Is McDonald's ever ok?



  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Its entertaining to me when people pronounce something as "not healthy", or pronouncing one choice as "healthier" than the other.

    For the most part, people really don't have enough information to make those judgments. Granted, they think they know. They've concluded in their own minds. But they're also ignorant of certain salient, relevant aspects of the argument.

    We all make our own food choices. And we live with the consequences of those choices. Whether those consequences are good, bad, or indifferent.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Anything is ok in moderation. If you feel like a cheesburger every once in a while, go for it!
    Just keep it in your calorie allowance like you did.

    Yep....this. If people deprive themselves from things that they want...they may end up binging or over endulging. Moderation is key. :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    moderation is drinking a glass of wine at night, instead of the whole bottle. i really don't think a bic mac and fries has any place in the diet of someone that is trying to lose weight.

    ps, all this burger talk has made me crave some burgers. i'm making myself a nice 1,600 calorie dinner, which is going to be two burgers and 9 ounces of fries, give or take. i'll adjust the exact measurements as i cook.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    I love McD's or should I say, I used to. About 4 weeks after putting myself on healthier food, I caved in and stopped at McD's for lunch because I had forgotten to take my lunch along and there was no Subway near by. I had a Happy Meal. It tasted pretty good but after I was done eating, I felt sick - physically sick. I felt like I had just downed a gallon of lard. My stomach hurt, I felt all sluggish and stuffed up. That was 2 months ago and I haven't felt like eating anything there again. I don't know if I ever will.
    I guess to each their own, McD's is not okay for me, it just makes me feel ill.
  • TriciaAnn81
    I think treating yourself every once and awhile is just fine.
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with long as you don't go there every day.

    My best friend is a size 2, and she eats there probably once a week....she's also a busy 4th year PhD student and grabs food on the go-

    My husband has had McDonalds breakfast once a month or so since he was 3 years old. He is very thin.

    Last week, it was dinner time, and I had 1,100 calories to go. I got a big mac and an iced coffee (4 Monopoly pieces!!!) and it was like 760 cals- leaving me over 300 calories to spare!

    I also lost 2 lbs. that week!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member

    that is all
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    in my opinion, no. i dont agree with the 'everything in moderation' saying. but everyone feels differently. i dont like putting anything into my body that doesnt nurture it and give it quality energy! the way i see it, is why not get subway insteadd? or buy a wholemeal roll and some deli meat and salad from the supermarket and make a sandwhich. or even go to a pub and order grilled chicken and veggies? i just dont find it worth the calories for something thats just... nothing!
    You're my friend so I just want to inform you that there are a lot of nitrites in Subway meats if your concern is something that doesn't nurture your body.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Chickens killed for McDonald's are slaughtered using an outdated method that results in extreme suffering. As one of the biggest sellers of chicken meat, McDonald's has the responsibility—and the ability—to reduce this abuse by demanding that its U.S. and Canadian suppliers use a less cruel slaughter method.
    McDonald's doesn't raise them nor butchers them. You fight is against the suppliers. Don't strawman McDonald's because you're an animal lover.
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    yes it is!! i lost my first 40 pounds eating mcdonalds almost everyday but id only get a grilled snack wrap without the sause just grilled chicken shred cheese and the tortilla wrap and a fruit n yogurt parfait it has strawberries n blueberries in it and apple slices no caramel and it so filling!!!
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    In years leading up to my eventually putting on an extra 80lbs I'd guess that McDonald's, which I'm much more than passingly familiar with, has made up a relatively small percentage of my total food intake. That's even considering that i ate more of it than I probably should given my calorie needs.

    This tells me that having a Big Mac now and then is not going to make me drop dead--because it hasn't yet. It also tells me that I ate a whole lot of things that led to me being fat. In short, McDonalds is not the villain.

    As I can only speak for myself, yes there are times when McDonald's is ok.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I understand that it can fit in, calorically speaking, to a healthy diet. But I just honestly don't know how anyone who KNOWS what's in that junk can eat it. One McDonald's hamburger is comprised of little bits of up to HUNDREDS of cows. There's no way you can spin that to make it sanitary or acceptable.. and that's just one example. I understand the convenience of fast food is usually a big factor.. but it's just as easy to hit your supermarket salad bar.
    You have proof of this? Please show a peer reviewed study that the beef they use is "bits of cow parts" rather than ground beef that's frozen.
    And your statement is judgmental. You are implying the people who KNOW what's in it and eat it are ignorant for doing it.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    I have 2 toddlers and Husband who love and adore nuggets 2x a month they get to have it...I either have a grilled chicken club or a southwest grilled chicken salad and a small fry with both...I just make sure I drink a bunch of water to go along with it.

