Asians trying to lose weight



  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I am only half asian and my the first half of my life I was nice and the second half.. I am fat..LOL.. about the 30s I starting going up on the scale and it just kept going and going and we are trying to fix that.

    I just wish I didn't love food some much..
  • Myzztique
    Myzztique Posts: 26 Member
    Just came accross this thread.

    I am half Chinese with a more muscular and curvy build, I have really learnt to accept my shape and look terrible if i get too skinny.

    But I have to say that being a shorty at 5ft 2/3 and picking up a mere 5kg makes a huge difference, and trying to lose these 5 kg is excruciatingly difficult.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Just came accross this thread.

    I am half Chinese with a more muscular and curvy build, I have really learnt to accept my shape and look terrible if i get too skinny.

    But I have to say that being a shorty at 5ft 2/3 and picking up a mere 5kg makes a huge difference, and trying to lose these 5 kg is excruciatingly difficult.

    Your profile picture is beautiful (:
  • Myzztique
    Myzztique Posts: 26 Member
    Your profile picture is beautiful (:

    Thank you. This was taken on my wedding day this past August :)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Im chinese, and i know how it feels! i always have relatives telling me, oh u put on weight and my mum would be like u need to lose weight girl, u're fat! Yay, I know my face is chubby, really dun need more reminders! Dun even get me started on the clothing sizes in Asia!

    I have a friend -- who is Asian also -- she is 5'2" and 120 lbs., which is NOT fat...but her mother her keeps calling her fat and telling her that she needs to lose weight so she's always commenting to me about her weight..that she thinks she is "fat". I'm like, c'mon! You are NOT fat. She wears size 5 now, but wants to get down to a size 0 because of her mother's comments. Asian parents can be so hard on their children.

    And, yeah, I know what you mean about the clothing sizes in Asia. A "large" in Asia is like an "extra small" here in the U.S. It's crazy!
    I'm 5'2, 56 kg (123lbs.) and 19% body fat & I have to agree about the crazy Asian dress size. I remember one time when I went to China and Singapore way years back when I was still overweight, I wasn't able to buy anything for me other than the accessories because their XL's are equivalent to US size 8 and the stores I've been to all told me that "I'm really sorry Ma'am but we don't carry your size". Although right now I obviously don't look fat but at my gym, they consider me a "big boned" but in reality I just have an athletic frame. I'm an XS or US size 2 but here in the Philippines the smallest that I can fit in is a Medium and sometimes even Large :grumble:
  • purplechic
    purplechic Posts: 15 Member
    Hah. I love this topic and can fully relate to it! I am 5' 2" and few years ago (due to heavy partying and eating take-aways for dinner every night) my weight ballooned up to 65kgs which in terms of Asian sizes is considered almost "obese". I remember going to Thailand for a holiday and couldn't find pants to fit because I was "too fat". The issue wasn't just the fact that I was overweight, I was also extremely unfit.. like I wouldn't be able to walk up 2 flights of stairs without puffing!

    Since then, I've picked up running as a sport and lost the weight. My weight is now consistently within 53kgs - 55kgs (depending on whether or not it's winter :P). Even then, because I have larger hips and like, boobs (compared to like stick-thin Asian girls who are built like boys), I would never truly be considered skinny where I grew up (Malaysia)

    When I first starting losing the weight, I thought it would be nice to aim for about 50kgs but after a few years, I've pretty much given up on it plus, I really do love food! The only time I went below 50kgs is usually after I ran a whole freakin' marathon. These days I am not trying too hard to lose the weight but my challenge is more to maintain my fitness and my pants happen to fit better during that period then it's a bonus!

    To the Asians out there that are trying to lose weight, I wish you all the best and please don't succumb to the Asian pressure of being a stick-insect.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I'm Korean, and I totally get the weight criticism thing, even though I live in America. I don't think I can visit relatives without some sort of comment about my weight!
  • bettacheckyoself
    I am Asian as you can probably tell.... I am 5'5 and last time I checked 120-135 (I don't own a scale anymore).... my torso is a bit longer than my lower half...I want to tone up my legs, that seems to be my area of concern... I haven't really felt fat, however sometimes when I look at old pictures I do think that I could have looked better/healthier .... my sister is skinnier than me, but I like my curves so I wouldn't want her body type....but I am definitely going to define my legs,...I have been procrastinating for the longest time on this...
  • alicha78
    alicha78 Posts: 6 Member
    Can totally relate to this being Asian & 5"2. Was 105 pounds starting college, and due to excessive partying and late night eating gained 10 pounds, and another 10 pounds during my first year at work, putting me at 125 pounds. Been going to the gym religiously for the past year, down back to 115 pounds. Still feel big, with huge muscular calves and thighs as a result of all the squats I've been doing. We just need to be happy with our weight, and be happy that we are able to fit into size 2 and due to different body types, we'll never be stick thin like the rest of our Asian friends, who will never gain a pound, are 5"4 and under 100 pounds.
  • ladyqwerty
    I'm 5'4 and 99lbs and with this weight, it's still not model skinny, which is what I'm striving for. I might as well fit into the stereotype.
  • ladyqwerty
    Hope you women aren't losing too much weight, guys actually like a bit of meat

    Oh come on, it's always about what guys think! >.>
    We just want to be beautiful.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Quotes from moms:

    "You so pretty if you not so fat!"
    "How come you never eat? Kid in Africa starving!"
    "Just hold in your stomach and it get smaller."
    "Eat fruit and rice in the morning, stop at noon like Buddah. Then you not fat."
    "If you no eat all that food she feel you insult her." (at a dinner party)
    "One your leg bigger than two my leg!"
    "Oh, so-and-so's daughter so pretty. So skinny. Why you so fat?"
    "Did you see so-and-so? She fat now! Almost as big as you!"

