Ex boyfriend advice desperately needed



  • What a creep! Pity the poor girl that is with him, honey, and thank ur lucky stars to be rid of him! I agree, block him, and get urself a decent man!
  • vichick20
    vichick20 Posts: 96 Member
    That has to be the strangest request I have ever heard! Do you think he is trying to play an odd game of severe reverse psychology? I can't imagine why he would ask for that (... other than being a little insane!) unless he still had some feelings for you. I AM NOT suggesting you send it though, or give into whatever game he is playing with you.

    My advice, try not to obsess over the "why". Just move on and do not reply to him (i know the curiosity is probably killing you, but it is what he wants probably). You are much better off without him (whether he is crazy or just playing head games). If you don't trust yourself, delete his email addy and phone number so you can't contact him.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    It sounds to me like he's trying to hurt you again. You are moving on and he can't stand it. Take the high road. Just politely decline and ask him not to contact you again. If he does, thats when you come out guns blazing and forward that email (that you of course saved) to the current GF. He sounds like a creep and you are better off without him.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Well I only ever miss someones smell if I miss THEM so he's either confused or... yea, a creep. Being that he thinks he's SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going with creep.
  • This is just way to weird for me....

    I would block him. I would suggest not forwarding to his gf because that is starting something that you don't need. Just get the creep out of your life.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    What the what?!?!

    I don't want to see you or be your friend but I want to SMELL you?!?!?!?!

    That's just.........creepy isn't enough to describe how weird that is!

    I concur with the others; block & ignore.

    Forwarding the e-mail to current girlfriend would be epic, but yeah, definitely ignore!

    Good luck, sweetie!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    he wants to smell you?!?!? creep-y
  • Healthy_Hannah483
    Healthy_Hannah483 Posts: 151 Member
    Agree with the people above me. BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK. Nothing good can come from keeping in contact or submitting to his request.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I'd block him from my email and phone.

    But first tell him to fvck off.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    im not sure if this is the right place to post this- but it's doing my head in and I'm hoping someone can shed some insight on this guy for me. Ok, a brief summary- we were together 4yrs, he broke up with me a year ago and broke my heart, he found someone straight away and they are still together. He emailed me out of the blue several months ago- just chit chat, very light hearted, nothing specific- so I replied. Maybe 5 emails to and fro. Then he stopped emailing for the past month.

    Today I open my email to find THIS sent from him (yesterday)
    (I copied and pasted it).

    Can I get a shirt from you?
    I wrote this massive email explaining the reason but it was like, not weird or anything, I swear.
    I can't explain it. You know.
    I can't even explain why. There has been this annoying voice in the back of my head to ask you, actually, the voice sounds like you, haha. kidding.
    I'll be upfront, I have no interest in seeing you, or catching up or having a friendship. I just have this urge to smell you. ok, that has got to be the most weirdest, creepiest thing I ever wrote. But its the truth.
    I am normal, just got a quirk or two.
    Anywho, I dont know how the logistics will work, I guess I'll give you the address to post to if you agree to the worlds most creepiest request. But honestly, Im not being creepy, I really can't explain it.
    I really cant hey.
    Well, bartering is a two way street. Is there anything I can offer in return?
    Besides my awesomesness!!!!!!

    .....And THAT was his email. He never used to be a creep, he's still with his girlfriend- I can't even begin to understand the motivation or thought process behind this email.

    And to be honest, it really hurt when he said he didn't want a friendship-
    I just assumed he did, otherwise why initiate contact??

    I'm so sorry for the length of this, my dear MFP friends. I don't really have anyone to talk to about this.

    All I really want is if anyone is able to help me understand why he would send something like this. I'm just flummoxed.
    He's testing you to see if you're still hanging on......................nothing better for a man's ego than to be wanted by women.
    He's a douche. I say *kitten* on a shirt and send it to him.
  • sounds like you're better off without him. you could send him a shirt that has "CREEP" printed on the front.
  • Wow, just wow.. I even read it to my husband.. and the response is still wow. But I do concur with the majority opinion here, block him and forget about him. I sounds to me like he's on some kind of control/power trip. He wants to smell you but doesn't want anything to do with you? What a passive/agreessive jerky thing to do. If he really missed your smell that much, all he would have to do is go to a store and purchase your perfume, shampoo etc.. I would drop him like a hot potato.

  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm definitely NOT going to continue to communicate with him- he has freaked me right out. I can't forward the emails on to his gf- I don't know her details. I'm sure I could find them out, but she was extrememly abusive to me when they got together- so the less I have to do with her, the better. She justifies all his actions anyway, and I'm sure she'll find a way to spin this on me.

    I'd rather just forget about him completely- but as I said , all I really want is some insight as to WHY he might be doing/saying this. Because it's just too WEIRD.
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Forward to the girlfriend, then block him.

    Yeah. Scents can bring up incredibly powerful emotional memories. He probably has a fetish for women's scents, which frankly isn't a big deal, most people have something quirky... But he definitely lost his right to sniff you when he broke up with you, and to ask for your shirt a year later, he must be desperate. Not appropriate.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Sweetie he is NUTZ!!!! that is NOT normal behaviour!!!! what an absolute creep all right....I mean who does he think he is??? "my awesomeness" sounds like his ego boost of himself has caused braindamage......my advice is DELETE.....he is just keeping his options open and trying to control you and see how far he can get...he clearly isn't happy in his NOW relationship and knows he has painted himself into a corner.....basically he wants a bit on the side.....like I said to you, you have the looks of a model and could have any guy eating out of the palm of your hand....save it for the real deal, someone who loves and appreciates you...this guy is TOXIC with a a capital T!!!!

  • That is by far one of the strangest emails I've ever read.

    I agree with not forwarding it to his girlfriend - you don't need to get involved in their relationship.

    I would just block him and be thankful that you broke up before his creepy side came out...
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    He wants a booty call. He doesn't want a commitment to you. You deserve better than that. I don't think his email even deserves a response. Just delete it and block him. If he continues, then forward to his girlfriend as the other poster stated. There are quality men out there, and you are a quality girl. Don't settle for less. How dare he even think you would send him anything or ask anything of him. Just move on and don't turn back. I wish you the best. ;)
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    You are WAY too beautiful to deal with this kind of crap... if you feel the need to respond; make sure you tell him that it will be the last contact you need to have!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Anyone consider maybe the GIRLFRIEND sent this????