one interesting/ random or unique fact about you? :)



  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    When it comes to pen, I'm very compulsive...if I let you borrow one of my pens and don't return it back, I would chase, track you down until I get it back...I have tons of pen, but won't lend you one...
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    i once fainted because i forgot to breathe (supposedly medically impossible, so booyah!).

    i was playing scrabble with my family and got the hiccups, so my dad told me to get some water. i started holding my breath as i got up because i was thinking about the words i could play with my tiles. i guess i was thinking so hard that i forgot to exhale, and i just fainted.

    weirdly enough, i had the oddest millisecond dream about dragons that seemed to last forever (probably because i was reading anne mccaffrey at the time). my older sister couldn't stop laughing at me.

    well, at least it got rid of the hiccups!
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    I was a rodeo queen for the Ft Huachuca Mountian Stampede Rodeo when I was in 9th grade. I LOVED galloping around the arena on my horse Stormin' Norman and giving my queen salute to the crowd :happy:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    i once fainted because i forgot to breathe (supposedly medically impossible, so booyah!).

    i was playing scrabble with my family and got the hiccups, so my dad told me to get some water. i started holding my breath as i got up because i was thinking about the words i could play with my tiles. i guess i was thinking so hard that i forgot to exhale, and i just fainted.

    weirdly enough, i had the oddest millisecond dream about dragons that seemed to last forever (probably because i was reading anne mccaffrey at the time). my older sister couldn't stop laughing at me.

    well, at least it got rid of the hiccups!

    I think it's supposed to be impossible to die because you forgot to breathe! Funny story though.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm probably the only guy in the country that hates watching sport on TV. No football, no baseball, soccer, tennis, golf none of it. I only watch highlights of the Tour de France, and I love cycling! I couldn't even tell you who is on any team. Don't know, don't care.

    You are my kinda guy! I live in one of the biggest sports towns ever (Pittsburgh) and I could care less about any of it!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Might be gross to some, but around 8 years ago I has an ovarian cyst called a "Dermoid Cyst". Dermoid cysts typically contain fat, hair, and sometimes teeth. I had 3 fully formed (but small) teeth in mine. It was my first major surgery to have that thing removed, and I've always said that if I had to have surgery at least it was for someone freaky and different!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I claim to have the weirdest car crash ever.

    I wonder how many other people have ran over, and had their car written off by, Anti-Tank Missiles?
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I know how to casterate bulls and can clean them and make calf fries!
    bet all the men cross their legs when they read this :laugh:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    When it comes to pen, I'm very compulsive...if I let you borrow one of my pens and don't return it back, I would chase, track you down until I get it back...I have tons of pen, but won't lend you one...

    I do this, too - in fact, I use one pen until it runs out of ink, generally. I can't bring myself to pick up a new one until the old one is used up. That is, in the same location - I don't carry one pen around with me everywhere, but there's one out on my desk, etc., to be used until it's out of ink!

    I don't freak out over it if I never get a pen back or whatever, but I'm pretty stingy with my pens (I guess because I buy nice pens) and like to get them back when I've lent them out.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    The money in my wallet must be in order based on demonination and all the bills must be facing the same way. If it is not this way I begin to panic.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My husbands brothers are all married to women called Lisa, I am reffered to as number 2 (Charming I know) because I came along 2nd. Strange but true.

    My brother's name is Michael, and his wife is (obviously) married to him. Her sister is also married to someone named Michael. Their father's name is Michael, and their cousin, who is like a sister to them, also married someone named Michael. I would not be surprised if their daughter (my niece) married a Michael, but she's not even 5, so she's got some time to find one :)

    My father, his brother, and his sister (three kids total, who are of Italian and Austrian descent) married people of 100% Polish descent. So me, my siblings, and all of my paternal first cousins are of the same heritage (1/2 Polish, 1/4 Austrian, 1/4 Italian).

