Is McDonald's ever ok?



  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Just watch SuperSize Me and Food, Inc. and see if you still crave McDonald's.

    Did and still crave a Big Mac sometimes. I get one too. Since I'm not having it for anything close to every meal, it isn't a problem...
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    McDs is one of the reasons we're on this site.

    Personally I'M the reason I'm on this site. *I* made bad choices. It's MY fault. No one elses.
    haha, you're one of those "it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change" kind of people aren't ya? Climb down off your high horse.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Sure, it's fine but if you want to spend those calories on something wouldn't you prefer spending them on something that tastes really good?
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    McDs is one of the reasons we're on this site.

    Personally I'M the reason I'm on this site. *I* made bad choices. It's MY fault. No one elses.
    haha, you're one of those "it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change" kind of people aren't ya? Climb down off your high horse.

    Yes, i am, and i think many many people here are. I just hate the fact that people are always so fast to blame McDonalds, and fast food in general, for their weight. Grow a spine and accept responsibility.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    Just watch SuperSize Me and Food, Inc. and see if you still crave McDonald's.

    Actually ate a McD double cheeseburger while watching Supersize Me.



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Just watch SuperSize Me and Food, Inc. and see if you still crave McDonald's.

    Actually ate a McD double cheeseburger while watching Supersize Me.





    All Supersize Me "proved" was that eating something like that 3 times a day, and eating far bigger portions every time, is bad for you.

    No **** Sherlock. We really needed to be told that?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Actually ate a McD double cheeseburger while watching Supersize Me.




    <---- looking around for "rep" button.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I understand that it can fit in, calorically speaking, to a healthy diet. But I just honestly don't know how anyone who KNOWS what's in that junk can eat it. One McDonald's hamburger is comprised of little bits of up to HUNDREDS of cows. There's no way you can spin that to make it sanitary or acceptable.. and that's just one example. I understand the convenience of fast food is usually a big factor.. but it's just as easy to hit your supermarket salad bar.
    You have proof of this? Please show a peer reviewed study that the beef they use is "bits of cow parts" rather than ground beef that's frozen.
    And your statement is judgmental. You are implying the people who KNOW what's in it and eat it are ignorant for doing it.

    Umm.. people who know what's in it and eat it ARE ignorant for doing it. Knowingly putting poison in your body is pretty ignorant if you ask me. McD's hamburgers are "ground beef," but in the interest of mass production and keeping costs low, the cows are slaughtered and the meat is all processed and ground in bulk.. Meaning that your McDonald's hamburger can easily contain meat from up to hundreds of cows. Those frozen burger patties you can buy in the grocery store are made with the same process. The process is so unsanitary that the processing plants use ammonia to "clean" the meat before it's ground. If that doesn't make you avoid fast food joints like the plague, I don't think anything will.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I have eaten McDonalds several times during my journey and it was perfectly fine! Like others wrote it's fine in moderation and if you have the room I say go for it! I've done it and never had any bad issue with it :)
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member

    Burger King, and Taco Bell are fine though.

    Oh and Jack in the Box. I love me some Ultimate Breakfast Jack.

    But McDonalds? Bleh!
  • VulcanLover
    If you are asking if going occasionally is going to kill your diet efforts--no, it's not.

    The occasional treat or splurge is not only okay, but I would encourage it. We should never feel anything is off limits for the rest of our lives, or even until we reach goals.

    I personally think the food quality of McD's is pretty bad. That is why I never order actual food items there. But do I think you can still lose weight and squeeze in an occasional McD's meal? Sure.

    Sometimes after a wicked workout (one earning me 1000-1300 calories), I will stop at McD's and get a Mango-pineapple smoothie or berry-smoothie. A medium is in the 300 cal range and at least has some fruit and yogurt.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    McDonald and any restaurant is okay. Food doesn't make a person fat, people make themselves fat. I know a lot of people will dispute this and say I don't know what I'm talking about.

    A person is in control of how much they will eat, regardless if they are at home eating or at a restaurant eating.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Just watch SuperSize Me and Food, Inc. and see if you still crave McDonald's.

    Actually ate a McD double cheeseburger while watching Supersize Me.



    I had a Double Quarter pounder with cheese and washed it down with a diet coke! And it was just as AWESOME!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member

    All Supersize Me "proved" was that eating something like that 3 times a day, and eating far bigger portions every time, is bad for you.

    No **** Sherlock. We really needed to be told that?
    People make money on trying to reenforce excuses for others downfalls. I wish I would have thought of this so I could have went on a McDonald's eating spree.
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member

    All Supersize Me "proved" was that eating something like that 3 times a day, and eating far bigger portions every time, is bad for you.

    No **** Sherlock. We really needed to be told that?
    People make money on trying to reenforce excuses for others downfalls. I wish I would have thought of this so I could have went on a McDonald's eating spree.

    ^^^^^^ fo shizzle... I completely agree with you both! Both sides have an agenda and I hate when people pretend that "supersize me" didn't have any ulterior motives behind it. They made a **** load of money off that doc... They guy ate Supersize Meals WITH DESSERT and SODA the entire time. It's called self control... Then they demonized the clown and bright colors that they do with the playgrounds and toys as an evil plot to make our children fat...So over the top and just ridiculous in some aspects. I'm not advocating mcdonalds...I worked there for years and literally watched people grow and it was very sad to me.... But people need to accept responsibility for their actions...or it won't matter what you're eating or where... You will not succeed until YOU take control.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    McDonald and any restaurant is okay. Food doesn't make a person fat, people make themselves fat. I know a lot of people will dispute this and say I don't know what I'm talking about.

    A person is in control of how much they will eat, regardless if they are at home eating or at a restaurant eating.

    I'm not gonna say you are wrong!!! I'm gonna say I LOVE THIS WAY OF THINKING!!!!