I only eat dinner...good or bad?



  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    So what your saying is you eat 1200 calories at one sitting, I always thought it was best to break up the meals into small helping.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    advise from a registered and licensed dietitian at the Mayo Clinic


    Here's another article from WebMD, it was reviewed by an MD

  • suzwirthlin
    I only eat breakfast if it is after a hard workout or run. (if I don't eat a protein shake those days I will be so hungry I may make bad food choices later). When I don't exercise in the mornings skipping breakfast really works for me. I must have some blood sugar issues and I find skipping breakfast and eating a late lunch usually leads to a better day. I usually wait until I actually "feel" hungry to eat something. I don't know if I could wait until dinner, for me eating most of my calories between 2-4 works best so I have energy for when my kids come home from school. I try to keep dinner light, or at least low carb. I did read once that if you eat too many calories in one sitting (i used to do this a lot) your body will store the extra. The body will only use what it needs at that time and store the rest. So do what works for you. I found I was able to get over a weight loss hump by spreading the calories over 2 meals and a snack. Have you ever read the book, "the carbohydrate addicts diet?" They talk about how/why this approach works for a lot of people. Also, don't use this approach as a way to down a bunch of fast food or junk food. Good luck!
  • suzwirthlin
    I only eat breakfast if it is after a hard workout or run. (if I don't eat a protein shake those days I will be so hungry I may make bad food choices later). When I don't exercise in the mornings skipping breakfast really works for me. I must have some blood sugar issues and I find skipping breakfast and eating a late lunch usually leads to a better day. I usually wait until I actually "feel" hungry to eat something. I don't know if I could wait until dinner, for me eating most of my calories between 2-4 works best so I have energy for when my kids come home from school. I try to keep dinner light, or at least low carb. I did read once that if you eat too many calories in one sitting (i used to do this a lot) your body will store the extra. The body will only use what it needs at that time and store the rest. So do what works for you. I found I was able to get over a weight loss hump by spreading the calories over 2 meals and a snack. Have you ever read the book, "the carbohydrate addicts diet?" They talk about how/why this approach works for a lot of people. Also, don't use this approach as a way to down a bunch of fast food or junk food. Good luck!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    My father has lived this way for 68 years. He is trim and strong, still working at a physically demanding job. Coffee all day, maybe a half a sandwich at noontime (usually not). Ginormous dinner every night. Plus he drinks a TON of beer on the weekends. He is healthy as a horse, except for hearing-loss which is a hazard of his line of work.

    Incidentally, he also won the genetic lottery. His father had a trim physique, and both his parents lived into their late 90's with no health problems, despite a lifetime of drinking, smoking, and southern cookin' (we're talking bacon grease and grits, here, people!), and little or no health care.

    Nutrition is like everything else...some things work for some people, but it's mostly about finding out what works for YOU. If your health and weight management goals are being met, more power to you!
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    You don't need to eat breakfast to kick start your metabolism. That's Just what the breakfast cereal companies want you to believe. If you eat your calories and hit your macros in one sitting, you don't find yourself hungry then you have nothing to worry about.

    I never eat breakfast anymore. I eat all of my calories in an 8 hour window more or less, I have tons of energy. I'm getting stronger at the gym and I'm losing weight at 1.5 to 2.5 pounds a weak.

    I don't know when I've ever felt better in my life.

    I suppose many nutritional experts work for cereal companies then... I don't buy it. -- In your case you may not eat breakfast, however you are continuing to lose weight because you are allowing your metabolism to continue to be active by giving it multiple sessions throughout the day in which you are giving it needed fuel. Eating all your calories over an 8 hour period is much different then eating all of them at one meal. Doing so will slow, if not halt, the active processes of a healthy metabolism. -- Not to be mean, and I don't mean this as a personal attack (because it appears you're doing great), but you have more weight to lose as well. If you're built with a smaller frame, then the regularity of a functioning metabolism is even more vital.

    I don't take it as an attack at all I know I have a lot of weight to lose but you've missed a lot of the research that is available that disputes exactly what you're saying.

    And no not all of the nutritionists work for cereal companies but I guarantee you that most of them being "published" didn't graduate college within the last 10 years either and probably aren't up to date on all of the most recent studies or flat outright choose to ignore them. Google, Intermittent Fasting, Lean Gains, Eat Stop Eat just to name a few of the people that have tons of scientific studies to back up what they're saying.