    ETA: I am working on my Masters Degree as well and sometimes I forget to pack a dinner So I will swing through and just get the salad...I really like that salad and it is only 300 and some calories...

    I don't want this to come out condescending, but I would never give my toddler any deep fried, processed meat. I'm lucky that he eats fruits and veggies like candy, but I know that it's not always the case with kids....but still...McDs is one of the reasons we're on this site.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    According to MFP yesterday, I had enough calories, fat, protien, and carbs left at the end of the day to fit in a cheeseburger from McDonald's. I know that place is inherently evil and the arch nemesis of every diet out there but is it ever ok? I mean, I know a cheat day every once in a while is fine but on a nornal day, it fit in with everything and didn't go over. I know it might have been better to have a salad but i wasnlt hungry enough for 500 calories of salad.
    On a normal day, if it doesn't go over one calories, carbs, fat, or anything else, is McDonald's ok?

    I really hope you're a troll.....otherwise, its going to be a very stressful "journey" for you.
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    This is just my opinion:

    Is it fast food that got you where you are? Fast food was a huge contributing factor of my obesity. My car would be strewn with empty brown bags. So for me, there is no MacDonalds or any other fast food. It has been easier than I ever imagined. When it comes to sweets, if it is offered I completely enjoy it in moderation, as that was not the thing that got me in trouble.

    So if fast food wasn't a problem for you (ie eating there 2x a day sometimes), then I wouldn't worry about it. Otherwise, stay away. Lots of options - run to the grocery store and pick something up :-)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    McDs is one of the reasons we're on this site.

    Personally I'M the reason I'm on this site. *I* made bad choices. It's MY fault. No one elses.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Soooo, I'm going to be that person who answers like this:

    No and Yes.

    Sure, I guess if you want a treat or have NO other options, than go for it! I have it about 3 times a year.

    The last time I was there (on a road trip with friends) I had three bags of apples with no caramel and a small coffee no whip.

    Now, calories/nutrients etc , sure you can do it if you have them to spare.

    but the further you get into your health you will realize that what TYPE of calories you put in your body makes a huge difference.

    For example, the thought of putting processed crap into my body makes me cringe and of course makes me sick. But that is because I don't eat it!

    From the animal cruelty, the way the run their business, the way the market to kids to get them hooked on chemicals and now of course that sugary high fat "coffee" elixr they sell? Well, YUCK! LOL Did you know their french fries have as much or more saturated fat in them than burgers because of the beef lard they fry them in?!?!?

    I mean I dunno. When I was young and uneducated I ate it. Not all the time, but every now and then. Today though, with all of the information out there, all of the docs, all of the books, all of the related diseases to many processed foods, meats, chains etc, I just can't see why anyone would even want to support this?

    I say if you want a burger, go to the store, spend the extra 6 dollars and get fancy whole wheat buns, fresh fixings, some lean ground beef and make your own frys. Even if you go over by 500 calories, you are eating WHOLE foods and it's not contributing to... Well McDonalds.! LOL

    Also, what you eat is what you will crave! Losing weight and being healthy is more than just "eating back calories." It's about how you feel about every choice you make. If you can be at peace with your choices and I mean TRULY at peace, than go for it!

    Everybody and EVERY body are different! :D
  • tattooedtwiin
    Chickens killed for McDonald's are slaughtered using an outdated method that results in extreme suffering. As one of the biggest sellers of chicken meat, McDonald's has the responsibility—and the ability—to reduce this abuse by demanding that its U.S. and Canadian suppliers use a less cruel slaughter method.
    McDonald's doesn't raise them nor butchers them. You fight is against the suppliers. Don't strawman McDonald's because you're an animal lover.
    They (McDonalds) chooses which supplier to use so ya my fight is against them both.
  • queenfresh
    queenfresh Posts: 32 Member
    Just watch SuperSize Me and Food, Inc. and see if you still crave McDonald's.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    ...only if you're drinking their coffee (which is awesome by the way)

    This may be the saddest thing I've heard all week.