Hubba Hubba for the Holidays! (CLOSED GRP) - YES!!



  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    Here comes the weekend! How are you all doing? What exercises do you do? I felt great giving my morning a jumpstart. Thanks beefluv86! I started 30 day shred this week and it is kicking my butt. Anyone else doing this or done it before?
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Bluiz- hope you get a break from work sometime soon and get back some "me time". I always do better when I'm well rested and have some down time!

    Shickam- I've never done the 30 day shred. At the moment, I"m lifting weights and waiting (rather impatiently) for my new treadmill to come in so I can get back to running.

    Two NSVs this week- 1) today I am wearing a pair of my husband's long johns under my jeans- this is good because I have always been heavier than my skinny hubby, at one point I was 50 pounds heavier and I'm now down to 5 pounds heavier (he's starting to sweat that I'll overtake him, LOL)

    2) Last year I bought a new pair of snow pants. They were a size M (10-12) which is what I should have been wearing as I was a loose 12, tight 10, but I could not zip those snow pants up. By the spring, I could zip them up, but it was not comfortable. This week I put them on for the first time this season and not only did they zip up, there was some extra room for layers under there, woo hoo!

    Ya'll have a great weekend!

  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134

    This weeks mini challenge can be... to jump start each morning this week with a cardio burst. Whether it be a quick run in place, 10 jumping jacks, or burpeesace! I didn't know what a burpee was either....but Bee was nice enough to give us a link to a video to see how they are done.
    I was watching the video last night, and it just so happened that my 8 year old granddaughter was here going to sleep over. She walked into the room while the video was playing and asked me what I was watching. I told her it was an exercise I was going to try, She looked at me and sort of rolled her eyes and said something like "I don't think that's a good idea, grandma." I asked her why not? She said, "cause I don't think you'll be able to do it." Well......that was all I needed to hear. I jumped up and attempted a burpee. Not graceful at all, I might add, but I managed to do one. However, the granddaughter pointed out that although I didn't do too badly, the guy in the video didn't make the grunting noises I made trying it. LOL......I think I'll stick to my WATP videos.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend! I'm going shopping in Lancaster County, PA tomorrow with my mom. Leaving early in the AM, staying overnight and coming home Sunday afternoon....which means....eating out for all my meals tomorrow and part of Sunday. I'll try to be good in what and how much I eat, lol! But it also means lots of walking and some good shopping and a nice time with my mom!

    Take care for now!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well I am down to only needing to lose 10 pounds until I reach my goal weight, and I know the last ten pounds can be the hardest. I'm thinking my weeks of 3-4 pound losses are pretty much over. I am however going to start the 30 Day Shred today so that I can start toning the areas I've lost.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    09/05: 152
    10/03: <<<>>>144
    10/31: <<<>>>
    11/28: <<<t>>>
    12/24: <<<>>>
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All,

    I've really been struggling the past few weeks. I need to figure something out & get back on track. Have a feeling the scale is going to be SUPREMELY ugly on Monday, but I will have to face it, accept & move on.

    Hoping for better results in the coming weeks.

    Many hugs to all,

  • nwohler
    nwohler Posts: 55 Member
    Not quite a pound, but I'll take it! I just want to say thank you to all of you, I feel like I have a responsibility to all of you to keep going and make this change happen for me. I'm on track for my next goal, which will keep me focused. I completed the Susan G. Komen 5k in 51 minutes, I would have liked to run more but my best friend came with me and she wasn't able to keep up (and she's smaller then me), but we had a great time and raised about $2100.00. All in all a great day!

    09/05: 231.3
    09/12: 227.3
    09/19: 226.4
    09/26: 225.3
    10/03: 225.1 Mini Goal 226
    10/10: 223.5
    10/17: 222.2
    10/24: 221.3
    10/31: Mini Goal 221
    11/28: Mini Goal 216
    12/24: Final Goal 210

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Ok so hopefully I can get this to post right. I went to a wedding exactly a year ago, and I went to one today. I made a wedding last year/wedding this year comparison pic that I wanted to post. I had had a few drinks in the more recent one (today) so just ignore that lol. :drinker:

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies.

    well i returned from las vegas on friday morning(we took the red eye, left at 11pmPST and arrived at 6isham EST) needless to say i was DEAD tired...i had such a wonderful trip with my oldest son, we spent the weekend walking and touring around the strip and sunday went to the valley of fire national park was awesome to see the beautiful rock formations and the color of the mountains
    during the week while my son was in his conference i would walk, walk and walk(i wore a pedometer the least i walked was 10 miles and the most was 16 miles)...visited as many hotel along the strip as was possible.....i was so impressed with all the hotel one more beautiful than the next....we got to see a couple of cirque shows(KA and VIVA ELVIS)we got tickets at the discount to choices were not good though i would try and stay within the calories allowed(i adjusted my calories to maintance so i would have more daily calories) i would logged everything i ate and some days my dinner was something very light(soup).....i need to get back to my MEALS AND EXERCISE, asap.......i am very worried about my weigh in tomorrow!!!!!!

    have a wonderful sunday all
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: Veronica: Thanks for the motivation to keep on going. I usually finish all challenges
    no matter how poorly I do. We can motivate each other. I feel better this
    week. :bigsmile:

    :smile: Kristen: I have Crystal who is my friend on here and we are going through the same
    things. I see her posts on the main board and we keep up with other.
    Thanks for the tip. It all comes down to myself, I am the one who has to do it.

