one interesting/ random or unique fact about you? :)



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I shoot 3 pointers better backwards than forwards.
    I didn't learn how to ride a bicycle until I was 12.
    I have a scar in my right eyebrow from a friend swinging her iceskates over her shoulder to carry them. It hit a small artery so I was squirting blood out of my head. I told my brother I needed stitches so he needed to drive me, and his response was, "the Oilers are playing. Just put a couple bandaids and an ice pack on it, and you'll be fine." The shmuck.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am an American that knows every word to the *Canadian* national anthem.

    In English and French?

    You got me there. The English version only :bigsmile: ...don't speak French...parlez-vous Francais?

    In grade 4 - my teacher taught us the anthem in French - I remember most of it :)
  • melissalan
    melissalan Posts: 75 Member
    I went into labor 5 weeks early because my husband made me laugh SOOO hard.
    We were hanging out at home, and he was telling funny stories. I just got so hysterical with laughter and couldn't stop, and then my stomach started hurting, and I was literally laughing and screaming at the same time- "Stop making me laugh! Something is wrong!"
    Our baby girl was born couple hours later. There was no other explanation for her being born early. I hadn't had a single problem or contraction of any type before that night.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    my toes are stuck together and I am missing my big toe nail on the left side. One is from an injury, the other is just a weird birth defect which I find really cool :)

    I have a similar weird birth defect - 3 toes on my left foot are paralyzed. No idea why.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I have very interesting people in my family :smile: My elder son and his wife are both actors. My daughter-in-law is totally deaf. And my hubby's first cousin once removed is Patrick Sharp, whose hockey team the Chicago Black Hawks won the Stanley Cup 2 years ago. (One of my pics on my profile page shows me posing with Patrick beside the Stanley Cup.) Oh and I don't really follow hockey oops.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I also met my DH online... in 1996.

    I am a relative of U. S. Grant....not direct descent, but like a great-great -something- niece of his.

    Our youngest (twins) sons were in a movie... so I've done the "stage mom" thing once...

    I've completed 40 credits of college work since July 1st... I'll have my BA in Accounting by the end of June :wink:

    I "occupied" Olympia, WA today :happy:
  • beach_bum_gurl
    And my hubby's first cousin once removed is Patrick Sharp, whose hockey team the Chicago Black Hawks won the Stanley Cup 2 years ago. (One of my pics on my profile page shows me posing with Patrick beside the Stanley Cup.) Oh and I don't really follow hockey oops.

    OMG...I follow hockey and I would love to meet Patrick Sharp in the flesh...he is such a hottie! :blushing:
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I am related to Alexander Hamilton (Dad's side) and John Hancock( Mom's side). History was my worst subject.:blushing:

    Also, I've been married over half my life! Married at 19 and I'm now 41!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I know how to change the oil and brakes on a car. I tear up whenever anyone sings the National Anthem. I have been in more fights with guys then girls (something not proud of and usually happens in a bar)
  • JRMcCaghren
    I am very flexible, even at 245. My new doctor was shocked given how big I am how very limber i am. I love giraffes. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?
    And I'm wondering why your doctor knows how limber you are? :blushing:
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    I am the only one of my brothers and sisters who ended up with red hair that I've had since birth. People still ask me if I was adopted. :huh:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    can't resist adding a little thing, a story about my hubby and I. Our first date was to his sister's wedding when we were just 16. I caught the bouquet, he caught the garter. It turns out that we were born in the same hospital, our birthdays so close together that we were in the same hospital nursery at the same time, his mom used to work with my mom. and no, we were not from a small town, same city though.

    That is really fun! My father and husband's father work for the same company in different states when we meet. Our mothers have the same first name and our paternal grandmothers do too!
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    I collect 78 rpm jazz & blues records.
    I can also recite almost every nation in the world and their capital cities and point to them on a map.
    *cough* I'm a giant dork.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I am an American that knows every word to the *Canadian* national anthem.

    Me too :laugh: What's your excuse? Mine is that I grew up 45 minutes from the boarder.

    I triple majored in college (trombone, piano, intercultural studies), and minored in German. It took me 5 years. Craziest thing is that I did my INCL major in 3 semesters (plus the semester doing my minor). Oh, and I pulled off my minor having only taken German 101 and a 6 month study abroad :noway: Don't ask me why or how, because I have no idea

    My husband and I sang the American and French national anthem (in French) at our wedding reception. Because my hubby rented the bridal suite in a chateau in the south of France for our honeymoon. :heart: :heart: :heart: Yes he is perfect. We were both French majors, German minors in college but didn't meet until later.
  • feonixis
    I, like 90% of people (probably), just randomly skipped to the end of this list so I could reply... D:embarassed:
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    I'm probably the only guy in the country that hates watching sport on TV. No football, no baseball, soccer, tennis, golf none of it. I only watch highlights of the Tour de France, and I love cycling! I couldn't even tell you who is on any team. Don't know, don't care.
  • kadoodle76
    I am the only one of my brothers and sisters who ended up with red hair that I've had since birth. People still ask me if I was adopted. :huh:

    Does the mailman have red hair? lol just kidding :laugh: My ex boyfriend was the same way. all his bros were brunette and he was a redhead
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    i am an addict...all of my life i have been addicted to one thing or another...not always something negative, but not always something good! right now, my addictions are church, work and sex with my husband(great side effect from losing weight). also, another strange fact about me is that i am 36 years old and still enjoy going through my strawberry shortcake stuff that i have had since i was in grade school...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I sang in a rock cover band for two years when I was in college to earn a little cash on the side. We did a lot of covers of Queen, Guns n' Roses, Janis Joplin, The Rolling Stones, Kansas, Boston, Radiohead, and REM. We had a really great guitarist and a really great drummer. I had a blast.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I sang in a rock cover band for two years when I was in college to earn a little cash on the side. We did a lot of covers of Queen, Guns n' Roses, Janis Joplin, The Rolling Stones, Kansas, Boston, Radiohead, and REM. We had a really great guitarist and a really great drummer. I had a blast.

    Haha that's pretty awesome! :smile: