Model workouts?



  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    She asked for model far I've seen maybe three or four responses that had to do with workouts. The rest have been rude posts making fun of models and berating her for her diet. Not only is it hurtful to see some of the things that people are saying about eating disorders, but much of it is untrue. The person who said vomiting works the abs for example? As someone who struggled with bulimia and anorexia in the past that is totally uncalled for. Thankfully, this is just the internet...where people like to give "honest opinions" in a way I'm sure they never would in rl.

    You are absolutely correct. Just because they are models doesn't make it okay to make fun of eating dsorders... Models are human beings, I don't see why people think it's so hilarious that there's a lot of eating disorders in that industry. It's not funny, it's sad.

    To answer the OP, I have heard that pilates can be very helpful for getting toned but staying slim. Like you, I don't want to build muscle or look very "defined"-- I want to be slim, toned, and do it in a healthy way. Just make sure you get enough protein-- it's really important! (And yes, there are ways to get protein without eating meat, or even dairy!) Protein is my best friend when it comes to nutrition-- I'm always looking for ways to get more :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What type of models do you mean? Runway models who are usually super skinny with little muscle or body fat, or underwear (V Secret) models that are firm but not muscley and full figured, something else??

    What you do you achieve those looks would vary.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    What type of models do you mean? Runway models who are usually super skinny with little muscle or body fat, or underwear (V Secret) models that are firm but not muscley and full figured, something else??

    What you do you achieve those looks would vary.

    For me:


    That is Gemma Ward, who was once a very famous runway model. Her weight has fluctuated quite a bit, but I think at this weight, she looks slim but healthy. That's what I'm picturing in my head when I think of "model"-- people like to bring up the emaciated ones, but there are models who are thin but not sickly. That's the look I'm going for.

    ...Don't know if I'll get there, but I can try. If it doesn't happen the healthy way, then I guess I don't have the correct body type, but I used to be naturally very thin (ate anything, didn't worry about exercise, and stayed at about 110-115) until a couple years ago!
  • mrsmorris13
    Yoga, pilates and use of light weights with high reps. Heavy weights will give you bulk. You can never have too much fruits and veggies. Don't forget the LEAN proteins. I am only 5'7 and can't imagine getting down to 125 lbs. Guess its possible.

    I do mostly weights in my bulk. I actually have leaned out so much more after I added weights. I circuit train. I mix some cardio in with lots of weights...just enough cardio to keep my heart rate up. Except for my Zumba, I love me my Zumba.

    I did the whole no food/ lots of cardio thing years ago before I knew better and I was thinnish...but flabby...muffin toppy...

    Weights with some cardio and a calorie deficit is simple...not always easy, but simple. I eat 1500-2200 calories a day and I am not losing WEIGHT on the scale quickly, but I have lost 8% body fat and feel stronger than ever and don't have the excess chub I did before. PLUS......I am NEVER hungry. PLUS, PLUS....I have a new lifestyle...not a diet.

    Just my 2 cents. look pretty darn good! Curvy and sexy....ain't nothin' wrong with that!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    She asked for model far I've seen maybe three or four responses that had to do with workouts. The rest have been rude posts making fun of models and berating her for her diet. Not only is it hurtful to see some of the things that people are saying about eating disorders, but much of it is untrue. The person who said vomiting works the abs for example? As someone who struggled with bulimia and anorexia in the past that is totally uncalled for. Thankfully, this is just the internet...where people like to give "honest opinions" in a way I'm sure they never would in rl.

    You are absolutely correct. Just because they are models doesn't make it okay to make fun of eating dsorders... Models are human beings, I don't see why people think it's so hilarious that there's a lot of eating disorders in that industry. It's not funny, it's sad.

    To answer the OP, I have heard that pilates can be very helpful for getting toned but staying slim. Like you, I don't want to build muscle or look very "defined"-- I want to be slim, toned, and do it in a healthy way. Just make sure you get enough protein-- it's really important! (And yes, there are ways to get protein without eating meat, or even dairy!) Protein is my best friend when it comes to nutrition-- I'm always looking for ways to get more :)

    I don't see where anyone is making fun of ED's, I think that everyone is pointing out that her asperation is to look like a logically grouped set of women in a profession known to have ED's (and the use of drugs to supress appetite, and keep them alert during long shoots at odd hours) prevalent and that maybe aspiring to be a fitter and healther "her" would be a better idea. Maybe it's not said in a "let me pat your head, it will all be okay someday" coddling way, but if I wanted to coddle someone all day I'd be a preschool teacher.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    That really skinny VS model, the one with brown hair and tanned who's been there for well over a decade now (it's shocking she's not retired actually) and does mainly swimwear said she did nothing but jump rope after having her baby. BI*CH!!!! BAH!!!!! - Just kidding but hey, try it.

    Fad diets can be fun and 21 days won't kill you but honest try a fad that is more balanced like the Shakeolody 3-Day Diet (use can use any protein powder to sub for Shakeology) or the grapefruit diet. They are very low and low-carb, high in protein to keep you full and prevent lean muscle loss, 600-900 cals each but at least you won't feel like you are starving*

    *FYI, I am not encouraging starvation diets but promoting at least a step up from the current regimen which is a start.
  • music_lover_103
    oh wow, a fruit and veggie diet? sounds like a great idea to me!

    how long have you been on it?
    Yeah who needs protein....or muscles.

    hey now. a temporary (or even not so temporary) fruit and veggie diet is NOT a bad thing. its basically an extreme of what we all know we should do - eat less processed foods. believe it or not, you can get every nutrient you need from fruits and veggies.

    besides, who are we to judge someone else's decision?
  • fit4everyoung
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    So, I am half way done with my (fruits and vegetable only) diet. I'm hoping to be 125 pounds by the end of it.. which is a great weight for someone 5' 8''. Anyway, once I'm low on body fat I want to work out hardcore. Does anyone know what models do to workout and get that body? I love that lean toned body look. I just dont know what work-out that models do in order to look like that. Suggestions?

    I wouldn't call 125 pounds a "great weight" for someone 5'8". I am that height and 125 seems to me to be at the absolutely lowest end of every recommended weight range that I've looked at (and I've looked at a lot). I just know if I was to aim for that figure it would all go on again, pretty much at triple the rate it came off, or slower. Anyhow, once you start working out and doing weights you may find that you don't need to knock as much off the scales as you thought, since you may look better at a heavier weight but with more muscle (not bulk, just the lean toned look you are aiming for).
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    id try lots of cardio but i wouldnt avoid weights completely. some light weights will give you some tone and shape and makes you look much smaller than than the skinny fat look.
    make sure you eat back your exercise calories though or at minimum half of them or you will be hungry and more tempted to binge once you start eating a healthy balanced diet. try adding a whey protein shake after work outs :)
  • heatherz86
    Yoga, pilates and use of light weights with high reps. Heavy weights will give you bulk.

    I can never remember whether it's heavy weights or testosterone enables bulk.
  • heatherz86
    Yoga, pilates and use of light weights with high reps. Heavy weights will give you bulk.

    I can never remember whether it's heavy weights or testosterone enables bulk.