200+ Sheddin' the Stuffin



  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning!

    Sorry, I don't have a lot of time to respond. I did catch up, glad you are all doing well.

    Yesterday I got in 4 cups of straight water. One cup of coffee and 2 large mugs of hot tea. Not bad. Dinner was a bit bad. I couldn't eat until after class (around7:30) and already had plans on meeting a friend at a cafe. I opted for a delicious wrap that had turkey lettuce avocado and tomato on it. It also had bacon. Fail. In the grand scheme of things, it could have been worse.

    So glad its the weekend. My goal is to go to the gym at least 2x between now and Monday. Wish me luck lol.
  • hkallembach
    MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR NSV: Yesterday, for the first time in like forever I burned 695 calories, I DIDN'T use my stupid wrist watch calorie counter, AND I was UNDER calories!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, ok now back to psychology and watching the Milgrim Experiment. Yayyyyyy for school!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I totally forgot to weigh in! This week I'm at 187.5, which makes me super happy. I didn't get on the scale all week cuz I was sure I would be up from the madness that was last weekend.

    And there's this... ... ...


    I'm sure a lot of you have seen this, but I had not, and I think its the cutest.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    QofS - I've heard the Pumpkin Chunckin is awesome. Our friends in Maryland have been getting all kinds of info in it for us. We've watched the finals for the last few years. I can't wait. We have a good friend with a master's in physics that every time we see her, we discuss what kind to build. If the contest is as fun as it looks, we may make one...

    Annette - the Pumkin Chunkin is a contest where people make machines (air cannons, catapults, human powered, etc) to toss pumpkins as far as they can. The finals are aired on TV Thanksgiving weekend. It's how we got hooked on wanting to go. The finals are in Delaware, about 2.5 hours from my friends home...

    Amy - glad to hear your brother is doing well.

    Kerry - adorable cat pic. I love the thread too. I haven't seen that before...

    As to me - plyo done but the top of my left foot was aching so I didn't do as much jumping as I wanted too. I have 30 min until I have to leave for work. Sighs. Enjoy your weekends.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    OMG - I just spent the last 45 mins going through the first 2 pages of this new thread! I was going to reply to everyone and I even took notes so I could do it to... but you ladies just talk way too much! lol

    Grats to everyone who worked towards/met their goals for the last challenge :)

    Welcome to all the new people

    I'm new from the last challenge... here's my intro...

    I'm 33, mom of a 3.5 yr old girl and 1.5 yr old son. Not married but common-law for the past 6 years. Live in a small town outside of Ottawa Ontario Canada. Been overweight since highschool. Lost it all back around 2000-01... gained it back around 2005. I work 3-4 days a week in an office where I really don't do much but surf the internet all day. Wish I could be more active with work but that's just not going to happen unless I switch up my job.

    That's it for now!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I cannot even express how pissed off I am right now. I spent ALL FREAKING DAY baking and cooking for this party tomorrow. I was finally done for the day when Sofie barked at me to let me know she needed to go out to pee. I was outside for about a minute and a half (seriously...no longer than 2 minutes - max). Loki was sitting at the back door waiting for his turn to pee (like he normally does) - when I walked back in the house that mother$%@&#% had eaten EIGHT pumpkin spice cupcakes (wrapper and all). He friggin' INHALED them at the speed of light. I'm so mad, I can't see straight!! I'll be back to comment on the stuff you guys have said when my head is back on straight.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    ~~AMY~ No, I haven't gone to the Dr. yet. I was hoping it was just a muscle and resting it would make it better, but no such luck. My family Dr. actually just left her practice so now, I have to go into a new Dr. It was heel pain in both feet before and I figured it was plantar faciatis so I purchased some insoles for that. It had gotten better and I definately could tell when I wore a pair of shoes without the insert. Now the pain has spread in my left foot and I'm sure it's probably some stress fracture etc....that's just what I need. So, I'm usually the last person to go to the Dr. because I hate spending the money and I just hope with rest it heals itself, but I'm begining to think that this isn't going to be the case. *sigh* The pain is bearable throughout the day, but as soon as I get up in the AM, it is so bad I kind of want to pee myself. Yea....that bad.

    On another note, I've been really exhausted lately. The only other times I've felt this tired is when I was preggers....and NO I"M NOT! I'm just falling apart at 28! I thought I could at least make it to 30.

    MMMMM to the JELLO shots!! HAve one for me....maybe more like 6...yeah 6 is good.

