honest question



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    I'm gonna say something that is probably gonna rub people the wrong way, but oh well you asked for opinions so here I go. For most of the naysayers and people who feel the need to blast doesnt have anything to do with warning people or try to "help". Do you really care about someone you will never meet on a message board? Someone that doesnt have any effect on your day to day real life? if so, get a life! This is what it boils down too::

    1. Jealousy: Deep down inside this person is seething that they cant follow a strict diet and you can.
    2. Superiority: They want to feel better than the other person by bringing them down or telling them all the research they have done on said diet.
    3. Insanity: Some people just cant let it alone. Some people feel the need to insert their contrary opinion on a topic. They cant help it. It's like some sick compulsion.

    Or maybe, just maybe, they actually care more than those who blindly agree.

    1) Jealousy? Why would i be jealous of someone who is starving themselves, eating far less than me, risky their health, for something they could do be eating sensibly?!
    2) Superiority? Feeling superior to someone on an internet forum? Bringing someone down by telling them the truth, as they clearly aren't aware of the potential damage they are doing themselves. Sounds like being helpful to me.
    3) Insanity? So helping someone by making them aware of the pitfalls is insane? No, that sounds like being a caring person. Blindly agreeing and letting someone carry on doing something dangerous without caring...that's what's insane.

    If someone posts: hey I'm puking everyday is anyone doing the same to lose weight. I have the maturity and dont have the time to get into an argument over why they are vomitting to lose weight. I also dont have the mental energy. I just keep it moving. Some people need to keep it friggin moving!!!!!!

    Idd. Those that couldn't give a crap about others keep moving on by. Those that actually care, and don't want to seen anyone hurt themselves, raise their voices. I hope it continues to be this way.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member

    I'm gonna say something that is probably gonna rub people the wrong way, but oh well you asked for opinions so here I go. For most of the naysayers and people who feel the need to blast doesnt have anything to do with warning people or try to "help". Do you really care about someone you will never meet on a message board? Someone that doesnt have any effect on your day to day real life? if so, get a life! This is what it boils down too::

    1. Jealousy: Deep down inside this person is seething that they cant follow a strict diet and you can.
    2. Superiority: They want to feel better than the other person by bringing them down or telling them all the research they have done on said diet.
    3. Insanity: Some people just cant let it alone. Some people feel the need to insert their contrary opinion on a topic. They cant help it. It's like some sick compulsion.

    Or maybe, just maybe, they actually care more than those who blindly agree.

    1) Jealousy? Why would i be jealous of someone who is starving themselves, eating far less than me, risky their health, for something they could do be eating sensibly?!
    2) Superiority? Feeling superior to someone on an internet forum? Bringing someone down by telling them the truth, as they clearly aren't aware of the potential damage they are doing themselves. Sounds like being helpful to me.
    3) Insanity? So helping someone by making them aware of the pitfalls is insane? No, that sounds like being a caring person. Blindly agreeing and letting someone carry on doing something dangerous without caring...that's what's insane.

    If someone posts: hey I'm puking everyday is anyone doing the same to lose weight. I have the maturity and dont have the time to get into an argument over why they are vomitting to lose weight. I also dont have the mental energy. I just keep it moving. Some people need to keep it friggin moving!!!!!!

    Idd. Those that couldn't give a crap about others keep moving on by. Those that actually care, and don't want to seen anyone hurt themselves, raise their voices. I hope it continues to be this way.
    This is why we're friends.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.

    And that's where we differ. I would never just sit back and observe someone doing something incredibly dangerous without at least trying to make them aware of the consequences of their own actions, especially when all it might take is a few lines of text and links to some research. Where's the harm in that? Better to try to help and fail, than to just "sit back and observe".

    If they are hell bent on killing themselves, they will anyway. But some can go either way, and the host of posts informing them of the dangers may be enough to swing them away from the edge.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It is jealousy I've seen it at my workplace and on different message boards. People will say, "oh well you just cant eating like that forever, I tried it and it didnt last". maybe for you, but that doesnt mean you are me. I've been low carb for years and I see the bitterness. People ask, "Well how do you do that?" I say, "its easy and self control". Then I see the look on their face. Its jealousy.

