I only eat dinner...good or bad?

I know that everyone says that eating breakfast is important when you're trying to kickstart your metabolism during the day...but I honestly don't like eating food in the afternoon. Not only does it make me hungry all day, it kind of just makes me tired. I usually drink a few cups of coffee and water during the day, eat my 1200 calories at dinner and then go to the gym sometime at night. Also, when I do eat breakfast or lunch I feel like i'm more tempted to pig out at dinner. When I only eat dinner I get full very quickly. Any advice?


  • When you don't eat all day, your body thinks you're starving so it goes into fat storage mode. I don't like to eat breakfast either so I started drinking a protein shake and now it's routine. Food first thing kickstarts your metabolism for the day.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    You don't need to eat breakfast to kick start your metabolism. That's Just what the breakfast cereal companies want you to believe. If you eat your calories and hit your macros in one sitting, you don't find yourself hungry then you have nothing to worry about.

    I never eat breakfast anymore. I eat all of my calories in an 8 hour window more or less, I have tons of energy. I'm getting stronger at the gym and I'm losing weight at 1.5 to 2.5 pounds a weak.

    I don't know when I've ever felt better in my life.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I don't think it's bad. Everybody's different. Sounds like you follow a Fast-5 type of plan.
  • DannyNovela
    DannyNovela Posts: 39 Member
    i too am way bad at eating breakfast, but i at least put a bagel in my belly with some coffee to get going. your body is going to store all the fats and calories from your one meal to cover the rest of the meals you are not eating therefore it may be that you will not see any weight loss when you exercise. i could be wrong and if i am then someone will correct me but at least it is a start to getting advice on your question. at least have some small snacks in the day i'd say.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    It's really not good for your body. You need adequate nutrition/calories throughout the day. You are sabotaging your metabolism. I am not trying to sound mean. Just giving an honest opinion. Maybe try light snacking throughout the day, and work your way up to smaller meals. If you eat 6 times a day (3 meals, 3 snacks) you won't be so hungry. You just have to keep healthy low cal snacks on hand. :)
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Its not good and I think Doctors and Nutritionists advise a min of 3 meals a day.

    For one thing, no meal should be more than 600 calories so you body can process it and it doesn't turn straight into fat and since the min calories per day is 1200 net then there is no way to get that in 1 meal.

    You are also forcing your body to store fat by not feeding it.

    If eating in the afternoon makes you hungry it is most likely what you are eating. Meals should be protein based with fiber (veggies) and you should be getting around 64oz of water a day.

    If you eat the right foods, you will be full all day. Maybe try a protein shake (Max 200 calories and min of 25 grams of protein) and see if that helps.

    Best of Luck!
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    When you don't eat all day, your body thinks you're starving so it goes into fat storage mode. I don't like to eat breakfast either so I started drinking a protein shake and now it's routine. Food first thing kickstarts your metabolism for the day.

    It takes 72 hours of not eating for the body to even consider it's in starvation.
  • I do the same thing sometimes, I skipped breakfast today and had to almost force myself to have lunch. I wasn't even hungry and ate about 1/2 of it.. I think its bad because even with me eating that much my weight won't budge. I have killed my metabolism and need to get it started again..
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    Honestly that's not a good plan for jump starting, or maintaining, a high metabolism. For one your body needs fuel more then once a day, and simply loading up at dinner will only go so far. Your body is going to have reverse effects by eating so irregularly, so the best thing to do would be to at least break up your calories into smaller portions and have multiple snacks throughout the day. I would recommend that you eat no less then 6 times a day, even if the other 5 times are only healthy snacks every 2-3hours. Not saying you need to eat full meals that often, but at the same time you're going to find your body responds much better to this type of routine. -- Try it for a couple weeks, and see how much more energy you have, and how much better your metabolism starts to ramp up. I personally eat no less then 8 times a day, and continue to lose weight weekly, while also getting much better muscle definition.

    Good luck, and eat, eat, eat!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I am not really qualified to really say it's good or bad. I read an online health article saying the time doesn't matter as long as you don't exceed your calories intake. BUT! that is for the myth saying "Eating after 7pm will make you fat."

