Scar Talk



  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Got a huge scar on the back of my left hand from where my own dog bit me while I was 11 weeks pregnant - 2 surgeries later i still have my fingers! yey! I teach sewing in the comprehensive school and often tell them that is what you get if you don't concentrate on the sewing machine!
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I have 2 scars (one is super faded, the other is visible) on my right wrist. One from roasting marshmallows in the fire place when I was younger, and putting my wrist too close to the top wall of the fire place, the second from shaving and bending my arm a weird way, cause a bad razor cut.

    Everything else is stretch marks, but I'm proud of those. ;)
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Hmmm... I'm a little accident prone. It runs in my family and we only tend to hurt ourselves. It does seem to decrease somewhat with each generation, so my great-great-grandchildren may be fine! LOL!

    1) Scar through L eyebrow form when I was five. My older brother and I were racing through my grandmother's (Mamo) house to decide who got the cool (no AC) red satin pillow to lie on since we had "supposedly" grabbed it at the same time. I was winning, he tripped me, face first into a large, solid wooden arm of her leather sofa...

    2) Scars L posterior knee from riding a ten speed (new for me) down a big hill...

    3) Scar L (always on the LEFT, what's up with that?) knee from doing back flips in the water at the lake and cutting it open on a concrete buoy (didn't tell Mom cause we would have had to go get stitches).

    4) Small scar in palm of-you guessed it-left hand from playing chicken on bicycles with my brother, neither one swerved and we hit tire to tire, blew my tire and red rock is not too forgiving.

    5) Scar L thigh from melting candle wax onto bottles (also without Mom's knowledge) and dripping it on me.

    6) Bigger scars: Left cheek (looks like a dimple people say) from when I totaled my '67 Rally Sport Camaro in 1985; flipped it sideways between two trees, vent window (metal part) went through my face, also scar beneath that from hitting the third tree and the windshield... Several small scars all over legs, arms (not so noticeable now) and a large scar on side of RIGHT big toe from glass.

    7) Arthroscopic scars Left knee from surgery while in the Air Force.

    8) Right elbow surgery 2010 for extensor tendon release with 5-6" incision.

    9) R shoulder surgery 2010 with 4 arthroscopic scars for distal clavicle resection (did not turn out well), sub-acromial decompression, anterior acromioplasty, debridement off the rotator cuff tear (but not repaired), and some additional work.

    10) R shoulder (making up for all those lefts!) 14 June 11 for rotator cuff and labral repair with 6 scope holes/arthroscopic scars.

    11) R shoulder acromioclavicular reconstruction 16 Aug 11 (due to first right shoulder surgery mishap which destroyed my AC joint) with a 5-6" incision and 2 arthroscopic scars.

    12) Left medial incision below the knee 3" from where they took two Hamstring tendons to rebuild my shoulder during the surgery above to reconstruct my AC joint of R shoulder.

    I'm sure I'm leaving out a few more, but those are the high notes! Scars are battle wounds! And some are sexy as He**! Hey, it could be worse! :wink:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I don't really have any scars. Most of mine are from falling off of bikes or jumping fences. Ooh I have a faint scar on my leg from when I was 4 and being a brat in the backseat of the car. My mom reached over the seat of that '77 Nova to whack me and grabbed my leg and scratched me instead.
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    I have 2 titanium plates in my head. 1 over my right eye and 1 under my right eye. With alot of stitch marks to go with it. Lol!!!!! I was a wild kid
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I have a scar on my chin from pushing a girl on a swingset when I was little.

    Learned my lesson, and haven't done one thing for a woman in 25 years.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I have scars from my breast reduction, one scar that came from being cut by weatherstripping on a door, another scar that came from running my arm thru a glass door........
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Side of my nose. Kicked in the face by a horse when I was 10. Moved it over a few inches, and severed the cartilage between my nostrils, and reshaped my septum into an "S".

    ETA: Kind of a weird one- I have a crescent on my thumb from where I used to suck it!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I have about a 2" scar on my left lower back that my mother (a nurse) told me should have had stitches. I don't know how it happened. No really, I don't.

    I have a scar on my left lower abdomen that I call my "Frankenstein scar" because the surgeon used ginormous stitches to sew me up. I had to have a second surgery 6 months after my emergency appendectomy because one of the laparoscopic incisions didn't heal. I won't get into details, but it was super disgusting and I almost sued the original surgeon over it. Good thing I have a strong stomach. I'm very strangely interested in seeing how it looks after I lose weight :laugh:

    Also have my scars from my breast reduction. They're not terribly noticeable, as that surgeon was incredible.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    C scar on my right hand, 1st knuckle.

    Mom yelled from the living room," Are you doing the dishes?"
    Me (rolling my eyes) "YES MOM!"
    Mom "Don't put your hand in the glass!"
    Me "Waddayathink I'm stupid??!!" (as I was pulling my hand out of the glass)



    So I too have a scar that reminds me to always listen to your mother!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh and a C-section scar which left a bald spot:blushing:
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    A c-section scar and a scar on my hand from having a ganglion cyst removed.
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    Oh and a C-section scar which left a bald spot:blushing:

    Either rhe doc cut very low or you havea highrise bush.
    Yup, I was thinking the same thing.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Nothing too fun... one from hip bone to hip bone for "exploratory surgery" when i was 16. a few "holes" from robotic a hysterectomy at age 28. one in my groin from a catheter to my vertebral artery from when i had my stroke at age 28, one in my breast from a lumpectomy at age 30. Yeah, they kinda suck...
  • jadebvb92
    I have a scar on my chin from falling off a horse into bricks
  • hollyg123
    hollyg123 Posts: 79 Member
    2 c-section scars.

    Me too, though I'm lucky that they just look a single scar. :)
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Appendix surgery on Christmas day when I was eight, right breast from a lumpectomy, benign thank you God, and front and center neck from thyroid removal--cancerous but all clear now.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I have a smaller, more recent scar from splashing hot oil on myself from the fryer in my food cart! Best thing, after I had burn sploches from my shoulder down to my hand and pushed myself through my customers big order ($50 dollars in food) they didn't even tip me a dollar!

    I have a small scar underneath my foot from stepping on a broken glass bottle (the very bottom of it, where two sides of the bottle were reaching towards the skies) and I had to get stitches.

    I also have scars all over (lol actually stretch marks) for having unhealthy skin. I have had these starting when I was only nine years old getting stretch marks on my KNEES!!! Now I have them on my hips, chest, biceps (thats from getting strong arms :D), belly (from being fat :(....) and when I saw my first doctor in years she was astounded my body had so many stretch marks!! She gawked at them all! Then she asked me if I used to be fatter "D

    I have one scar on the upper part of my shoulder blade. Its a thick bump, looks like a perpetual humongous zit or something!