    And if some 18 year old wants to eat 600 calories a day and she doesnt know its dangerous then thats just sad, but then again I'm not her parent or friend. Then again who is saying it is dangerous? You? "experts? maybe she has a reason for eating that low calorie. Who am I to judge?

    So once again if she is asking for those on the same diet then I'm not gonna respond cause she is looking for others like her and not an opinion on what she does. Just igonore and move on. I promise you life is soooo much better to pick your battlles instead of trying to find one. I dont find it my life goal to argue with someone over what they are doing, especially a stranger!!!

    It isnt indifference and I dont get how belittling them is helping them either. There are tactful ways to let people know you dont agree. If you lack tact then you might spin that person even more into a distructive cycle.

    Arguing with strangers is what forums are all about. Again, if you don't realize that, you really haven't been on the web much.

    The difference between you being on Atkins and an 18 year old starving themselves is pretty tremendous. Saying who are you to judge is a cop out.

    Tact is something that's lacking terribly on internet forums, and it can be counterproductive, but I still hold that inaction with someone who is clearly endangering themselves is just as bad as slamming them online. I'm sure there might be 1 (MAYBE 2) reason(s) for an 18 year old to eat a max of 600 calories a day, but that would be under extreme doctor supervision. Also they'd be unlikely to be posting to random forums looking for advice.

    The negative experiences you've had in support of Atkins is showing, just as much as you say others slamming diet xyz are biased towards their own beliefs.

    Why can't you just let THOSE people be? Why can't YOU keep it moving? Why can't YOU get a life?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I guess some peoples egos are so large that they just can't grasp the concept that some people are not intrested in their opinion.

    and some , alot, of people on here (and internet as awhole) do not grasp the concept of an opinion, too many think what ever the personally believe is the gospel truth
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    In my personal opinion (aka the gods honest gospel truth) if the subject , or question does not say ..

    WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON..............

    just just shouldnt give it
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    In my personal opinion (aka the gods honest gospel truth) if the subject , or question does not say ..

    WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON..............

    just just shouldnt give it

    Well, I strongly disagree.

    And it appers so do a lot of my friends. Who are in those threads. Who I know for a fact care.
    If you don't have compassion or concern for people who are doing great harm to themselves, fantastic.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    well the OP is asking the question and not you.

    I also didnt realize that arguing with strangers is what the forums or the internet is all about?I dont visit forums much and was shocked to see how much negativity is about. So for a forum and a site designed to help people and encourage it sure isnt every helpful and encouraging when people slam or bicker! Who and how is that helping? If that is the case then this site is doing nothing to help people. Its more harmful if that is what goes on. Isnt that a bit hypocritical??

    I understand opinions. I'm not against them, but calling some stupid, insane, crazy etc is not helping. I would rather someone just not say anything. Once again if the person isnt looking for advice. Advice I understand peoples opinions, but if someone is looking for others that are on a certain diet then advice is not needed.

    I only give my opinion when asked. yes fairymiss it is ego too. Do people do this at work? at home too? I would hate to be married to a husband that felt his need to opinionate everything and every situtaion. I know when to keep my trap shut and when to open it. I know how to talk to people in a rational way. I dont over emotionalize everything.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    In my personal opinion (aka the gods honest gospel truth) if the subject , or question does not say ..

    WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON..............

    just just shouldnt give it

    And that's where we must agree to differ. If someone posts some dangerous unhealthy stuff, that modern medicine has PROVEN to be unhealthy, where opinions are trumped by actual fact, then i will continue to speak up and try to help and inform. If you still want to do your crazy crap afterwards, then that's down to you. At least i can rest easy knowing that i TRIED, instead of being selfish and uncaring enough to just ignore them.

    Sometimes being "slammed" is what it takes to shock people enough to think "Wow, these guys are really, really against this idea i'm thinking of! It must be really bad for them to react like that! I KNOW! I'll do some research into it, to find out why they are so passionately against the idea!"

    I'd rather be considered "rude" for trying to help someone, than sit back, be "polite", and let them carry on blind.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.