    I never skip breakfast because I'm a morning person. I worked out in the morning when I have school at night, and prepare my own breakfast. I have the same problem as you are; feels sleepy everyday after lunch. It's normal. But I gotta ask because I'm curious, how long have you only been eating dinner? Even if it's under your own calories control, does it gain your , maintain or lose your weight? Because I really want to know :P
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    If it works for you and you're losing weight as predicted, keep going.
  • skye15
    skye15 Posts: 19 Member
    Actually I have hear that when you don't breakfast you body stores it as fat is a myth. I have read a few articles that says it doesn't matter if you eat breakfast, and just eat lunch or dinner, it's the same amount of calories ( so calories in vs calories out is what matters). Personally I have never eaten breakfast, I eat my first meal around 1:00 pm and have never had problems with "sluggish metabolism" :)
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    So you eat 1200 calories in one meal? What are you eating?

    My opinion: it's bad. Very bad. Mainly because it's tough to eat enough fruits and veggies and lean meats in one meal to meet your dietary needs. Without seeing your diary, it's tough to comment on how good/bad your eating is.

    I think you need to focus on being healthy and not just being skinny. It's not good to starve your body and then stuff it with food. Try to focus on eating all your fruits/veggies/proteins/fiber.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    That 's fine. In fact there is more heatth benefits for it.
    Check out fast-5.com, google intermittent fasting , eatstopeat.
    Brad from eatstopeat has a few video on youtube if you want to check them out.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    When I started eating breakfast, because I used to be the same way, I would force myself to eat a substantial breakfast and lunch, then only eat a small dinner, by the time I woke in the morning I would be starving because my body wasn't used to having such a small dinner the night before. This is how I switched up my eating schedule.

    Also, when I ate my small dinner which would be like 300-400 cal I would drink a ton of water to help fill me up for the night, so i didn't go to bed hungry. I was really hard for me the first couple weeks I felt like I was starving by the time dinner came around, because my body was so used to eating 1000-1500 cal dinners. by spreading these cals out to most of them during breakfast and lunch I feel a lot better and I don't feel as tired throughout the day either as I used to.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    Can someone point me in the direction of scientific studies that show " eating first thing kick starts your metabolism" ?

    Intuitively , it makes no sense whatsoever but it is oft repeated as fact.
  • jodie0520
    jodie0520 Posts: 36 Member
    I agree that this can't be good for your long-term health. Sure you may be sticking to your 1200ca limit, but having them all in one meal....the last meal of the day nonetheless, that can't be good. If you are really concerned about the long-term effects on your weight and health, I'd call a local nutritionist.
    You may want to try the other poster's tip of trying a protein or meal replacement shake if you don't like eating solid food in the morning. That way your body has the nutrition it needs to fuel your body all day and can burn it at a steady pace rather than having to store up the cals you intake at night in order to use later.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    I am doing the same thing. This approach works great for me as well. Here's the thing .. people will tell you what they thinkis traditional wisdom. You are NOT starving... you are getting your 1200 calories a day. It is believed now that this is how the lean hunters at back a long time ago. They didn't graze like people want you to believe. If you are getting enough water and eating at night and its working for you .. you are doing great. interrmittent fasting (Fasting for 16 hours) is totally fine and helps a lot of disorders including but not limited to: blood sugar levels, oxygen in the blood, iron levels, animena. I find it SOOO much easier to manage 1 meal at then end of my day and never go over in calories.

    It works for me and I agree, intermittent fasting is the way to be!
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    You don't need to eat breakfast to kick start your metabolism. That's Just what the breakfast cereal companies want you to believe. If you eat your calories and hit your macros in one sitting, you don't find yourself hungry then you have nothing to worry about.

    I never eat breakfast anymore. I eat all of my calories in an 8 hour window more or less, I have tons of energy. I'm getting stronger at the gym and I'm losing weight at 1.5 to 2.5 pounds a weak.

    I don't know when I've ever felt better in my life.

    I suppose many nutritional experts work for cereal companies then... I don't buy it. -- In your case you may not eat breakfast, however you are continuing to lose weight because you are allowing your metabolism to continue to be active by giving it multiple sessions throughout the day in which you are giving it needed fuel. Eating all your calories over an 8 hour period is much different then eating all of them at one meal. Doing so will slow, if not halt, the active processes of a healthy metabolism. This is not scientific, but I feel if you're built with a smaller frame, then the regularity of a functioning metabolism is even more vital. That's just an opinion though
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    When you don't eat all day, your body thinks you're starving so it goes into fat storage mode. I don't like to eat breakfast either so I started drinking a protein shake and now it's routine. Food first thing kickstarts your metabolism for the day.

    It takes 72 hours of not eating for the body to even consider it's in starvation.

    Totally agree, 16 hours of not eating is NOT starvation mode.