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm Japanese-Irish-English-Philipino and 5'1. My goal is to get to 19-20% body fat...maybe that will put me around 110-130lbs. Maybe more because I do plan on building up my muscle, not just slim down. Surprisingly, it's never really bother me about the Asian stereotype and even thinking about it now, I still won't let it influence me. I want to be happy with me based on what I've accomplished etc..not because I fit a stereotype.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    My husband is asian and every time I visited his country I used to get it all the time! They are people that don't mince their words they say it like it is.As we were going out of his auntys house one day instead of saying goodbye,she said lose some weight and slammed the door in my face! So although I am not asian myself I can feel for yas! I have full intentions though of going back to meet that woman and watch her mouth drip to the floor
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My husband is asian and every time I visited his country I used to get it all the time! They are people that don't mince their words they say it like it is.As we were going out of his auntys house one day instead of saying goodbye,she said lose some weight and slammed the door in my face! So although I am not asian myself I can feel for yas! I have full intentions though of going back to meet that woman and watch her mouth drip to the floor

    Ummmm.....I think you should be a little more specific than just saying Asians say it as it is. People in Japan aren't typically as blunt. Some are..because people are individuals...but the culture encourages more of a polite push.
  • MucGay
    MucGay Posts: 38 Member
    Another Asian (Chinese) here!
    Read thru the posts and thought I was the only one that suffered the "Fat One" in the group.

    Always been a "fey mui / fat girl" since young and this past Oct. 2012, I just decided to "see" how I would look like if I was skinny.
    Of course all thru the years, at night lying in bed, I will make up my mind and say: "Tomorrow, I need to start." Then hunger takes over in the morning and that little prep talk was totally forgotten.

    My highest weight: 225lbs @ 5'6'' - omg, I was like a freak show when I went back to China, and I wasn't even at my heaviest then (maybe like 190-ish lbs then). Literally everyone in the street was looking at me. They didn't need to speak but just from the expressions on their faces is already enough to let me know what they are thinking. Some have disgust on their faces, some have that weird smile of "I can't believe it!"...some even forces their children riding in the back of the bike to look at me, since I was such a "freak show". I didn't want to go out anymore and if I did/need to go out, I want to go out at night.

    Of course, my families/friends are very critical. My grandmother actually make a gesture behind my back saying how fat I was. My uncle would rolled his eyes and said american kids/me got so fat cause of all the "cheese and hamburgers" we've been consuming (yes, its true, but no need to roll your eyes ya know?!) My female friend told me I was a great catch but because I was fat, that's why I'm single still, especially among Asian men, "cause they rather have a skinny plain-faced girl than a fat girl with a pretty face."
    I think I am numb to all these mockery but still hurts @ the first sting....just the pain doesn't linger as long.

    My current weight now is: 178lbs, working towards 135-140lb, but this time the real reason I'm sticking to it is because I really want to and NOT because all those words and disgusted gestures. Take it day by day.....cause we have our whole lives ahead of us to get to our healthy self! (^_^)
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I bought some clothes from Japan (XL shirts (US L) and jeans. Despite getting measurements that were close to what I wear here, the shirts are too tight about the arms, chest, back and shoulders and pants were too tight about the thighs and butt. I plan to live there someday and will likely have to go to a specialty shop since I want to return to 185 lbs at 7% body fat.

    I sympathize for many Asians (both male and especially females) since there seems to be a idolization of thinness which may be ideal there but is not okay with me. Several of my Asian male and female friends who lift get told they are too big by their Asian friends and family despite being considered average sized here. The good thing is, if I find a hot, athletic buff Japanese girl, I'll have a great chance at dating her.
  • AngelsFan91106
    AngelsFan91106 Posts: 111 Member
    Several of my Asian male and female friends who lift get told they are too big by their Asian friends and family despite being considered average sized here. The good thing is, if I find a hot, athletic buff Japanese girl, I'll have a great chance at dating her.

    Whoa buddy, just because an above-95lbs Asian girl has been unfairly told she is fat her entire life, and you happen to disagree with the assessment, does NOT immediately make you Prince Charming to her.
  • Sililily115
    im half chinese. My mother (Chinese) was never critical of my body, in fact she was always force feeding me. I did get comments from her Chinese friends though, which really shocked me at first
  • cafeconleche
    My husband is Asian. I am always trying to get him to eat better. He would eat rice and meat only at every meal...if he could!! We were talking about how much we weighed one night. Naturally, since I am trying to lose weight. He said that he is right at 175, as always. I said no are 190. He doesn't work out or eat well, ya know? He got mad and said, I'll prove it to you, right now!! We walk into the bathroom and he steps on the scale...189!! He went "no way!!" I got a little laugh out of it, only because he is so stubborn:)

    He talked to his mom on the phone after Christmas. I could hear her saying she liked the Christmas card we sent (with a picture of all of us) and she said "you have gained weight!" To which he said "I know, mom" and she kept on til he changed the subject. I felt bad for him.
    So, I guess the guys are just as susceptible to relatives comments when they gain weight.