Things Men Don't Understand



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    There are so many..I hate when guys get jealous of every last thing you if Im going to be in my best friends wedding and hes to jealous because I will be walking next to some other guy..and its "not right" to him..Im my friends maid of honor and he burnt those bridges so he wont be at the wedding..blahh well we arent together anymore so its okay but so many stories about ex's and their lack of understanding!!

    Jealously is one trait in a man I simply will not tolerate. If my husband had ever critised my friendship with other men, he wouldn't be my husband.
  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    Why women don't think it's funny when somebody farts, burps, or trips and eats it. All these things are funny.

    i think all those things are funny!

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Why in a restaurant the need to go to the bathroom always occurs in pairs. unsure.gif

    I'm a female, a mother of two girls, and I still don't understand this crap right here^^^
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am not into sharing bathrooms with other people. Except maybe in extreme circumstances. Like hotels.
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    My man -

    He cannot come to terms with why I always need to use 2 towels when I shower. After my shower, I need one for my hair, and one to wrap around my body while I do my make up. Duh.

    He also cannot come to terms with the spaceship like attachment at the end of my blow drier.

    What else?

    I just use one. Dry off then wrap my hair and do my make-up naked, I think my hubby likes that better lol.

    My husband doesn't seem to understand the towels need to be folded a certain way or they just don't fit right in the linen closet!

    fold in half the long way, fold in half again, then tri-fold it?

    tri fold length wise, then in half twice widthwise... stack open edges to the back of the cabinet!
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    There are so many..I hate when guys get jealous of every last thing you if Im going to be in my best friends wedding and hes to jealous because I will be walking next to some other guy..and its "not right" to him..Im my friends maid of honor and he burnt those bridges so he wont be at the wedding..blahh well we arent together anymore so its okay but so many stories about ex's and their lack of understanding!!

    Jealously is one trait in a man I simply will not tolerate. If my husband had ever critised my friendship with other men, he wouldn't be my husband.

    Yeah it got old fast! Well maybe not fast enough, he also freaked out when my best friends fiance commented on my facebook status..theres been a few other guys too..and then a few more friends he has tryed to stop me from being friends with..and ahh I have a son with this guy but he drives me crazy! And the immaturity, and lack of motivation...3 years to get a job and then you get fired?! Ive worked three jobs in that time while taking care of two kids and going to school full time!!! Motivation gets me alot.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    My need to walk around with no clothes on in the house. Seriously, it's just a body. Why do the blinds need to be down? Maybe the neighbors will learn something if they see me! LOL, I get it though, he grew up in a strict Christian household and me I grew up with almost nudist parents. What can I say!
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    umm crying, i cannot understand random emotional outbursts

    i cannot understand why women think if a man says he doesnt recognize a handsome man he's lying.... we just dont see that

    cannot understand the need to just hold the phone. say what you gotta say and get off the line

    Now, see, my man is the one who does this. He calls me for no particular reason, has nothing to talk about and gets angry if I try to get off the phone and gets angry if I don't talk, even though he called me.
    Are we married to the same man? That is my husband exactly.
  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    Not all gay men want you!

  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Why women don't think it's funny when somebody farts, burps, or trips and eats it. All these things are funny.

    I think all of that is funny:laugh: I have a 6 year old son, nuff said ;-)
    yup! I've always wanted to take a whoopie cussion into a bathroom,like the ones in wallmart,and just fart up a storm! Omg id probably die laughing!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    There are so many..I hate when guys get jealous of every last thing you if Im going to be in my best friends wedding and hes to jealous because I will be walking next to some other guy..and its "not right" to him..Im my friends maid of honor and he burnt those bridges so he wont be at the wedding..blahh well we arent together anymore so its okay but so many stories about ex's and their lack of understanding!!

    That's simple.

    He was cheating and he's paranoid.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Why did God give women ownership of the vagina!

    I currently have one on lease. Apparently trying to own one leads to a rather large custodial sentence.

  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Why women don't think it's funny when somebody farts, burps, or trips and eats it. All these things are funny.

    i think all those things are funny!

    You my dear get the infamous dutch oven:laugh:
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    There are so many..I hate when guys get jealous of every last thing you if Im going to be in my best friends wedding and hes to jealous because I will be walking next to some other guy..and its "not right" to him..Im my friends maid of honor and he burnt those bridges so he wont be at the wedding..blahh well we arent together anymore so its okay but so many stories about ex's and their lack of understanding!!

    That's simple.

    He was cheating and he's paranoid.

    Really lol it wouldnt surprise me since he cheated when I was pregnant with our son..and cheated when my son was a newborn and thought he got another girl pregnant..and yeah I dont know I will get tons of threats on my phone and namecalling if I ever mentioned it.. messed up that he ever accused me of cheating when I never ever did in the 3 years of only being with him...but pretty sure I dont want to deal with that anymore.
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    i have to agree with the guys here because some things i dont understand about women either --
    i dont wear make up, dont own a hair dryer, i dont have a bunch of pillows around the house, i own 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of boots, and 5 pairs of flip flops.
    and my husband learned long ago not to question or change things around the house...

    I dont always understand women either...and the emotions wow some of the people at my work just need to cool dont need to use PMS or being pregnant as an excuse for acting a certain way ughh.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Why in a restaurant the need to go to the bathroom always occurs in pairs. unsure.gif

    because it's the perfect chance to talk about the guys we are with there :devil:

    Quit telling the men our secrets!!
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Why in a restaurant the need to go to the bathroom always occurs in pairs. unsure.gif

    because it's the perfect chance to talk about the guys we are with there :devil:

    Quit telling the men our secrets!!

    that pretty much is
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Why women don't think it's funny when somebody farts, burps, or trips and eats it. All these things are funny.

    I've always thought these things are hilarious. DH gets SUPER upset with me when I do them, dunno why. Splain that one to me (I only do them at home)!
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Okay i am gonna have to side with men on somethings....

    I personally do not understand why women write on their eyes with little pencils.
    Why they add EXTRA eyelashes
    How it takes them 3 hours to get ready
    And why they spend so much time on their hands and feet which nobody sees anyways
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    why doesnt my woman (wife) cook by smell? Her line of thinking is when I can smell the cookies, they are done. Yeah, but when you finally smell them downstairs, they've been done for 10 minutes...hence the charcol black bottoms on the cookies...

    An no, the smoke alarm is NOT a timer!!!!