Ripped in 30 starting 24/10/11



  • laurentapia
    laurentapia Posts: 39 Member
    Unfortunately I started a day late and am on day two!! It was a little easier today than yesterday, whew!! My husband is also impressed with my early morning workout, but seriously, it's the only time the house is peaceful and quiet and I don't have little eyes watching what I am doing, or want to play along!! ; )

    I'm a little bummed that I haven't lost any weight yet (going at this for 3 weeks now), in fact I have gained 3 pounds!!! What the heck?! I've been really cautious of what I am eating and walking twice a day during my work day. Hopefully this work out will kick start the scale. *fingers crossed*

    How long did it take for others bodies to start shedding the lbs.?! Mine seems to be holding on to the lbs for dear life! ahh!
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    I'm a little bummed that I haven't lost any weight yet (going at this for 3 weeks now), in fact I have gained 3 pounds!!! What the heck?! I've been really cautious of what I am eating and walking twice a day during my work day. Hopefully this work out will kick start the scale. *fingers crossed*

    How long did it take for others bodies to start shedding the lbs.?! Mine seems to be holding on to the lbs for dear life! ahh!

    Hi laurentapia :

    For me it took about 2ish weeks to see the LBS start to come off. I have always worked out but never realy noticed what I was eating. I HAD been a vegetarian for 16 years and always concidered myself a "healthy" eater. (HAD been because as of this summer I went back to eating chicken/fish... my protein intake was criminal at best and I was getting sick! Not something I wanted to do after 16 years but being healthy is the goal so....)
    When I started MFP and started logging in my cals I quickly noticed I was WAY under eating (not on purpose) esp. for as much as I worked out (at the time 40-60 mins 3-4 days a week- since then I have upped that). I decided after NO scale movement in 2 weeks to TRY and up the cals I was eating... MFP set me at 1200 (most days I was getting more like 900-1000 IF THAT.) Once I upped my cals I lost 2 LBS that very next week. WHO KNEW! I know 1200 is LOW but it was so much more then my body was use to getting. I lost 1- 2LBS per week steadily for a while. Then as weight came off I would up my cals a little because as I was losing I was getting leaner and I didnt want to start to lose what little muscle I did have.

    So with that said....My question would be are you sure you are eatting enough w/ the amt you are working out?
    Also, it is true what they say- that your muscles/body hold on to water when you are first starting a new workout or are new to working out. It comes across on the scale as a gain for a few weeks but its basically water retention. So drinking TONS of water can help that.
    These are just a few things that I have come across in the year or so I have been on MFP and trying to lose.

    I hope it helps in someway... Probably ALL things you have heard in other threads, but from experience it turns out its true!
    Dont be discouraged! Keep at it like you have been- your body WILL catch up and start to shed those LBS!!


    EDIT: let me also say that I am currently at my goal weight, looking to tone/lower body fat, and am now (trying) to eat 1600 per day (as of 2weeks ago) . When I got to my goal weight I was good for a month or so but then GAINED 3 LBS BACK!! I should have been at "maintaining" cals but was still eating at 1200.....So i upped them. I went from 1200 to 1450 to maintain, LOST those 3LBS in no time. And now do to my workouts I now strive to eat 1600. its kinda scary -NOT gonna lie! hahaha cause I feel like its a TON of food...but so far so good! Our bodies need fuel!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi everybody

    I did get up and exercised before work! Hurray. Felt great! I enjoyed the workout. It's great as everyday I feel like I want to give more or get better at the moves. I am aching quite a bit now so. Might stretch for a bit longer after tomorrows workout. Looking forward to tomorrow.

    Well done on everyone that does extra workouts on top of RI30! I might try to add a bit of running at some point. I don't want to take on too much though and then feel discouraged when I can't keep it up! That's also why I am taking two rest days I think. I am working every Saturday and on Sundays I just like to be lazy and do nothing :smile:

    I measured and weighed myself today! I will have a weigh in every Wednesday and probably post my results on here..anyone fancy joining in?

    All the best

  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    Aimer45 , what a coincidence! Let's stick to it & give ourselves a fabulous birthday present...better health & hopefully a better body.

