one interesting/ random or unique fact about you? :)



  • elianexox
    elianexox Posts: 177 Member
    I used to be in the canadian ski team ! I was suppose to compete at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, but i got injured pretty bad and I had to stop competition. :(
  • Mine I already told someone else about today... so here goes... I've been to 46 states so far. I still need Alaska, Hawaii, California, and Montana.

    How was Oklahoma? Boring, I'd bet. At least it is to me and I have to live here! I do enjoy it though..
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    @Amber, that is so awesome! I know my way around some power tools (mostly saws, which is weird...) but to be able to do it all--that's amazing!

    I use this fact all the time, so I don't know if it's really that interesting or random, but I've had *counts* 12 surgeries--most of them sports-related.

    In college, I lived on the top floor of a tower (7 stories up) and when the stupid high school townie kids would sneak in and set off the fire alarm, my roommates and I would sneak up to the door that led to the roof and prop it open for later. Then, we'd drink, drop acid, whatever and head to the (supposedly) locked roof-top, fire door and hang out.

    I rode on a Mardi Gras float in an attempt to get a kick-*kitten* set of beads. I got kicked off the float...but I got the beads!

    My favorite is the roofing nail it!
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I know how to casterate bulls and can clean them and make calf fries!

    You are my kind of woman!:flowerforyou:
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I have been chased by a turkey, a canadian goose and a swan! I hate birds! (Just the big ones :o)

    Geese for me twice & a swan while in a paddle boat LOL

    I was attacked by a hawk in Denver Colorado
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I am a Marksman 1st Class. Oh ya, I'm a woman, not that that is interesting or random, LOL! :glasses:

    Oh ya, I can roll my tongue upside down in either direction...

    That is awesome! I out shoot and out hunt my husband and sons.:bigsmile:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I appeared on Jeopardy! (and I won)

    That is awesome!

    Lots of fun facts here. :happy:
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    i can squirt milk out of the corner of my eyes downside to his is i cant equalise when diving/flying :(
  • I sang Karaoke with Three Doors Down while I was deployed to Guam. Three Doors Down was doing a support the troops tour and they came to the Air Force base and hung out with everyone at the base club for karaoke night. Then the following night they did a concert at the navy base for all the troops that were in Guam.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    A few of you seem to have bird issues....ME TOO.
    Last year, when driving home from work (I take country roads), I had my window down. I saw this GIANT flippin' bird (not sure what it was, but I swear it was the size of a damn vulture!) in the middle of the road eating something. I went around it slowly, and as I came up to it, the jerk decided to start flapping its GIANT WINGS and it hit me in the face!!!

    Also, when I was 7 months pregnant with my 2nd child (about 10 yrs ago), my extended family decided to go to the zoo. They proceeded to take me into the aviary. Did you know the aviary has LOOSE BIRDS????? I had to keep ducking my head because I was afraid they were dive bombing me. I ended up on all fours, crawling out of there, belly almost dragging on the floor.

  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I've never called in sick a day in my life.

    Once when I was a kid, my family and my Aunt & Uncle and their kids went to a beach with very large sand dunes. I climbed to the top of one and walked out to the edge where it wasn't very solid to stand. My Uncle watched as I plummeted, all the way down onto the beach and landed on my head. He came running to find me filled with sand in every opening in my body. I'm actually lucky I wasn't paralyzed - it was a pretty horrible fall. But after he made sure I was okay and cleaned me up, apparently I said, "Now I have to start all over!" My family uses this story to explain how determined I am.

    Can't remember how old I was, but as a kid, I took the notion to climb the barn board fence around my cousin's pool. I slid down and ended up with HUNDREDS of slivers in my feet. My parents had to soak them in warm water to get them out and I think there was a trip to the hospital at the end of that story!

    Once in high school, I bought myself a pack of cigarettes and I have no idea why. I smoked a couple and that was that. I never smoked again.

    I used to vow that I would never color my hair and then the first time I did, I was 19 and went straight to bleach blonde - talk about jumping in with both feet. In order to get my natural color back, I chopped my hair off super short. That was the only time in my life that I've had really short hair.

    When I was on a trip to Israel, a man offered to "buy me to be his wife!" Serious story!!
  • geogal95
    geogal95 Posts: 47 Member
    ok so I'm told I am lucky. I always win. Maybe it was the trip to the Grammy awards that did it. I always seem to be the right caller. I don't win at lottery games or the weight loss game haha, but I do good on radio show contests.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    When I hear bag pipes I get an over whelming sadness and I cry :sad:
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I used to play the 'cello and was a Grade 8 standard! ... (waits for innuendi about large piece of wood in between legs)

    :laugh: :noway: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: I like how you think!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Me and my husband are self employed name it i have done it.....roofing, siding, demolition, remodeling...etc...etc...and i love i look good in a tool belt :bigsmile:

    I'm sure you do!:noway: :love:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I can't cross my eyes, when I do, both my eyes sort of shake, they jiggle back and forth really fast. freaks people out.

    can't resist adding a little thing, a story about my hubby and I. Our first date was to his sister's wedding when we were just 16. I caught the bouquet, he caught the garter. It turns out that we were born in the same hospital, our birthdays so close together that we were in the same hospital nursery at the same time, his mom used to work with my mom. and no, we were not from a small town, same city though.
  • my toes are stuck together and I am missing my big toe nail on the left side. One is from an injury, the other is just a weird birth defect which I find really cool :)
  • I am an American that knows every word to the *Canadian* national anthem.

    Me too :laugh: What's your excuse? Mine is that I grew up 45 minutes from the boarder.

    I am a NHL season ticket holder. I hear the Canadian and American anthems *several* times a year!
  • I am an American that knows every word to the *Canadian* national anthem.

    In English and French?

    You got me there. The English version only :bigsmile: ...don't speak French...parlez-vous Francais?
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    I have been chased by a turkey, a canadian goose and a swan! I hate birds! (Just the big ones :o)

    hahaha so have i , and a pelican once (which was the scaryest becuase its as big as me)