    Okay now today I am down but I wanted to wait until tomorrow to weigh in. We are meeting up with friends
    later today and I am a little worried on where are going and if eating and drinking will be involved. I was going
    to eat well today and I have already walked for 35 mins. this morning. So if I eat healthy and watch I should be
    okay for tomorrow. Wish me luck.
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    Here's my info:

    09/05: Start 140 lbs
    09/12: 139.8 lbs
    09/19: 138.8 lbs
    09/26: 141.6 lbs
    10/03: 138.2 lbs
    10/10: 136.8 lbs
    10/17: 136.0 lbs
    10/24: 137.0 lbs
    11/07: mini goal down 6 pounds
    12/05: mini goal down another 3 pounds for a total of 9 pounds
    12/24: At goal weight of 129 pounds
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO WEIGH IN LAST WEEK!! and it was an important one, too!! ONDERLAND!!! anyway, here's LAST WEEK'S weigh in, and i'll be back tomorrow with this week's! :bigsmile:

    09/05: 204.6
    09/12: break
    09/19: break
    09/26: 204.0
    10/03: 201.6
    10/10: 200.2
    10/17: 199.4
    10/31: <<< 192.6 >>>
    11/28: <<< 186.6 >>>
    12/24: <<< 180.6 >>>
  • chelsea32291
    I need some advice and encouragement. I feel like I've lost my motivation to exercise the past couple weeks. I still watch what I eat and stay under, but I've went from working out 5 or 6 days a week, to maybe 1. College has been extremely stressful lately with midterms and other tests. Any advice on how to get my motivation back? Or some new, fun exercises to try?
    Thanks! & Keep up the AMAZING work everyone! :)
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Current Weight: 212.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 175

    09/05: 212.8
    09/12: 210.0
    09/19: 210.0
    09/26: 207.6
    10/02: <<<mini goal weight>>> 205 and I hit it - 205.0 on the nose today!!!!
    10/10: 201.4
    10/17: 200.8
    10/24: 199.0
    10/31: <<<mini goal weight>>> 195
    11/28: <<<mini goal weight>>> 185

    ONE-DERLAND Here I am! :love:
  • shannonaufman
    Well, it was bound to happen. After a few weeks of pretty good lost inches, I hit a lull this week. That's ok. I have an amazing plan for the week ahead of me and I feel really great about it. Here's my weekly info:

    09/05: 168
    09/12: 167.5
    09/19: 168.5
    09/26: 167
    10/03: -2 inches
    10/10: -1.25 inches
    10/17: -2.0 inches
    10/24: 0 inches
    10/31: <<<mini goal weight>>> 160
    12/24: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 152
  • shannonaufman
    I need some advice and encouragement. I feel like I've lost my motivation to exercise the past couple weeks. I still watch what I eat and stay under, but I've went from working out 5 or 6 days a week, to maybe 1. College has been extremely stressful lately with midterms and other tests. Any advice on how to get my motivation back? Or some new, fun exercises to try?

    Whenever my motivation hits a low, I re-evelaute where I've been and where I'm going. I sit down and physically write out my goals. Seeing them on paper and watching myself write them really forces me to connect to them better than typing them or speaking them or thinking them. Every Sunday (today included) I write out what I'm going to eat and what exercise I'll do for the whole week. I also write out two or three other goals to keep myself pushing for something. For example, I've got all of my meals and exercise planned for this week in Excel so I can easily change it if something comes up. I also have a little notebook that I write my weekly goals in each Sunday and then write one sentence each day about what I did to accomplish them.

    I have found that planning EVERYTHING before the week even starts makes it really hard for me to derail during the week. I want to make this as easy as possible on me -- not something that will stress me out. That's my two cents. I find that the more I plan, the more successful I am.

    Good luck! Just remember that this is something that needs to fit in your life long term. One week of slipping shouldn't derail the AMAZING progress you have made. Tests happen, work stress happens, family stress happens. All you can do is wake up tomorrow with the resolve and determination to continue on this journey and become a healthier, happier, more fit person. You can do this -- the 30+ pounds you've already lost are proof enough of that. You've got this. :smile:
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Scarlettdawn764 - About Halloween candy... I'm going to keep room to have a few pieces for a couple of days.

    shickam062604 - Exercises... I do elliptical, treadmill, rebounding, swimming, The Firm videos, and free weights. That's how I mix it up.

    vallejos - Yay for your loose snow pants!

    gmomlyn - Your burpees story... LOL! :-)

    AmyByExample - I really hope you get back on track! I miss your posts on here!

    nwohler - Yay for your run and the money that you and your friend raised!

    Pam3 - I'm glad you had such a good time! If the weigh in is ugly, you have some great memories and the weight loss can start up again now.

    Shirley61 - Good luck!

    jllipson & craft338 - YAY for ONEderland!

    chelsea32291 - Choose a friend from here, friend her, and report to her every day whether you exercised or not. That just might help.

    Good luck with your weigh ins, everybody!
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    Current Weight:248
    Challenge Goal Weight: 208
    09/05: 248
    09/12: 244.2
    09/19: 242.6
    09/26: 239.6
    10/03: <<<mini goal weight>>>238 238.8
    10/10: 235.6
    10/31: <<<mini goal weight>>> 228
    11/28: <<<mini goal weight>>> 218
    12/24: <<<challenge goal weight>>>
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    Down to 166 this week. Only 1 lb but its all good. Didn't get to exercise as much as I wanted to. Tom is here so I hope I can keep ahead of it and not get dragged down this week.