    Truth is never relative. Opinions, feelings, emotions..all that is relative. Truth, by it's very definition, is not relative.

    Eating too few calories is dangerous. Vomiting up the foods you eat is dangerous. That's not my opinion. This isn't a new concept that has never been studied before. It's harmful to the person. We know that. To pretend otherwise leads to the very kind of society that allows people to walk around slowly killing themselves with no one saying a word about it.

    You're free to do and say whatever you'd like in this country (seeing as we're mostly U.S. in here). That right means everything to me. But included in that is the right of others to freely tell you when you're doing something wrong. Instead of getting defensive these people should be appreciated. They are trying to help you. People who let you go ahead and do things they know hurt you sure aren't doing you any favors.

    If you want everyone to tell you how great you are and no one to give you a dissenting opinion talk to yourself in a mirror. This is life. You can't control everyone. Stop trying.

    (Also most of this is just me rambling and not at all directed at the person who posted the quote)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.

    'Heck bent'

    Someone who is heck bent doesn't post to forums asking for advice, they just do it. There are awful things in this world that people do to themselves. It's sad, but it's true. If they're posting online asking about it, there's at least a chance that they want to be talked out of it.

    It's like two kids at school fighting. The ones who getting into a shoving contest in the middle of the cafeteria don't actually want to fight, they don't actually want to get hurt, they want to be stopped. It's the one's who go off someplace private to throw down that actually cause the damage. Doing nothing during the shoving competition can lead to the other, worse, option.

    'We are a culture of indifferent'
    The United States is a culture of obese. I happen to live in New York. I'm obese now but am working to fix it. I'm above the cultural norm. There are plenty of cases in history where people sat back and observed horrible things like racism and sexism and genocide. We consider refusing to move to the back of a bus a huge progressive leap towards equal rights. In the grand scheme of things that's about as useful as arguing on an internet forum. Normalcy doesn't justify behavior.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.

    Truth is never relative. Opinions, feelings, emotions..all that is relative. Truth, by it's very definition, is not relative.

    Eating too few calories is dangerous. Vomiting up the foods you eat is dangerous. That's not my opinion. This isn't a new concept that has never been studied before. It's harmful to the person. We know that. To pretend otherwise leads to the very kind of society that allows people to walk around slowly killing themselves with no one saying a word about it.

    You're free to do and say whatever you'd like in this country (seeing as we're mostly U.S. in here). That right means everything to me. But included in that is the right of others to freely tell you when you're doing something wrong. Instead of getting defensive these people should be appreciated. They are trying to help you. People who let you go ahead and do things they know hurt you sure aren't doing you any favors.

    If you want everyone to tell you how great you are and no one to give you a dissenting opinion talk to yourself in a mirror. This is life. You can't control everyone. Stop trying.

    (Also most of this is just me rambling and not at all directed at the person who posted the quote)

    Yes I never said it wasnt dangerous, but I think some people need to put things in perspective. This isnt your niece having a puke everytime she eats. This isnt a family member or friend. Of course you help that person if that was the case.

    This is the internet and a forum with people all over the world. Different people, different lives and who knows what that person is really like? or what they are really doing? Its all about context. IMO I don't try to be a internet nanny. I have issues and problems of my own. It's not like I'm every gonna know or meet or talk to this person. I'm passionate about things that really matter and sorry internet people just isnt on my list of high priorities. LOL! It doesnt make me a rude, mean or not compassionate person, just a sane one! And using the excuse, that hey its the internet is a lame one. Just cause its the internet doesnt mean people have to be jerks.

    Once again this isnt about a person asking for advice. And you really belive someone wants to be talked out of it??? Ummm...huh? Now thats just odd
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.

    Truth is never relative. Opinions, feelings, emotions..all that is relative. Truth, by it's very definition, is not relative.

    Eating too few calories is dangerous. Vomiting up the foods you eat is dangerous. That's not my opinion. This isn't a new concept that has never been studied before. It's harmful to the person. We know that. To pretend otherwise leads to the very kind of society that allows people to walk around slowly killing themselves with no one saying a word about it.