    Yay birthday twin! I know we can do this! Off to do Day 2 right now!
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    day 3 done, along w/ 30 mins of running on the treadmill. Going to skip the running today but will def do day 4 of Ripped!

    Nice job getting your workout done in the morning! I have tried that but I would just have to get up WAY to early for my liking. haha (as it is 2 out of 3 days I need to be up at 4:15!!)

    Im tracking my measurements more then my actual weight. Weight wise I am about where I should be...and have been a SCALE ADDICT for well over a year (weighing 2+ times a day!) So i have put my scale away in a nice safe place -OUT OF MY REACH!! hahaha. It was starting to really effect my moods- if it was even 1/2 lb more (even knowing it wasnt an actual 'gain')

    Keep it up everyone!!
  • laurentapia
    laurentapia Posts: 39 Member
    Day 3 done! Up at 4:55 a.m. and still going strong!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Day 4: Complete!! + 45 min. on the elliptical! Let's keep rockin' it people!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    starting day 1 2nite!
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    I'm with you latoya starting day 1 tonight...couldn't keep up with it since I got so sick with a sinus infection...still on antibiotics but I think it's time for me to begin exercising again....hope everything goes well.....

  • flabwillbefab
    man!!!!!! its one thing to feel like doing nothing, feeling like whats the point,,,,, feeling low....
    but once you proove to yourself that youre the boss, and youre gonna go get dressed to be ripping sweaty, and yuo do it all, its a while another feeling!!!!!!! you see the point, you dont feel low, you feel like a million bucks, and wow, thats my NSV of the day!!!!! i kicked my *kitten*!!!!!
  • flabwillbefab
    I'm with you latoya starting day 1 tonight...couldn't keep up with it since I got so sick with a sinus infection...still on antibiotics but I think it's time for me to begin exercising again....hope everything goes well.....

    i really dont think it really matthers of WHEN you are starting it, but to just actually START it!!:O) welcome aboard!!!
  • flabwillbefab
    I'm with you latoya starting day 1 tonight...couldn't keep up with it since I got so sick with a sinus infection...still on antibiotics but I think it's time for me to begin exercising again....hope everything goes well.....

    i really dont think it really matthers of WHEN you are starting it, but to just actually START it!!:O) welcome aboard!!!
  • flabwillbefab
    darn, posted twice,,sorry,,,
  • flabwillbefab
    darn, posted twice,,sorry,,,
  • flabwillbefab
    darn, posted twice,,sorry,,,
    ok, not sure why all get on here twice,,,but what ever,,, lol
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 3 done!! Hurray! I really enjoyed the workout today! My favourite is the 2nd strength circuit! Those side planks are definitely my least favourite! Oh they are so hard!

    And I so agree with you flabwillbefab! I feel so good after I worked out! It has only be 3 days but I already feel better about myself. At least now I am doing something to get the body I want!

    And CGavin77 I only manage to exercise before work/uni as I never start before 10. So that means I have to get up for about 7.30 which isn't really that early. So I am lucky!

    Well done to everyone and welcome to everyone just joining in!
  • laurentapia
    laurentapia Posts: 39 Member
    Okay, I have a question. I hear people say "burn more calories than you take in".... is the calories you "take in" the net calories?!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 4 done!! Hurray! I am feeling so happy with this workout. I am feeling great! I felt a bit weak today but got through giving my best! I love it also that once you have done the workout a couple of times it kind of feels others feel like that too?

    I will have a rest day tomorrow. Going out tonight so it will be a big night so don't think I am up for exercising! I'll see!

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Okay, I have a question. I hear people say "burn more calories than you take in".... is the calories you "take in" the net calories?!

    There are many theories on this...too burn or not to burn the exercise calories. I usually don't but occationally if I'm feeling famished I'll dip into them.
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    DONE w/ day 4!! whooo hoo!

    Daisy80 : I totally agree- it seems to get shorter as each day goes. I feel like Im about to DIE (lets say at those SIDE PLANKS! lol) and then I think to myself .... well its actually ALOMST OVER when you think about it- only ONE more strength circuit! Then I get pumped and my second wind kicks in.

    Not able to do Ripped tonight- so today will be my "ripped rest day". Thought I have some extra time on my lunch today. So going to get in 40 min run and 30 mins of strength/lifting! BACK to ripped Sat morning!