    The Reason my metabolism is in overdrive is because I spike on over 4000 calories 1 day every week, lift weights 4 times a week for strength since building muscle burns fat and every day when I wake up I'm burning fat for energy since I've burned all of my carbohydrates up while I was sleeping the night before.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm sure with this many responses, you probably already know, but that's completely fine. You'd be a great candidate for intermittent fasting!
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for all of your comments. Okay first let me just say...I'm in college and I don't live at home. I have classes all day long and unless I'm carrying around a daily supply of food there is nooo way for me to eat 6 times a day. Second, eating 1200 calories in 1 sitting is not difficult if you're getting a well - balanced meal. I always eat tons of vegetables and I try eating grains and meats as well as dairy and fruit. No, it's not always perfect but as long as I'm getting my 1200 calories in and exercising then why does it matter when I eat them? I've heard multiple things about this. One person told me that the food you eat today...isn't even digested until tomorrow. If that's true then my body is going to digest this food no matter when it's coming in. Honestly though, the best I could do is eat lunch, maybe. Eating 6 meals, even snacks, is just not possible right now. Thanks again everyone.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    are you losing weight?
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Traditional methods work for Traditional people, Non-traditional methods work for non-traditional people.
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    I haven't weighed myself in over a week but yes, I've lost about 15 pounds since August. I don't really keep track of when I eat breakfast and when I don't but lately I haven't been eating til dinner. I guess I'm just worried that if I eat during the day I'll be so hungry at night that I'll just pig out. Losing weight in college is seriously harder than it sounds because everything is buffet styled and I have terrible foods to choose from. Thankfully, I've mostly managed to stay away from the bad stuff. Also...if you don't allow yourself to eat at least some foods that you like once in a while, you're more likely to cheat and binge. this isn't scientific, it's common sense. So when I only eat dinner I feel better knowing that if I happen to eat something that's less than completely healthy, as long as I'm under 1200 calories for the day then I don't hate myself for it. I'm sure a lot of people losing weight have a problem with feeling guilty no matter what they eat. Well that's me.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    There's a lot of misinformation in here OP. I'd advise you to read this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/348521-intermittent-fasting-support-group

    And just so you know, before this week, I was eating 1000-1400 calorie dinners and only 2 meals per day. I kept losing fat, inches, and pounds. I've lowered my daily caloric intake this week (because I was losing 1 pound a week and I want to lose more), but still, my dinners will be at minimum 800 cals. Please take all opinions into consideration, not just the ones who claim what you're doing is unhealthy, without trying it out themselves.:flowerforyou:
  • suzwirthlin
    College is no excuse - it will be hard when you are working full time, or even at home or taking care of kids. No matter when/where it is hard and you have to change your lifestyle. If you are just caring for yourself you should have no problem packing a healthy lunch, preparing a healthy dinner. Set good habits now for later on. With a little bit of planning you can eat better. Most people I know who loose weight and keep it off get used to bringing food to work, to and from school, while traveling etc. This saves money and calories. Good luck!
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    I don't plan on having children, and I can't pack a healthy lunch when I don't have food in my dorm and I can't eat in class..
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    advise from a registered and licensed dietitian at the Mayo Clinic


    Meh. Unsupported opinion. Throw that one in the trash.

    Here's another article from WebMD, it was reviewed by an MD


    Correlation =/= Causation

    For example, FTA:

    "They found that regular breakfast eaters were more likely to exercise regularly."

    Or perhaps, people who exercise regularly are more likely to eat breakfast. This is the problem with epidemiological studies, there is no way to draw a causal relationship.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Don't worry about it. There are days when I am working nonstop from 7am to 7pm and don't get to eat but one large meal when I get home and a bit of fruit or a little ice cream before bed. 22 lbs lost already.

    As long as you don't go over your calorie goal for the day, it's just fine.
  • suzwirthlin
    yes you can!! go to a store, buy a small cooler if you need to, or a small refrigerator. eat a small snack when you can while walking to the next class. i've been there and i know how hard it is with everyone eating garbage!! it will be harder not to eat all day when you are working and people are eating garbage and leaving it in break rooms. your approach may be the only thing that works for now. just make sure you don't feel light-headed and eat a little bit before tests.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    cprys8942, you're losing weight and you're doing it in a way that works for you. I wouldn't let the negativity get to you. Seems to me a lot of people forget the only weight loss plan that has a chance of working is the one you can maintain.

    Based on what you've said you plan is working and you can easily maintain it. Go with it...

    As others have stated sounds like Intermittent Fasting might be good for you. Google it or check out leangains.com it's a great resource backed with tons of studies.
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Its not good and I think Doctors and Nutritionists advise a min of 3 meals a day.

    For one thing, no meal should be more than 600 calories so you body can process it and it doesn't turn straight into fat and since the min calories per day is 1200 net then there is no way to get that in 1 meal.

    You are also forcing your body to store fat by not feeding it.

    If eating in the afternoon makes you hungry it is most likely what you are eating. Meals should be protein based with fiber (veggies) and you should be getting around 64oz of water a day.

    If you eat the right foods, you will be full all day. Maybe try a protein shake (Max 200 calories and min of 25 grams of protein) and see if that helps.

    Best of Luck!

    Rubbish! I eat more than 600 calories in one meal and I have lost 97 pounds. Obviously, it did not turn into fat but resulted in a weight loss.

    rchers at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) found that eating a 610-calorie breakfast high in carbohydrates, protein and fiber helped female dieters to lose weight and to maintain that weight loss. The study also followed a group of dieters on a low-carbohydrate plan that included a 290-calorie breakfast. The women on the low-carb, small-breakfast diet also lost weight, but they were far less successful at keeping the weight off long term.

    Read more: VCU Breakfast Diet | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5813317_vcu-breakfast-diet.html#ixzz1b5O5P4a3
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank youuuu, I'll check out the fasting websites.