    You're free to do and say whatever you'd like in this country (seeing as we're mostly U.S. in here). That right means everything to me. But included in that is the right of others to freely tell you when you're doing something wrong. Instead of getting defensive these people should be appreciated. They are trying to help you. People who let you go ahead and do things they know hurt you sure aren't doing you any favors.

    If you want everyone to tell you how great you are and no one to give you a dissenting opinion talk to yourself in a mirror. This is life. You can't control everyone. Stop trying.

    (Also most of this is just me rambling and not at all directed at the person who posted the quote)

    Yes I never said it wasnt dangerous, but I think some people need to put things in perspective. This isnt your niece having a puke everytime she eats. This isnt a family member or friend. Of course you help that person if that was the case.

    This is the internet and a forum with people all over the world. Different people, different lives and who knows what that person is really like? or what they are really doing? Its all about context. IMO I don't try to be a internet nanny. I have issues and problems of my own. It's not like I'm every gonna know or meet or talk to this person. I'm passionate about things that really matter and sorry internet people just isnt on my list of high priorities. LOL! It doesnt make me a rude, mean or not compassionate person, just a sane one!

    But wasn't it one of your "ilk" that reminded us that behind every post there is a REAL person?

    They aren't high on your list of priorities, gotcha. That's up to you. If you can't even be bothered to make a quick post informing them of the dangers, and even WORSE try to tell those of us that actually DO care that we shouldn't, well...what does that say about you!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.

    Truth is never relative. Opinions, feelings, emotions..all that is relative. Truth, by it's very definition, is not relative.

    Eating too few calories is dangerous. Vomiting up the foods you eat is dangerous. That's not my opinion. This isn't a new concept that has never been studied before. It's harmful to the person. We know that. To pretend otherwise leads to the very kind of society that allows people to walk around slowly killing themselves with no one saying a word about it.

    You're free to do and say whatever you'd like in this country (seeing as we're mostly U.S. in here). That right means everything to me. But included in that is the right of others to freely tell you when you're doing something wrong. Instead of getting defensive these people should be appreciated. They are trying to help you. People who let you go ahead and do things they know hurt you sure aren't doing you any favors.

    If you want everyone to tell you how great you are and no one to give you a dissenting opinion talk to yourself in a mirror. This is life. You can't control everyone. Stop trying.

    (Also most of this is just me rambling and not at all directed at the person who posted the quote)

    Yes I never said it wasnt dangerous, but I think some people need to put things in perspective. This isnt your niece having a puke everytime she eats. This isnt a family member or friend. Of course you help that person if that was the case.

    This is the internet and a forum with people all over the world. Different people, different lives and who knows what that person is really like? or what they are really doing? Its all about context. IMO I don't try to be a internet nanny. I have issues and problems of my own. It's not like I'm every gonna know or meet or talk to this person. I'm passionate about things that really matter and sorry internet people just isnt on my list of high priorities. LOL! It doesnt make me a rude, mean or not compassionate person, just a sane one! And using the excuse, that hey its the internet is a lame one. Just cause its the internet doesnt mean people have to be jerks.

    Once again this isnt about a person asking for advice. And you really belive someone wants to be talked out of it??? Ummm...huh? Now thats just odd

    Serious question to you. What do you gain by being on this site yourself?. i am not being sarcastic I am genuinely interested in your reply.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    but can someone explain to me what does informing them of the danger do? So what if they know all that and still gonna do what they gonna do? So you've just wasted your time? Or is that about making the person giving the opinion feel better about themselves? Feel that at least they did something? Real helping is about changing or saving. if you are not doing either whats the point?

    And yes, I'm practical and cynical, but at least I can admit it and not pretend to be someone I'm not!
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    Thats your opinion HM, but I disagree that ALL these people care. A few maybe, but most just want to expound their opinion and thats it. They want to be right. They want the other person to agree that they are right.

    So telling someone what they are doing is wrong is leading to what? If the person is heck bent on doing what they do how is your opinion gonna stop them? How is arguing with them gonna stop them? It doesnt. Its a futile waste of energy that I do not understand.

