Ok let's be honest here..................



  • Noof91
    Noof91 Posts: 61 Member
    but the thing that wake me up was my health which kind of reflect on my look i.e how my eyes and my skin look and my fitness and that I can't run for 15 min without stopping and I am only 20 now
    so the reason for the change in my life is my health
    but my goal weight is for vanity
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I'll be totally real and honest here. Vanity. Doing this bikini competition, to me, is a little vain, THOUGH it has taken quite a bit of discipline, hard work and dedication, therefore I'm getting healthier, too.
  • eyoungone05
    This is health fitness I LOVE IT, it's everything to me. But I do wanna look good with and without clothes on tho.......hey what can I say I'm only 24 yrs old. hahaha
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I'm really here for BOTH! I want to feel good about my body and have more confidence. However, I also want to live a long healthy life!
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    I mean to be honest....i wanna look hot dude!!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    My health wasnt yet an issue so I really came into this to look and feel better. What I found is that it has changed me beyond my expectations in all areas. And now I want to keep going to see the kick butt, hot person I become. :bigsmile:
  • WeightWatchen
    Vanity mostly, but I hated not having energy for my kids.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Absolutely vanity. It wasn't until the last year or so that I started caring about the health aspects. Fit people look and feel younger...well except for the ones who don't have an ounce of body fat left. Then they look like the Crypt Keeper.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I'm here primarily for health reasons. I got my mindset wrapped around the health benefits at the start of the journey and I am still focused on those benefits. However, I will say that now that I've improved my health some and am seeing definite body changes, some vanity reasons exist as well at this point.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I would say both, but Vanity started it all...and mental health, lol...I was really getting depressed. I don't have that much to lose and already look a lot better just losing 7lbs. However for me I now realize how much happier and healthier I feel...in this for a life time! :bigsmile:
  • Lake72
    Lake72 Posts: 6
    Well, two years ago i found myself over 300lbs! I became worried about my health,
    and the health of my wife and children. I began a journey to a new healthier me.
    It began as a journey to become healthy and set an example to others, my family
    especially. However after several months and around 20lbs down my wife left and
    the two beautiful daughters i took care of daily were now visitors at my house. I had
    A choice,be depressed or be victorious! I always try to make eating decisions based
    on what i have learned about fitness and health these past couple of years. Now,
    120lbs lighter, i have to be honest, health is number one, but i love looking and
    feeling better. Currently becoming an ACE certified personal trainer and doing p90x
    I can from experience confidently say....dont lose yourself, lose the weight, and
  • Lake72
    Lake72 Posts: 6
    Well, two years ago i found myself over 300lbs! I became worried about my health,
    and the health of my wife and children. I began a journey to a new healthier me.
    It began as a journey to become healthy and set an example to others, my family
    especially. However after several months and around 20lbs down my wife left and
    the two beautiful daughters i took care of daily were now visitors at my house. I had
    A choice,be depressed or be victorious! I always try to make eating decisions based
    on what i have learned about fitness and health these past couple of years. Now,
    120lbs lighter, i have to be honest, health is number one, but i love looking and
    feeling better. Currently becoming an ACE certified personal trainer and doing p90x
    I can from experience confidently say....dont lose yourself, lose the weight, and
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    At first, it was health. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family. Both of my dad's parents died young, and as I was inching closer to 30, I finally got honest about how much weight I had gained since college. I knew it was because my eating and exercise habits sucked, so that was my motivation.

    Now that all of that is in check, vanity is definitely the biggest factor. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, though, as long as a person has a healthy perspective. When you get to the point where you can't see that you're done and that there's nothing left to "fix," that's when vanity becomes a problem.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    It's about 50/50 for me. I want to look good, or as good as I can. I also want to feel good.

    Being adopted and not knowing my family's medical history scares me. I don't know what I could be facing in the future, so I want to get as healthy as I can NOW. But, because I'm still pretty young, I know I don't *quite* have the appreciation, yet, for what could potentially come.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    some of each-- I do have a chronic illness that I want to control as much as I can and part of that is getting weight off my joints and working my heart and lungs so they won't become inflamed. But I also was not liking the person I was seeing in photos-- (man who is that person? me? eek). And a little bit of my motivation was jealousy (lol) that my husband was getting into great shape and I was being left behind.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    At MY age .. definately health .. the ability to do regular every day tasks, and to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up. I am still a woman, so I still do enjoy having my hubby look at me and smile 'in that way'. It makes me feel good inside AND out.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    For me it started out purely as vanity. A family member posted some photos of me on FB and I was HORRIFIED at how I looked - I really had no idea. As the pounds have come off though, it's switched to probably 90% health-driven reasons. I look better than I have in years and have friends, family and a husband who all loved me at my biggest, so my vain reasons for wanting to get slimmer have become less and less. My only remaining vain reason is shopping strictly in 'regular people' stores... which I've started to be able to do in the past few months, so even that reason is slowly disappearing. Now I mostly just want to be fast and strong and live a million years :)
  • nekosimba
    nekosimba Posts: 239 Member
    Mostly vanity, but also for health reasons.

    Vanity because I want to prove to my ex-husband I can be smokin' hot!...and I want to feel good in my own skin. I've always been big, and I want to prove to myself I can do this.

    Health, because my dad was in the hospital 3 times this past summer for high blood pressure. I don't want that to happen to me, and I'm hoping my good habits might rub off on him.