Ex boyfriend advice desperately needed



  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    sounds like a serial killer in the making lol
    but with all seriousness it really sounds odd., I would want to now if my boyfriend was sending this weird stuff to his ex. I say send to his gf and ignore him block him and be happy you got out of the relationship seeing as he is creepy now lol
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Uh... Send him an email with the brands of deodorant, hair product, lotion and perfume you use and tell him to buy himself a shirt to dump them all on. Then find someone who likes you for more than your smell.
  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you all for your words of advice- the sensible, and the creative :-) maybe a sane mind just can't comprehend an insane one lol!
  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    Your perfume isn't Amber Romance is it?! I used to work w/ this guy who was charming but kinda off.. We'd take cigarette breaks together & I'd spray perfume b4 going back in & he'd always go on & ON about how fantastic I always smelled. This was a harmless inside joke at first, but got weird- he'd come awkwardly sniff me from behind when I was w/ clients & 1 time asked if he could take my work shirt home w/ him. One night a bunch of us went out for drinks after work & after he got tipsy he admitted to me that he was w/ his ex for 4 years & she always wore that same perfume/lotion. Apparently he got regular hj's w/ her lotion from her, & explained that's why he's always smelling me b/c 1)He still missed her sometimes & 2)It always triggered a hard-on. U would think one would be embarrassed to continue this behavior after a conversation like that but he continued!

    I agree w/ the others it seems to be a power trip mixed w/ possible relationship boredom & a fetish. I'm sure the Gf would love to receive a copy of this email to better know what she's dealing w/ but it also could open some bad doors that really isn't worth ur time. Ignore/block him & save the email for leverage if he ever physically/verbally crosses boundaries in the future. Srry u had to go thru that :(
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Quite frankly a huge insult to you and his 'new' girlfriend. You shouldn't be wanting to smell someone else when you're in a relationship and he shouldn't be asking you requests that's sending mixed signals (even if he is saying he just wants your scent). Tell him absolutely not. It's a ridiculous request.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Forward to the girlfriend, then block him.

  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Oh I would get the address, and as long as it wasn't a P O box I'd mail it to him addressed to the girlfriend along with the copy of his email. But then, I don't like creepy sicko pervs :grumble:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I think you should ignore him completely. That way YOU are the one who has made the decision to have nothing to do with him. Don't let him decide what your "relationship" will be. *kitten* that asshat.
    This. I just want to get my vote in.
    You would not believe how foolish you can get someone to feel when you just don't say anything in reply. Actions (and inactions) speak louder than words.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    It sounds like he has something wrong with him...his writing was scattered and just as odd as what he was talking about.

    Obviously I do not know him, but has he always been this way?

    Whatever the reasoning, I wouldn't even bother forwarding to the new girlfriend (unless you know her personally and know that she is a good person). Block him.

    I would be really creeped out if I ever received an email like that from an ex. o_o
  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    I think you should ignore him completely. That way YOU are the one who has made the decision to have nothing to do with him. Don't let him decide what your "relationship" will be. *kitten* that asshat.
    This. I just want to get my vote in.
    You would not believe how foolish you can get someone to feel when you just don't say anything in reply. Actions (and inactions) speak louder than words.

    I absolutely agree with this, that's why I intend to say nothing. Apart from the email being extremely creepy and I wouldn't respond to it anyway- I think silence can be a very powerful tool.
  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    It sounds like he has something wrong with him...his writing was scattered and just as odd as what he was talking about.

    Obviously I do not know him, but has he always been this way?

    Whatever the reasoning, I wouldn't even bother forwarding to the new girlfriend (unless you know her personally and know that she is a good person). Block him.

    I would be really creeped out if I ever received an email like that from an ex. o_o

    Believe me, I still feel creeped out! And no, he hasn't always been like this, which makes it all the more bizarre.
    His gf is quite a nasty person, very verbally and physically aggressive when she feels threatened- so I don't want to get involved with her AT ALL.

    I have to agree with you tho, the writing was a bit scattered, wasn't it? No flow or cohesion, almost as if he was under the influence of something.
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Send him a shirt....wrapped around a bag of dog poo :laugh:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    It sounds like he has something wrong with him...his writing was scattered and just as odd as what he was talking about.

    Obviously I do not know him, but has he always been this way?

    Whatever the reasoning, I wouldn't even bother forwarding to the new girlfriend (unless you know her personally and know that she is a good person). Block him.

    I would be really creeped out if I ever received an email like that from an ex. o_o

    Believe me, I still feel creeped out! And no, he hasn't always been like this, which makes it all the more bizarre.
    His gf is quite a nasty person, very verbally and physically aggressive when she feels threatened- so I don't want to get involved with her AT ALL.

    I have to agree with you tho, the writing was a bit scattered, wasn't it? No flow or cohesion, almost as if he was under the influence of something.

    Do you think the girlfriend could have written the email then?

    My ex was sleeping at this girls house (not dating supposedly) and she (supposedly as Ive never met her) took his phone and started harassing me with texts/calls pretending to be him nonstop o_o
  • laurenduck05
    laurenduck05 Posts: 31 Member
    GIRL...... You are absolutely beautiful... Stay well clear of his, like others have said just block him. I wouldn't even email him back with response he doesn't deserve your energy to type his a message! I wouldnt email it to his girlfriend because then it goes into spite and you could get a big backlash for getting involved, ven though he is being creepy and in some aspects the girlfriend should be made aware of it, but as you are the ex this will not be taken well. Just block him and get on with life! You are worth so much more! Keep smiling!!!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    You know when people find your facebook account open and put up crude status updates or post weird pictures "for fun"?

    Well I think someone has hacked his email, I seriously don't think it's him. Maybe the new girl is responsible, or maybe some "friend" thinks it's a funny thing to do.

    So just ignore it.

    Yeah, I would kind of be leaning toward this too. Or it is some kind of cruel joke where he is trying to prove to someone that you are still in love with him so by replying or forwarding to his girlfriend you would be 'proving' that. (Partly, I just like to believe people aren't that creepy!!)
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Have you looked into the mirror? You are BEAUTIFUL! Your ex did you a favor when he left. Send a copy of the email to his newest girlfriend, then block him, and move on with your life.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    He reminds me a bit of someone I once dated, could have solipsistic tendencies (in answer to the why).

    Def a jerk, better off without.
  • bumpkinbee
    Step 1: find the smelliest bum you can

    Step 2: fill him full of liquor until he pukes on his SHIRT

    Step 3: buy shirt from bum

    Step 4: put shirt in gift bag

    Step 5: print out email, put in gift bag

    Step 6: deliver shirt to exec boyfriend's house

    Step 7: THEN block him

    Definately the best advice on here :) what an absolute weirdo you are well shot of missus xxx
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    send him this picture

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    What I want to know is why you are dating 12 year olds in the first place.

    I keeeeed. It's obvious that he misses the thought of you rather than the reality of being with you. The olfactory bulb is part of the brain's limbic system, an area associated with memory and emotion. Therefore he has a conditioned emotional response to the memory of you which is presumably positive which he will strongly trigger by your smell. It sounds creepy but it is understandable.