    And heck yeah I can say I am indifferent about certain things Most people dont want to admit this. I see it everyday. We are a culture of indifferent! Where have you guys been? So now all of the sudden everyone cares about what diet someone does and not about "real" things? Come on really? Thats why I say its more to it than that. But you have to know when to fight and when to sit back and observe. That does come with maturity. I dont consider people that I will probably never meet ever on a message board as real friends. Sorry, just dont. I have friends in the real world. I dont take message board stuff seriously.

    You dont know what kinda life a person leads. Truth is relative online.

    Truth is never relative. Opinions, feelings, emotions..all that is relative. Truth, by it's very definition, is not relative.

    Eating too few calories is dangerous. Vomiting up the foods you eat is dangerous. That's not my opinion. This isn't a new concept that has never been studied before. It's harmful to the person. We know that. To pretend otherwise leads to the very kind of society that allows people to walk around slowly killing themselves with no one saying a word about it.

    You're free to do and say whatever you'd like in this country (seeing as we're mostly U.S. in here). That right means everything to me. But included in that is the right of others to freely tell you when you're doing something wrong. Instead of getting defensive these people should be appreciated. They are trying to help you. People who let you go ahead and do things they know hurt you sure aren't doing you any favors.

    If you want everyone to tell you how great you are and no one to give you a dissenting opinion talk to yourself in a mirror. This is life. You can't control everyone. Stop trying.

    (Also most of this is just me rambling and not at all directed at the person who posted the quote)

    Yes I never said it wasnt dangerous, but I think some people need to put things in perspective. This isnt your niece having a puke everytime she eats. This isnt a family member or friend. Of course you help that person if that was the case.

    This is the internet and a forum with people all over the world. Different people, different lives and who knows what that person is really like? or what they are really doing? Its all about context. IMO I don't try to be a internet nanny. I have issues and problems of my own. It's not like I'm every gonna know or meet or talk to this person. I'm passionate about things that really matter and sorry internet people just isnt on my list of high priorities. LOL! It doesnt make me a rude, mean or not compassionate person, just a sane one! And using the excuse, that hey its the internet is a lame one. Just cause its the internet doesnt mean people have to be jerks.

    Once again this isnt about a person asking for advice. And you really belive someone wants to be talked out of it??? Ummm...huh? Now thats just odd

    Serious question to you. What do you gain by being on this site yourself?. i am not being sarcastic I am genuinely interested in your reply.

    I came here to track my calories and food diary and to track my progress. I ignored the forums for a while and dont get on here that often. Only when one of my added friends make a post like the OP. I read the forums for tips and workout advice to see what is new, but not for friendship or nothing like that.

    I am very disturbed by how negative and argumentative people are on here. My mental energy is tapped. thats why i dont do forums. Just too much.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
    Abraham Lincoln
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Doctors aren't able to save everyone they treat, and certain ones like neurosurgeons have a particularly low success rate (I had a friend who was one and basically only got called in when the hospital wanted to avoid being sued, his success rate was like 1% or something awful). So they shouldn't even try. That's just being practical. If you think it's pointless because it will never work then fine, don't say anything. But if the person who is saying something thinks that it just might, then the only thing they're guilty of is being an optimist. They might not be tactful about it, but then the argument should be about how best to reach said person.

    The question was why they do it, and the answer for some may be your cynical belief. For others though, it's that they just might help. It's unlikely that they will, but that small chance, to them, is worth the time it takes to write up a response.

    It's their time spent typing, not yours. Why can't you let it go?
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    but can someone explain to me what does informing them of the danger do? So what if they know all that and still gonna do what they gonna do? So you've just wasted your time? Or is that about making the person giving the opinion feel better about themselves? Feel that at least they did something? Real helping is about changing or saving. if you are not doing either whats the point?

    And yes, I'm practical and cynical, but at least I can admit it and not pretend to be someone I'm not!

    Why are you so vehement about this thread? You are doing exactly what you say you don't do, wasting your time on people you don't know, who aren't going to change. We "opinionated" folk who have to put our opinion out there whether we are asked for it or not are not going to change so why waste your time trying to persuade us. Again I am genuinely curious.