Scar Talk



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I almost completely severed my right middle finger while working in a bakery as a teenager. The surgical scar runs from the second joint into the palm of my hand. Still have no feeling in that finger, but it seems to work well anyway.

    I also have a large keloid scar on my chest from laproscopic heart procedure that didn't heal well. (I hate this one).
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    2 c-section scars.

    1 chin scar: thought it would be fun to trip to jump rope on skates :huh:
    1 ankle scar: drunkeness.
    1 under foot scar: stepping on a bottle cap, barefoot.
    1 left hand scar along pinkie finger tip to index finger: ex-boyfriend slashed me.

    4 tattoo scars.
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    I have a bunch of surgery scars.

    A crescent shaped scar on my first finger knuckle of my left hand. I've played softball since I could walk. I was 6 at the time and decided to slide into second base with my hands extended, I broke the finger so bad the bone came through. I was a stubborn child and didn't want to get in trouble so I tried hiding my hand behind my back. Worked until the coach saw the little pool of blood forming behind me. I only started crying when they pulled me from the game, and not cause I was hurt. At the hospital I was a little terror, I wouldn't let anyone touch me cause I didn't want a cast to keep me out the rest of the season lol. My uncle still teases me about that.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I have a scar that goes from one side of my bottom lip down towards my chin for which I needed 12 stitches. I was trying to rescue a cat from a dog and bent down to pick her (the cat) up.

    The cat seeing this as beneficial to her predicament allowed me to pick her up but then proceeded to use my face as a ladder by firmly planting a hind claw in my lip and launching herself skywards and thus accessing the lower branches of the tree behind me.

    The dog just stood there and laughed at me.

    same. dang. thing. ... except I was 5 and now have 4 scars on my face from it: forehead, cheek, and 2 on my chin. My brother would call me scarface when we were kids . :noway: now they don't bother me, and they are pretty faded.

    others: another forehead scar where I fell and ricocheted off the counter- 10 stitches or so. Then a bi-opsy and surgery scar on my neck and chest (port) when I had cancer... and one on my right foot where a horse stepped on it after I fell off her (to add misery to embarrassment).
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I don't have a lot of scars, a tiny one on my left hand from where my neighbors' cat scratched me when I was like 13 or 14 (loved that cat, he was usually an angel!) and I have a bunch of little scars from needles on my right arm (from giving blood).
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Love this... two major ones, countless very minor ones... but th 2 biggies are from 2 abdominal surgies. Always extremely self concious of them even though I guess they're not so bad. And if it weren't for either of them I probably wouldn't be here. So I guess I'm ok with them, sorta. Like to think of them as my life battle scars...
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    I have one on the right side of my face where my brother attacked me with a stick when we were kids.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Oh man, I have so many. Forehead (several), right hand (several) right arm (several), shins, chest.... I am a shotgun blast of scars with stupid stories attached.

    For example, the one on my hairline was from running full speed into a brick outcropping/window sill next to a house. I hit is so hard it took me a minute or two before I really realized what happened. Didn't knock myself out, but I remember that moment, and that was over 31 years ago.

    They knew me by name in the urgent care center.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's faded over the years, but I used to have three great long slashes across my forearm that looked like I was attacked by a werewolf. It happened while I was working at the vet's.

    It wasn't some vicious, aggressive animal. It was an overzealous beagle-mix named Happy who'd just had his nails trimmed (but not filed) and jumped up to get my attention. :laugh: I had another on my wrist that looked like a botched suicide attempt that was a scratch from a dainty and delicate Italian Greyhound named Portia.

    Scar across my right foot from making my bed. (That's the short funny story. The longer story was that I use a sheet of plywood under my mattress for extra firmness and I dropped that sheet across my bare foot!)

    Scar on my pinky from when I was about 5 and pinched it in the chain on my swing set.

    I never hurt myself doing things that are actually dangerous. I do have a decent scar on my knee from Warrior Dash, but it wasn't from any obstacles, just from tripping running in the woods.
  • GiniN
    GiniN Posts: 39 Member
    LOVE reading this. I grew up on a farm and have so many small scars acquired in childhood pursuits!

    My favorite is a crescent-shaped scar on my right inner forearm, about 1 inch long and 1/4 inch wide. Git it around age 4. For some bizzare reason I was hanging and swinging on an exposed beam in the barn and hit an exposed nail and gashed my arm. Blood everywhere. I don't remember any pain, just a lot of blood. Got it bangaged and I couldn't play outside for a week (seemed like forever).

    I probably should have had stitches but back then the hospital was for emergencies, and this didn't qualify.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Well picture this, 9 years old, wanting to shave my legs, my mom telling me no. I snuck into the bathroom, grabbed the razor, no lather, and started shaving. I have 6 scars from running the razor up my right leg...looks like the pattern of a ladder. I'll never forget it, and now am always careful. I also have a scar above my right eye from where my brother was flying a kite and I was running right under it, it did a nose dive the the metal (that tells you how long ago it was) hit me right there. I/4 inch and it would have gotten the eye.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I have several. I was in a pretty good car wreck at 18. Compound fractures of both legs, the bone in my left thigh punched a hole through a brand new pair of Levi's. My right kneecap was shattered and the tibia and fibula broke through just below the knee itself. a 4 inch gash on my forehead/temple from hitting the windshield. Picked up some new ones on the left leg/thigh when the bone got infected a few years later. and the newest one is on my lower back from surgery to repair my lower back in February this year. Those are the big ones.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I tore the ACL in my left leg four years. The scar is not really that impressive.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have a big round burn scar on my right forearm from playing chicken with a cigarrette
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    lets see 3 knife wounds, 2 OMG did that just happens?!, and 1 "well that didn't go the way it was supposed to" plus a myriad of lesser I'm a dumbass ones.
  • azzledazzle
    Ive got loads, Ive got a long 7" one on my arm, when i broke my arm playing football with a bottle,

    6 months later i re broke it attempting to skateboard down a half pipe, resulting in a permanent metal plate holding the bones together. (it goes off in airports)

    Ive got 2 round scars on my wrist where i broke that and had pins put inside

    got lots a chickenpox scars, Including one near my lip and one dot bang in the middle of my forhead, How unlucky, people think im indian.

    gots some on my fingers through trying to learn the art of knife throwing lol (crazy beer party)

    got one near my eye where i fell into a door.

    and loads of little ones here n there, i dont know where they are from.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Mine are boring compared to these!! I just have 2 c sections scars. well probably 1.5 because they tried to go over the first one the second time but didn't overlap all the way.
  • azzledazzle
    Mine are boring compared to these!! I just have 2 c sections scars. well probably 1.5 because they tried to go over the first one the second time but didn't overlap all the way.

    It just shows that your not as clumsy as us men lol

    besides a C section scar is pretty big, And it was for good reasons, To give life, Ours are results of stupidity mainly lol.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    Slipped at work and took a box knife down my wrist, managed to miss the tendons and the veins. Now though nurses give me that look when the take my pulse =( the scar is fading and pulled in to about half the length it was before though so that's good.

    One on my knuckle from hitting a brick wall throwing a snowball at a friend in high school, no idea why that scared.

    I hole in my leg where I got and abscess under a cyst I had and couldn't take the pain anymore, so I lanced it myself. It never closed up right and without cutting it open again I doubt it ever will.

    The others are all small and I don't really remember getting them.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I have a big round burn scar on my right forearm from playing chicken with a cigarrette

    lol so does that mean you won? or lost?