trend. My range is 130-135 at the moment, I don't weigh myself too often, but when I do as long as I'm in that range I don't worry too much.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Question of the day:

    Favorite go to breakfast choice for quick and easy days & weekend/slow days?
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Question of the day:

    Favorite go to breakfast choice for quick and easy days & weekend/slow days?

    My favorite quick and easy breakfast is either a banana with peanut butter or a quick protein-fruit smoothie. For weekends I love to make coconut or almond flour pancakes or oatmeal.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Question of the day:

    Favorite go to breakfast choice for quick and easy days & weekend/slow days?

    Favorite go to - grind up oatmeal in a blender - mix with protein shake. Let sit a few minutes, then drink. Yeah I know sounds gross, but it gets the job done when I'm in a hurry. Otherwise - scrambled egg whites.