Turbo Jammers 1/26-2/1



  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good for you Megan. Congrats on your success!!

    Dragonfly I hope you stay healthy and I'm glad your jeans are fitting better

    I did CP2 and Turbo Sculpt today. I lost 3 lbs this week!!! I still feel fat but I'm getting closer to the new me!!

    Anyone working out of the weekend so that you can eat during the game??? :laugh: I'm planning on a couple workouts Sunday morning before friends and family so up for the party!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good for you Megan. Congrats on your success!!

    Dragonfly I hope you stay healthy and I'm glad your jeans are fitting better

    I did CP2 and Turbo Sculpt today. I lost 3 lbs this week!!! I still feel fat but I'm getting closer to the new me!!

    Anyone working out of the weekend so that you can eat during the game??? :laugh: I'm planning on a couple workouts Sunday morning before friends and family so up for the party!

    WTG on that 3 pound loss...that is awesome!!! I'm PMS'ing right now and having an overall crumby day...ugh! We are staying at an indoor water park/resort this weekend. Fingers crossed I make good choices. I'm planning on a kick butt workout tomorrow, but will probably not do anything Sunday (the kiddos will want to play, swim, play, swim:smile: ). Have a great weekend all!!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Happy Friday Jam Family,
    We made it WOO HOO!
    Welcome Jalley and Meanness - glad you all are here! We need ya!
    Hey Megan and Drevansmom.. and anyone else I missed :flowerforyou:
    Felt sick this morning (one of my students was sick and hacking all over the training room yesterday and I am fight off something - I am not receiving it, lol!
    Did CP this am and it was awesome -already seeing big improvement in my endurance.
    Put on jeans this am that we really snug and they fit normally!! That felt really good.
    Hope everyone is staying focused, sweating and having a fantastic day.

    Thinking about AB JAM tonight and trying CP2 in the am - Tomorrow's weigh in day and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some good news!

    Keep up the good work everybody!

    Feel better soon!!!! WTG on those jeans...what an awesome feeling!!!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    WTG Drevans_mom! 3 lbs in a week...WOW! It's been crazy here over the Superbowl since I am in Pittsburgh! I'm looking for some healthy versions of wings and dips and stuff. I'm probably gonna try to add and extra TJ on Sunday to give myself some room! We're doing some remodelling on the kitchen tomorrow, so I doubt I'll get a workout in then.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    WTG Drevans_mom! 3 lbs in a week...WOW! It's been crazy here over the Superbowl since I am in Pittsburgh! I'm looking for some healthy versions of wings and dips and stuff. I'm probably gonna try to add and extra TJ on Sunday to give myself some room! We're doing some remodelling on the kitchen tomorrow, so I doubt I'll get a workout in then.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
    Megan here's a suggestion on the wings

    http://hungry-girl.com/askhg/askhgdetails.php?isid=1157 (2nd letter)

    That website also has some great dips too. Good luck with the remodel!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Turbo Sculpt tonight - did the fist part with heavier weights but had to switch back to my wimpy 3 pounders after about 15 minutes. :blushing:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I still havent tried Turbo Scult or the Punch Kick & Jam dvd's out yet.

    How do you all find them?

    I have been working on doing the 20min, Ab Jam and CardioParty.. Would they be harder than CP??
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Sculpt is slow movements working upper and lower body - arms and legs shaking :laugh: - great for toning. PK&J is an awesome workout - less dancy and more repetitive moves - great workout!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Everybody,
    Missed you guys last nite, and AB JAM too! I just got some much needed rest.
    Megan - I am so happy for you hanging in there and reaching goal - that is such an inspiration!! Drevansmom is right! treat yourself to something nice - a massage sounds good to me right about now,lol!!! Just finished CP2 for the first time and I love it!! This is the most fun working out I've ever had, i actually miss it when I don't get to do it because I like the way I feel afterwards!!
    I haven't weighed in yet - gonna wait til the plumbing gets going, if you know what i mean. Probably tmi for you guys :noway: but that's one of my quirks. Seems like the numbers on the scales still affect my attitude even though I recognize so many other benfits of the work (clothes fitting better, better endurance, better attitude.. most of the time:laugh: ) I'm much better than I used to be with that but got a long way to go. I'm so goofy!!
    Super Bowl weekend is here so I hope everyone has a good time and enjoys themselves. We've been invited to 2 parties and I know these folks aren't planning for any lite treats - guess i'll have to bring some:wink: . Hope everyone stays safe, gets a good workout (or 2 ) in and has a fantastic time with friends and family.
    Thanks again for being there:flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Just finished my first TS!

    I can feel it already in between my legs :laugh: from those squats and those other things, plieat (sp).

    Dont feel like I have done a workout though so I now understand why you would put the 20min w/o with this one...

    I will know for future!! so whenever I do my 20min dvd I will pair it up with ab jam or TS... It's finally coming together!

    Yay Me!!

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Deedun,
    Great Job!! Glad you tried TS - I haven't yet!! Thanks for suggesting to pair the 20 min w/ that or AB Jam. I might try that tomorrow. Did the weign in.... 1.2 lbs down from last week - Yay me! was hoping for more but I'll take what I can get.:laugh:

    Hope you and the rest of our Jam Famliy has a fantastic weekend!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    That is brilliant Drangonfly :flowerforyou: Congratulations!!

    Do you measure yourself with your weigh in each time?

    Since I started this I am down 6.5" :noway: that is huge for me!!
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hello everyone again!!

    No Turbo Jam today .. because I was on the ice for almost 6 hours today ... little kids skating fun festival!! It was great .. and since I was on the ice or running around most of the time .. I didn't sit around and fill my face!! Hope you all had a super Saturday too!!
  • megan0313
    Great job Dragonfly! Still working in the kitchen today till game time so don't know about a workout. Have a great Super Bowl everyone!!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I am just joining this thread but have used Turbo Jam on and off for a while now. I am hoping that this will encourage me to put the DVDs in more often and drop the pounds that I need to.
  • megan0313
    I am just joining this thread but have used Turbo Jam on and off for a while now. I am hoping that this will encourage me to put the DVDs in more often and drop the pounds that I need to.

    Welcome to the club! I did the same thing, and these guys definitely got me motivated to Turbo Jam again!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I am sore after yesterday's TS but I still punch'ed on with PK&J. I couldnt get the co-ordination for some bits, although I usually find it easy to pick up! But I like it. It is fast paced and its a good workout..

    Cannot get over how different Holly looks!!

    How is everyone else doing today?
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I did Cardio Party Mix 1 this morning. Burned a ton of calories!!!
  • megan0313
    Hi Deedun and Jacqueline, I'm getting ready to do PK&J now. Hey Deedun, I think Chalene says on PK&J that Holly lost like 75 or 80 lbs doing TJ, didn't she?
    Gotta get my workout in before the game starts!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Welcome Jacquiline ~ the folks on this thread have been enormously motivating to me. We need everyone working together ~ that's whats making it successful for me. everytime I don't have the energy/motivation, I can think of something someone has said, an experience someone shared about , a success they've had or just how they went and worked out anyway when they didn't feel like it and that has been pushing me to get off my duff and just go do it. If you guys can then so can i !!

    I woke up this morning and I didn't want to exercise(didn't FEEL like it) but I did anyway ...cause I knew you guys were:smile: I did PK & J for like the 2nd time. I was so uncoordinated ,:ohwell: but sweaty and glad I did it!
    WTG Deedun, I'm right there with ya!!

    Have a fantastic Super Bowl Sunday~ See everbody tomorrow:flowerforyou: