i love my bf but.......



  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Also, I think the main problem was a lack of sammiches. If she had made more sammiches, all would have been fine.

    As much as I hate to, I have to agree with this... smh

    Oh sure, blame the victim.

    Maybe the problem was she made him too many sandwiches and her took her for granted! Ever considered that?????

  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    As he walks in the door you hand him the paper, his favorite drink, ask how his day went and then leave him alone for 30 minutes while you finish dinner, get it on the table and quietly announce it's time to eat.
    After he and you finish dinner you clear the table, wash all the dishes by hand, dry them and put them away, clean the kitchen again and look perky!

    Watch some TV together or play a game, eat some dessert and then get ready for bed.
    Now it's time for you to go to the bedroom, turn down the covers, fluff the pillows, take a quick shower and put on a pretty nightie, put on fresh makeup, do your hair again down this time and call for boyfriend to come to bed. You read while he relaxes and when he is ready for a little fun you will be just as ready and excited he is giving you his time. Oh,oh...he is tired now and finished. He rolls over, goes to sleep and you slip away to the bathroom to put on fresh makeup in case he wakes in the middle of the night and sees your face. You must always look your very best!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Oh sure, blame the victim.

    Maybe the problem was she made him too many sandwiches and her took her for granted! Ever considered that?????


    You can claim someone is taking someone else for granted all you want, but don't you DARE use the phrase 'too many sammiches'! There is no such thing! I'm offended!

    You know who the real victim is? My ears. I had to listen to that that filth you just uttered...well, I guess in this case it's my eyes...bah YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!
  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member
    As he walks in the door you hand him the paper, his favorite drink, ask how his day went and then leave him alone for 30 minutes while you finish dinner, get it on the table and quietly announce it's time to eat.
    After he and you finish dinner you clear the table, wash all the dishes by hand, dry them and put them away, clean the kitchen again and look perky!

    Watch some TV together or play a game, eat some dessert and then get ready for bed.
    Now it's time for you to go to the bedroom, turn down the covers, fluff the pillows, take a quick shower and put on a pretty nightie, put on fresh makeup, do your hair again down this time and call for boyfriend to come to bed. You read while he relaxes and when he is ready for a little fun you will be just as ready and excited he is giving you his time. Oh,oh...he is tired now and finished. He rolls over, goes to sleep and you slip away to the bathroom to put on fresh makeup in case he wakes in the middle of the night and sees your face. You must always look your very best!

    Hahhahahahahahahah what?! Very funny.
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    StrengthIsBeautiful Posts: 309 Member
    As he walks in the door you hand him the paper, his favorite drink, ask how his day went and then leave him alone for 30 minutes while you finish dinner, get it on the table and quietly announce it's time to eat.
    After he and you finish dinner you clear the table, wash all the dishes by hand, dry them and put them away, clean the kitchen again and look perky!

    Watch some TV together or play a game, eat some dessert and then get ready for bed.
    Now it's time for you to go to the bedroom, turn down the covers, fluff the pillows, take a quick shower and put on a pretty nightie, put on fresh makeup, do your hair again down this time and call for boyfriend to come to bed. You read while he relaxes and when he is ready for a little fun you will be just as ready and excited he is giving you his time. Oh,oh...he is tired now and finished. He rolls over, goes to sleep and you slip away to the bathroom to put on fresh makeup in case he wakes in the middle of the night and sees your face. You must always look your very best!

    Yes, this is a really good idea. Like giving your dog a treat after he takes a big **** in the middle of the living room.
  • Indy_Mario
    As he walks in the door you hand him the paper, his favorite drink, ask how his day went and then leave him alone for 30 minutes while you finish dinner, get it on the table and quietly announce it's time to eat.
    After he and you finish dinner you clear the table, wash all the dishes by hand, dry them and put them away, clean the kitchen again and look perky!

    Watch some TV together or play a game, eat some dessert and then get ready for bed.
    Now it's time for you to go to the bedroom, turn down the covers, fluff the pillows, take a quick shower and put on a pretty nightie, put on fresh makeup, do your hair again down this time and call for boyfriend to come to bed. You read while he relaxes and when he is ready for a little fun you will be just as ready and excited he is giving you his time. Oh,oh...he is tired now and finished. He rolls over, goes to sleep and you slip away to the bathroom to put on fresh makeup in case he wakes in the middle of the night and sees your face. You must always look your very best!

    Damn...sounds like the way to go. Do you train women for a living? You should!
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    but he acts like a jerk!!!! :( anything I do or say bothers him!!!!

    Yeeeaa i know how you feel!
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    but he acts like a jerk!!!! :( anything I do or say bothers him!!!!

    Then he is not for you, there are many other fishies in the sea. Just being honest...you could have someone who loves, worships, and adores you. I'm all for strong independent women finding someone who treats them equally and fairly. I don't take bull**** from anyone, especially from someone who expects me to be solely committed to them!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member

  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member

  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    BAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAA!!! You brought out the good wife guide! That thing is HILARIOUS.

    Does it count if I menu plan and HE cooks?? :devil:
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    As a guy, I can only speak from experience from the male side: If a guy is annoyed/bothered by everything you do or say, then he probably doesn't want to be with you, but is too scared/indifferent to the situation to actually break it off. If the situation doesn't improve, it would probably be in your best interest to break it off before he finds someone else and does it himself, which would only make a bad situation worse for you. Or even worse, he finds someone else on the side but doesn't break it off.

    Hope things work out.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Guys can be jerks, girls can be *****es.. We fight and then have amazing make up sex (or make out.. whatever your choice of making up may be..) Anyone who thinks the answer is to just "move on" has obviously never had to work for a relationship.. sometimes having little disagreements is normal and no offense, but as women, we ALWAYS feel like we aren't good enough and we can never make them happy. it's like implemented into our brains.. do you think maybe you're just PMSing?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    but he acts like a jerk!!!! :( anything I do or say bothers him!!!!

    Dump him. There are many other fish in the sea, including men who won't treat you like crap.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member


    Okay.. so I know this is kind of extreme and out dated, BUT (okay... get ready to cuss and yell at your computer screen..) I think it's true..

    Men are simple.. feed them, let them relax and have sex with them..

    And to the point of this article.. LOOK GOOD!!! You can't expect to have a man who is good looking without putting any effort into yourself. This is why many times relationships get "lulls".. one person (or both) stops trying because they get too comfortable. Being comfortable is a great thing, don't get me wrong, but it really doesn't hurt to put in a little effort and want to please your man.

    Now, for the cooking thing, it's a proven FACT that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ;) It really is that simple.. sure, fancy dinners are nice, but just throw a pizza in the oven and he'll be just as happy..

    Relationships take EFFORT.. It is immature to think that guys are interchangeable.. this is not a damn clothing store, these are real peoples lives and feelings.. If you really are so immature that the second things get rocky, you "get a new one"- you deserve to be alone.. go to a car lot if that's what you want.. seriously..

    Grrrr... sorry for the rant, but honestly.. there are some amazing men out there. Just because you have a vagina does not mean guys have to worship you.. put some effort into things and make HIM feel special. Don't expect the world without giving it in return.

    (PS.. this message is not meant for the author of the post, but for all of the people out there who think girls should be worshiped just because they are girls and when a guy doesn't do something convenient for them, they "replace" them..)
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I agree with Gianina. That is awesome that a woman gets it. First of all women, most of you think that you are princesses, guess what? No matter how much your dad, your nice guy friends, and your girlfriends tell you, you are not a real princess. I see that most women's answer is to give up and move on. This mentality is the reason why so many women cheat. They date a guy and then the newness and excitement wears off then they start looking to jump ship. Many are addictive to this feeling and think it is love. Its not. I am old school, I believe that people should treat others like how you want to be treated. I think if you have alot to offer then you should be with someone who has alot to offer. I hate it when women have a list of 300 things they look for in a man and have such high expectations but never really think about or care about what they have to offer. Many women say, he has to do this, do that, and do this, but what are you going to do. Its a two way street. Also, the most important thing to make a man happy is please stop fussing at him. You dont know how many guys I now hates going home to their woman because of this. Its different to vent or discuss a bad bad but we dont need to hear how ad we suck, you are not getting all the attention, and unhappy you are about everything. Two most common things I hear women say they have to offer is Im hot or sex. Thats not enough, I think loyalty. friendship, respect, honor, loving, caring, and always be there for you even during the rough times of life. If you are the type that dates badboys, guess what, you cant change him. Change your type. Last thing im gonna say is, please women, quit getting advise from those idiots from Jersey Shore and the Kardashions or other girls who watch that crap. Sorry for the long post.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    Any excuse to use this img is so worth it. Actually no excuse is needed, cracks me up every time:wink:

    LMAO i think this is the best post in here.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    IThats not enough, I think loyalty. friendship, respect, honor, loving, caring, and always be there for you even during the rough times of life.

    awww... and you said you weren't a romantic ;) haha
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    but he acts like a jerk!!!! :( anything I do or say bothers him!!!!

    I bet you didn't get his permission to write this did you?
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Relationships take EFFORT.. It is immature to think that guys are interchangeable.. this is not a damn clothing store, these are real peoples lives and feelings.. If you really are so immature that the second things get rocky, you "get a new one"- you deserve to be alone.. go to a car lot if that's what you want.. seriously..

    Yup. Like this a lot.