    As far as being preggers, My first pregnancy (my son), I felt I could eat the world because I was preggers. I was nautious and dizzy for 9 months and in labor for 19 hours to have to have an emergency C-Section. I gained a good 80 lbs and it took 2 years to lose 3/4 of it.

    My second (my daughter) was not planned. I had knee surgery and was all doped up and my husband told me he was George Clooney. Um....yeah. She was so much easier on me. I only gained 30 lbs, and was only nautious and dizzy when I was up for too long or if it was hot out. She was a planned C-Section so that was the easy part. Though her C-Section was a bit harder in the fact that I threw up the whole time they were sewing me up, and my whole body itched like I was a crack addict lookin for a fix. (effect of epidural.)

    I'd do it all over again for my babies and if I could afford more and not have to work, I would have more!!
  • KatheryneLynne
    Happy Friday morning everyone...

    Amy--all that food sounds yummy, have fun at your party. --apparently your dog ate the cupcakes while I was typing...hope things get better.

    Bobbie--Now I'm curious about what the "leg-stretch contraption" is. You shouldn't leave things like that up to MY imagination. :smile:

    Kerry--I love the cat picture. Good luck with the ex-in-law thing. My sister ditched her fiance back at the end of August; and even though they have both started dating other people (he had a new girlfriend within a week) he still insists on being friends, calling her up to chat, and even calling me up to chat. I want to tell him "dude, I didn't really like you to begin with. In fact the family had been placing bets on when you would divorce. So NO, I don't want to be your friend, and NO, I don't want to talk." Yesterday's phone call had him talking about seeing us at Thanksgiving when I go down to visit. Now that will be strange. Dinner with the ex i didn't like, AND with the new boyfriend, who I actually think is a great match for my sis. --shudder--

    As for the LIA increasing after exercise. Um...I've been married almost ten years and am just as active now as when we were newlyweds. let's just say we exceed that national weekly average :blushing: sooooooooo, I couldn't say as far as quanity goes. I could; however, see an improvement in quality...if I were to hazard a guess i would think it is from the increased blood flow and the sweat pheromones.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - breathe... I'm surprising a smile - even though a video would have been hilarious, I know how upset you are. I have to guard meat and corn with my life from my cats. They plan sneak attacks on how to distract us - then pounce on the food. I hope you get to enjoy the party...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning! Happy Friday!

    Total good NSV for me this morning...two years ago I bought this tshirt at Target. Its light red with these waves across it. It is a Mossimo XL from the junior section and I bought it to start working out in. It wasn't a stretchy kind of t shirt, just one that either fits or doesn't. It was so freaking tight I couldn't even get it over my head without feeling like the stayed puff guy and it hurt. I put it on this morning just for giggles and it fit. IT FIT. I could have worn it to work today, it fit with room to breath in the chest and arms and everything. I couldn't believe it. So even though I hardcore struggle to stay on task with all this and can't seem to figure it out most days, and the scale hasn't showed a drop in a year or more, I am slimming down. That is awesomeness for me.

    Now has anyone ever heard of doing a leptin reset? I've only read one site from a nuerosurgeon regarding it..but it sounds like it might be something for me to consider doing. The crap thing is it is essentially the Atkins diet for 6-8 weeks until you start seeing what you need to be seeing..eating at minimum 50 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking and under 50 carbs a day. How does one do that?? But if it worked and essentially reset my mitchondria and metabolism it might be worth it. You essentially follow the paleo or primal diet plan to make it work, so its not like I wouldn't be getting enough veggies and fruit. Maybe I can do a modified version of it. There is something about eeating that 50 grams of protein right off the bat that puts your biochemistry in line for the rest of the day. I'm not one for fad diets, etc. so I am hesitant, but this dude is a neurosurgeon and knows what he's talking about in so far as bodily biochem etc. Its somethiing he's had success with in his own life and with his patients whom he operates on. And he's mentioned that once you get your leptin levels reset that it should essentially be a one time thing. It will take some more research but its in the running for me right now. Oh and the other thing that kind of sucks about it...no aerobic exercise until your body is reset - you would have to read about it to learn why, because its hard for me to explain but it does make sense. Now would be a good time to do it consideirng how busy I will be during the next two months.


    Kendal - COME BACK GIRL!

    Amy - yeay for getting the food done, boo for Loki being crazy and eating them. Some dogs are just mischevious no matter what I think.

    Victoria and QofSheeba - I LOVE watching Punkin Chunkin on tv when it airs! How fun and I am so jealous!!

    Thats all I got time for...work is calling.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I had a ridiculous amount of work to do today, and now I'm missing you guys! Also, my brother and his wife are coming into town from Ohio tonight, so I will probably be waaaaaaaaay behind by the next time I'm able to really post. Double boo.

    The quilt class last night went well; I did a couple of things wrong but they were fixable. The quilt isn't done yet but it's almost done, and I actually think I know what to to do finish it correctly! Woohoo!

    I'm thinking that my eating will be less than stellar this weekend, for three reasons: 1.) I'll have to take my brother and his wife to the restaurants the bf & I like best since they've never visited before. 2.) Saturday night is the "hand out the candy" night in our neighborhood, and this couldn't have come at a worse time because 3.) TOM starts soon and I'm craving chocolate. Weeeeee! Luckily I've been eating well this week and I've exercised every day so far, so hopefully that helps.

    Amy, have fun at your party! I wish you could push one of those jello shots through the computer screen for me. They sound yumilicious! The Kukuwa video I got is called "Kukuwa: Move Your Boombsey." A boombsey is another word for your junk in the trunk, and this workout moves that for sure. I got it right from the kukuwa website here: http://www.kukuwadanceworkout.com/shop.php There are two routines on the DVD but so far I've only tried the first one. Not quite as fun as the in-person class I took, but I liked it! As for the low impact aerobics, I haven't really noticed if they happen more on days we work out together or not, but the bf has started working out without a shirt on when we work out together lately (at home) and that does make me THINK about low impact aerobics... :blushing: I just read your post about Loki, yikes! I'm sorry, I'd be super pissed if I were you too.

    Megan, we are so close to onederland! Lets make it a Christmas present to ourselves. :drinker:

    Keshia, I never thought about asking my brother and his wife to join in with Just Dance...that would be awesome! I wonder if he'd do it...then I'd get to play it AND burn some calories while they're here!

    Victoria, seeing the Pumpkin' Chunkin contest in person would be awesome! Have fun!

    Wowmama, I just started Ripped too! After having done Shred, week 1 of Ripped doesn't seem so bad...I'm already thinking about what week 4 might look like though. Yikes.

    Kerry, your weekend sounds like a ton of fun! Enjoy, and do post some pictures if you can! Also, your new profile pic is super cute. :smile:

    Katheryne, yay for exceeding the national average! The bf & I always exceed that too. :bigsmile:

    Hailie, great workout!

    Lacey, super sweet NSV! I've never heard of a leptin reset...I don't think that would be possible for me since I don't eat meat. Lately I've been getting fairly high protein for breakfast from eating either a homemade protein shake or an egg sandwich, but that still only gets me to maybe 20-25g of protein...man, even if I doubled the egg and threw a pile of veggie bacon on top of that I don't think I could make 50!

    So sorry if I missed anyone, but I have to finish up some work so that I can get out of here in time to clean the house a little more before my brother and his wife come. Hugs to all!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Pam, if I use my protein powder, fage yogurt and milk then I get to like 45 grams of protein, so its doable...but then the carbs are up around 30. Its just kind of a crazy thing to ponder. I'm not sure if its doable with the whole lack of carb thing. its just odd.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Congrats to everyone with NSVs today!! It's such a great feeling when old clothes fit and when you really push yourself at the gym.

    General question: Is Friday the official weigh-in day for this thread? I've noticed lots of folks posting their weigh-in and just wondering if I should follow suit. (I know my weigh-in won't go on the chart because I'm brand new, but I wanna get in the habit!)

    Also, no luck finding the pumpkin Clifbars yet :( I'm determined not to give up though and plan to walk down to the health food store at the end of my block.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend :)


    Ps- the cat picture is stinkin' adorable!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Lacey, somehow I missed the carb requirement part...wow, that would be really hard!

    Keshia, weigh-in is sometime Friday - Monday; everyone has a different weigh-in day sometime between Friday - Monday, and we just make sure that we post our weight by Monday morning.

    My brother isn't going to make it until after dinner tonight, so my diet is under control for one more meal! I'm logging everything I eat this weekend, even if it's estimated and even if it's terrible.
  • KatheryneLynne
    I would guess if you had egg and cheese you could get the protein up without the carbs. When i did a modified low carb diet to begin with i would eat less than 50-60 carbs a day. I would have bacon and eggs for breakfast. chicken nuggets from mcdonalds for lunch (but would take the time to peel off most of the breading), for one snack i had a sugar free jello cup, and for the second i had a stalk of celery and a wedge of laughing cow cheese. and for dinner i would have some plain protein--usually chicken--and a green veggie. I dropped 30 pounds over about 2.5 months. However, as you can tell from the sample day, my salt was way to high, i didn't have enough fiber, and the potassium was practically nil. It worked, but i know it wasn't healthy or something i would want to keep up for long. I don't know how it would work with those of you that are vegetarians.

    Keshiah--like Pam said, it's Friday through Monday. I like Monday myself, for some reason my weight always seems to be a pound or two lower on mondays.

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Amy: I would have absolutely gone ape**** on the dog, but I am quickly learning that the older I get, the less I like them. I'm amazed at your patience enough to tell us about it and then calm down. I'd be on America's Most Wanted Pet Offenders or something like that on Animal Planet.

    Kerry: I feel the same way about Chines and Mexican foods. I swear when I was in Mexico, I would much rather eat at little holes in the wall or street vendors than the "upscale" restaurants.

    Katheryne: If you've ever seen an abductor/adductor weight machine, it's pretty much the same idea. your legs are on padded bars, and you kind of ratchet the machine out as far as your muscles will allow. Then you stretch forward and grab a bar that's in the middle. After you've held it for 10--20 seconds, you try to ratchet it a little further. The machine will go a full 180...NO, I never got that far, with or without him watching :wink: :devil: :smokin:

    So, I'm really thinking that while I never really get a "period" anymore thanks to the IUD, I am still have effects from TOM because not only did I have that crazy water gain this morning, but my darn breasticles are hurting like crazy!! I think some hot herbal tea and a nap are in order. Might also explain my exhaustion on Thursday...or I could just be justifying my laziness :ohwell:
  • Jamilahg
    Jamilahg Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! My name is Jamilah and I am really excited about this new journey that I am starting on. I have always had a struggle with weight but I decided that now is the time for me to take control and be the person that I know I can be. It is awesome that there are so many people on the same journey as myself. I am motivated and excited to see results.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm sorry I haven't kept up with the board. I've skimmed, but I definitely skipped the majority. This week has been crazy hella busy. Work is constantly one thing after another- trying to work priority items while juggling the super important Loss of License terminations, answering questions, attending training calls for Pilot Test Programs, dealing with system issues all while still trying to keep my production up. Plus they've given us overtime. PLUS we had to pack up everything today cause they are moving my department to the other side of the building.

    I haven't worked out all week. But I'm losing weight. I decided to get my lunch a little more under control. Even though I was taking somewhat low cal but high protein homemade meals, they were high sodium home made meals, so I switched it up this week for tuna or a protein shake. It made a big difference in the scale. I'm going to keep it up for now.

    Anyways, I just finished my 4 hours of OT for the day so I'm gonna get away from the computer for now. I will weigh in with my best weight for the weekend.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Lab test results:
    Triglycerides: 50 mg/dl - range is 26-149. This is the main form of fat in the body I guess (mostly hip and belly fat). So I am good on this number.
    LDL Calc: 144 - range is 0-130. This is the bad cholesterol...so I thought I'd been doing good staying away from saturated and trans fats, but maybe not? I know that 75% of this is natural, but I want that number DOWN!
    HdL: 72.4 - range is 50-60, so I am above and beyond. This is the good cholesterol. Yeay!
    Total cholesterol: 226 - range is 108-188, so I am high in overall cholesterol. According to webmd, I am in the borderline category.
    Overall Ratio: 3:1, 3 being the good, 1 being the bad. Webmd says that most doctors recommend a 4:1 ratio. The smaller the ratio the better.
    The doctors notes are: cholesterol mildly elevate but good cholesterol very good, so proportion of good to bad is good. Chemistry, blood could and thyriod all normal. Vitamin D low normal, recommends 1000-2000 u/d Vit d3

    Sounds like I could lower my chol level by eating a lower carb diet. So it just points more and more to this whole paleo/primal and maybe Leptin reset deal as well. More reading this weekend in my future! I think I will buy the ebook and put it on my ipad so I can take it to work with me and read away.

    My daughter is SO cranky tonight.. we are trying to be patient because she's soo tired, but wow. Sleepy time for her can't come soon enough!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
    I've thought about it quite a bit and I'm setting the following goals for myself for the next six weeks :)
    - Lose 12 pounds and go from 253 to 241
    - Drink a gallon of water every day
    - Do at least 30 minutes of exercise each day (or 210 minutes per week)
    We can do this together!
    :smooched: Marie
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