Best fat burning supplement?



  • reneeradhika
    Ok guys...first i would like to clarify that i am not looking for a "quick fix" nor am i just being lazy...i just want something that works alongside my controlled diet and exercise to boost results. Anyone have any recommendations?

    Have you heard of Safflower oil?? Dr Oz recommended it and so I checked it out. It's supposed to release the enzyme that works on deep tissue fat, like belly and hip fat. The type he suggested was SafSlim. I tried it while I was sort of in a holding pattern with losing despite eating quaulity foods and working out 5+ times per week. Within two days of starting it was dropping weight and inches. It's not a quick fix and I'm still working my butt off at the gym and eating a great, healthy diet, but the SafSlim seems to be working well.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Have you heard of Safflower oil?? Dr Oz recommended it and so I checked it out. It's supposed to release the enzyme that works on deep tissue fat, like belly and hip fat. The type he suggested was SafSlim. I tried it while I was sort of in a holding pattern with losing despite eating quaulity foods and working out 5+ times per week. Within two days of starting it was dropping weight and inches. It's not a quick fix and I'm still working my butt off at the gym and eating a great, healthy diet, but the SafSlim seems to be working well.
    Dr. Oz should stick to cardio respiratory information because that's what he's trained in. There is so much BS he touts that has no reason to be believed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    EC is still available out there and does work. But I would only use it if you were down to your last couple of pounds and you've BUSTED your *kitten* and tried every UNASSISTED way to get there.
    It can give some jitters and others anxiety if you have a reaction to it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bodyrocks365
    Not to get lost in EC wonderland BUT I did look up Bronkaid and it was discontinued in december of this year.
    That's why people have not found it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Not to get lost in EC wonderland BUT I did look up Bronkaid and it was discontinued in december of this year.
    That's why people have not found it.
    Yea, I saw that too. Primatene is still available, but it's half the dosage at the same cost.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • IndyPokerDad
    I'm glad I found this topic, I've been thinking about fat burners myself. I am at 221 now, I've lost 67 lbs and I want to loose another 20. I currently take a muilti, omaga-3, 1000mg green tea, vit C, and GNC calcium chews. I am just about to order l-carnitin, 7-keto (which I think will be ok, the reviews are good) and a pre-workout (MP Assult) to help with my workout. I hit the gym 3-5 days a week. I'm going to give all that a go for like 3 months and see what happens. After that and I need more, I'll go with OxyElite Pro.
  • jsugihara86
    jsugihara86 Posts: 71 Member
    Has anyone ever heard of D4 Themal Shock and used it? I met a guy at GNC who uses it, works out, and changed his diet and he lost 104 lbs.
  • jsugihara86
    jsugihara86 Posts: 71 Member
    Bump :)
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Ok guys...first i would like to clarify that i am not looking for a "quick fix" nor am i just being lazy...i just want something that works alongside my controlled diet and exercise to boost results. Anyone have any recommendations?

    Bacon. I have two to four strips a day. Best when combined with eggs and cheese.
  • PrincessMom08
    PrincessMom08 Posts: 120 Member
    Ok guys...first i would like to clarify that i am not looking for a "quick fix" nor am i just being lazy...i just want something that works alongside my controlled diet and exercise to boost results. Anyone have any recommendations?

    All right...I'll be the one to say it....

    You're 5'5" and 100 lbs, which puts you right on the cusp of severely underweight. And you're apparently trying to lose 5 more lbs. You don't need a fat burner, you need food.

    I agree.... :huh:
  • buffybabe
    buffybabe Posts: 180 Member
    I use bronkaid, and just bought more a couple weeks ago...Hasn't seemed to be discontinued yet...
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I've used a few different supplements along with a controlled diet and exercise, but the one I used and lost weight while on was Activit. But it was on a different program and diet, so i'm not sure if it was the supplement but I didnt feel weird while taking it like I did on the others. But i agree that water is the best supplement :P
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    How about Liquid L-Carnitine?

    I've read some people have had good success using this. Any thoughts on it?