Women's Lingerie Leauge---Sport or disgrace to women???



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Hats off to these women for being in such great shape and being so beautiful BUT....in my opinion, they are just like another group of women making money off of their hot bodies.....and that would be strippers. If I want to take a serious look at female athletes that are in great shape and work hard for the sake of the argument , I'll save my time for a IFBB pro show (then again, I don't have a penis). Sure they are still sexy but it's in a totally different context and I take it seriously. The Women's Lingerie League is a joke....just like oil wrestling is not a real sport but something for men to look at to get off on. No disrespect to them or how they make their bucks but anyone who looks at them like they are doing anything great for women's sports (or equality in general) is crazy. period. end!


    I think it's a shame women's sport like this will only ever be popular cause they're flaunting themselves but if those women are happy and comfortable with it then that's fine by me.

    This is how I feel.
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    What the hell is the "Women's Lingerie League"?
    Is it a tv show? If so, I'm glad I don't own a tv.

    Ditto, i've never heard of it. I think I have got the wrong end of the stick, but if I haven't, society makes me sad.

    Edit - it is not the women that make me sad, based on what others have said - they sound like well educated, genuine athletes. It's the fact people have said they play in their underwear to get viewers. That is what I find sad.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    Im not saying theyre *kitten*, sluts. Whatever thats them! I think Whoever makes these sports, they shouldnt make it so degrading. I wouldn't want to see my ' daughter' in clothes like that just to entertain perverted men or perverted women. Cause that is all it is for, do you think they really give a fu*k who wins! No. The world is surrounded by degrading us women, most of us women are mothers, I don't want my son to be embarrassed by me. Maybe some of us were brought up with more RESPECT! Is not about jeolousy, cause when my journey is over, im going to wear lingerie but for my husband only! Have respect for yourselves ladies, our bodies are TEMPLES!!
  • CharleneExtreme
    I'll be totally honest:

    The "girlfriend" me, despises these women! I just know my boyfriend - like every other man would watch this for the women more than the sport. I'm so jealous of their bodies and it feels as if they're just rubbing my face in the fact i don't look like that. :(

    The ACTUAL me, has SO much respect for these women. They're out playing football.... IN THEIR UNDERWEAR!!! They make men, (who if im not mistaken wear padding and clothes) look like *****s. If i had the body I'd do it!! I think theyre cool!!
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    Im not saying theyre *kitten*, sluts. Whatever thats them! I think Whoever makes these sports, they shouldnt make it so degrading. I wouldn't want to see my ' daughter' in clothes like that just to entertain perverted men or perverted women. Cause that is all it is for, do you think they really give a fu*k who wins! No. The world is surrounded by degrading us women, most of us women are mothers, I don't want my son to be embarrassed by me. Maybe some of us were brought up with more RESPECT! Is not about jeolousy, cause when my journey is over, im going to wear lingerie but for my husband only! Have respect for yourselves ladies, our bodies are TEMPLES!!

    I give a *kitten* who wins.

    have you never worn a bathing suit? guess not...cause that would mean you have no respect for yourself.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Im not saying theyre *kitten*, sluts. Whatever thats them! I think Whoever makes these sports, they shouldnt make it so degrading. I wouldn't want to see my ' daughter' in clothes like that just to entertain perverted men or perverted women. Cause that is all it is for, do you think they really give a fu*k who wins! No. The world is surrounded by degrading us women, most of us women are mothers, I don't want my son to be embarrassed by me. Maybe some of us were brought up with more RESPECT! Is not about jeolousy, cause when my journey is over, im going to wear lingerie but for my husband only! Have respect for yourselves ladies, our bodies are TEMPLES!!

    I give a *kitten* who wins.

    have you never worn a bathing suit? guess not...cause that would mean you have no respect for yourself.

  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I am neutral. I don't really care what these women do, how they market it, or if its a sport or not. If they want to do it, let them do it and if I don't like it, I don't have to watch. If I love it, then great!

    Lots of ppl get their panties in a bunch over things they have no control over. Get in a fit about something in your own life.