    I played ice hockey when I was in high school. Most men are impressed by that, even though it was on a women's team.

    When I was younger (until age 12), I was a competitive artistic roller skater - just like what you see on the Olympics for figure skating, except it was roller skating instead of ice skating. There is an entire league for this, and it is worldwide. Tara Lipinski (US Gold Medalist in figure skating) started out in roller skating, and I used to compete against her regularly. I beat her once, and I'm sure my mom has photographic proof somewhere that has yet to be found!

    I can wiggle my nose without using my hands and/or moving anything else on my face. Not Samantha-on-Bewitched style, but I can wiggle the tip of my nose up and down.

    I pick up accents very easily, and I often code-switch (the ability to use or not use a particular accent). For example, I live in the southern US, but I am from the northeast. I quickly picked up the accent here and use it when speaking with others who have the accent but otherwise drop it. I have a tendency to mirror the person or people with whom I am speaking. I do not, however, pick up foreign accents or accents I'm not a huge fan of (NY, Chicago, etc.) but can do them after listening to someone with that accent for a few minutes.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The money in my wallet must be in order based on demonination and all the bills must be facing the same way. If it is not this way I begin to panic.

    I don't panic, but I do this, too.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm probably the only guy in the country that hates watching sport on TV. No football, no baseball, soccer, tennis, golf none of it. I only watch highlights of the Tour de France, and I love cycling! I couldn't even tell you who is on any team. Don't know, don't care.

    You are my kinda guy! I live in one of the biggest sports towns ever (Pittsburgh) and I could care less about any of it!

    My husband does not watch sports at all - and it is AWESOME!
  • valbar61
    valbar61 Posts: 183 Member
    I was born, raised in Key West, FL (4th generation) so I am called a "CONCH" A conch is an edible sea creature that lives inside of a beautiful shell called a conch shell. My family migrated here from the Bahamas. We are the southermost city in the Continental US.

    Check out this link about my hometown.,_Florida
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Hmm one unique fact about me... well I've had a streak of gray hair ever since I was 13. Totally made my mother nature and not man (or bottle) ,made. Sucked too.... imagine the cruel kids.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I was born, raised in Key West, FL (4th generation) so I am called a "CONCH" A conch is an edible sea creature that lives inside of a beautiful shell called a conch shell. My family migrated here from the Bahamas. We are the southermost city in the Continental US.

    Check out this link about my hometown.,_Florida

    I saw an episode of How the States Got Their Shapes recently that talked about Key West and how it "seceded" from the US very briefly :)

    On that note, I am from Central NJ... which is funny because NJ is such a small state, yet we do tend to split it up. People from South Jersey say I'm from North Jersey, and people from North Jersey say I'm from South Jersey - so I know I truly am in the middle - and people from where I'm from generally say they're from Central Jersey. It takes a similar amount of time to get to NYC as it does to get to Philadelphia. But I did read a few years back in a book about NJ that in the 80s there was a referendum to make South Jersey its own state, and it passed. However, it did not lead to anything. I have no idea if my hometown would have been included in the new-New Jersey or in South Jersey!

    My hometown is that of Bruce Springsteen, if you're curious :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    The money in my wallet must be in order based on demonination and all the bills must be facing the same way. If it is not this way I begin to panic.

    I don't panic, but I do this, too.

    Me too. If I pay in cash, or get cash back, I will purposely check the money and if it's not all facing the same way I have a bad habit of making a funny face and fixing it in front of the cashier. I've had some apologize for frustrating me before :embarassed:
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I twirled baton for 7 years, mainly in recitals and parades. I hated the parades because the outfits were super skimpy and it was FREEZING outside (usually during fall/winter). I can twirl a MEAN fire baton, or atleast I could... its been awhile.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I was a paranormal investigator for about a year.
  • mrs_rachel_lynch
    I was a paranormal investigator for about a year.

    Ooooh thats really cool! id love to try that. but id prob scare myself to bits! haha :)