4 weeks til Thanksgiving. (low carb)



  • yummummum
    ONLY???? 4 pounds is AWESOME !!! Congrats!!!!!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    ONLY???? 4 pounds is AWESOME !!! Congrats!!!!!

    Thanks!!! But....make that 5 pounds!!!! Whoo hoo!!! 171.2 on the scale this morning...160's here I come!!!
  • stoofers
    5 pounds nmg!!! That's amazing.

    I'm down to 173.6 meaning I will likely have lost 4/5 pounds I wanted to when I signed up for this challenge. You guys are awesome!
  • yummummum

    It is THE BEST feeling, right???

    I am ready to drop down into the next tier too!!! I like making my goals small!! Just get into the next numbers! It was so big for me when I finally left 170s. I had been there yo-yo up and down for literally a couple years !!!

    I am HOPING to get under 160 by Thanksgiving but sometimes even with my best efforts the scale doesn't budge so trying not to put TOO much emphasis on the date!! Yesterday was 161.5
  • yummummum
    STOOFERS! yes! so amazing!!!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    stoofers - that's great that you'll meet your goal!! Congrats!!!

    yummummum - I have been the same, yo-yo'ing between 171 and 195 for the last 5 years. For some reason I can never get below 171...so if I can do it this time, I will be seriously doing a big happy dance. Hope you get to see the 150's by Thanksgiving!
  • yummummum
    nmg8- we have got this!!! i am done with the yo-yo!
  • stoofers
    One week until Thanksgiving!! I'm going to try and do my best this week (had a really poor week last week) and focus on working on every day from now until Thanksgiving!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    WTG, I am proud of you, ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    I seem to have come down with a cold... :grumble: despite my efforts of every vitamin, herb, spice, and anything else I could think of to take! lol So took the day off from exercise yesterday, and probably today, too. Still doing well on the low-carb, though! I looked for some shirataki noodles yesterday, but kroger didn't have any. BOO. But I think Meijer carries them, it's just further to drive. I want my chicken noodle soup!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I am happy to announce I am back down 4 lb - the weight that I've gained the past couple weeks! :blushing: haha...but I am also down 1 lb from when we started this challenge, so at least it's going in the right direction now. :tongue:

    The past 2 weeks, I forgot to weigh on Friday (my usual day), and weighed on Saturday - after a night of some drinking & eating what I shouldn't, PLUS TOM. So yes, it was probably water, but at least I don't feel so bloated! lol

    I don't know if we discussed before, but my low-carb regime is more primal/paleo style - I saw this link last week on www.marksdailyapple.com, so I thought I'd share!
    Even if you aren't primal/paleo, there are some good low-carb recipes and home remedies for colds. I hate that those Emergen-C packets are loaded with sugar!! :mad: So I got some vitamin c tablets at cvs. I don't know if they work as well, but at least I'm not ingesting 6g of sugar for EVERY packet of emergen-c. :huh:

    So what are everyone's plans for turkey day - I mean, eating plans? :laugh: I think I will try to avoid the starchy stuff and go for the veggies and turkey, but, we'll see what happens! Anyone have some good low-carb (and preferably wheat-free) recipes to share??
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Shar - that's fantastic, good for you!! You're definitely going in the right direction, we all have slip-ups and as long as we don't let a couple of pounds turn in to 20, or 50, we're making progress!! Thanks for the link, I will check it out.

    yumm - you have been doing awesome, keep up the great work!!! How are you feeling after a few days of bootcamp? No more bonking I hope!! :)

    stoofers - Good luck getting back on track, I know it's tough!

    So today was my official weigh-in day and I am officially down 5lbs since the start of the challenge. Had a rough week energy-wise, was starving and couldn't seem to get through my workouts properly so I upped the carbs and calories a bit the last couple of days. Nothing too crazy, but I feel much better. No wheat still, but I did have some corn, oats and rice. I was shocked on the scale this morning when I didn't gain anything. I didn't know what else to do, I just felt so weak. I probably should have upped the fat instead of the carbs, but I just needed to not have that weak hungry feeling, and in my head it was either have a few carbs or go on an all-out binge. Sigh...gotta get back to it...

    Turkey day plans - none for me!! We had our Thanksgiving in October, so it's just another week for me. I know there is normally lots of different veggie dishes at out Thanksgiving dinner, so it's usually pretty easy to stay low carb. Are you hosting? You could make whatever low carb dishes you like, or if you're going somewhere for dinner you could offer to bring one or two with you, then you're sure to have lots to choose from.
  • yummummum
    You are all doing so great!!! SO COOL!

    No more bonking but OMG I am STILL sore!!! Yesterday did a recovery easy spin and today I am taking off.

    I pretty much follow primal too and when I switch to maintenance will def follow it by adding in more fruit and squash. I am 100% wheat free and will stay that way. I have had a little corn and seems to be fine.

    My Thanksgiving plan is to stick to primal eating but enjoy a few more carbs then my usual weight loss low carb. Definitely will stay gluten free. I am going to 2 dinners!!! And am not going to cook any special desserts so since they will all be wheat based I will skip them prob. Or maybe have a bite or 2 of an inside of a pie. Other then that, turkey!! veggies and a little sweet potato!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Last week of the challenge - I'm thinking maybe we should start a new challenge that runs until Christmas...maybe set some new goals? Thoughts?

    I have had a really bad few days carb-wise - haven't gained anything, but really need to re-focus. Last week was really bad for me, I was feeling so weak for my workouts and hungry all day - but instead of upping the fats, I upped the carbs - WRONG CHOICE!! Now I'm kicking myself for getting off track, and need to get back in line before I totally de-rail my progress! Seriously, it's that 171 number, I just sabotage myself every time I get there!!! Grrrr...
  • stoofers
    3 more days, guys! We can do this! Loved being part of this group with ya'll!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I think a new challenge for Christmas is a good idea...or just run through the end of the year!

    I had a better weekend food/carb-wise, but no exercise. But, I think I am almost over this cold!!

    Is anyone doing a turkey trot this year? I'm still thinking about it lol...I wasn't able to train at all last week due to being sick.

    Let's make it a good week! :flowerforyou:
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Shar - I have no idea what a turkey trot is, but the name is hilarious...is it a run of some kind? Please explain!!! Glad you're almost over your cold and getting back to business :)

    Should we just continue this thread after Thanksgiving until Christmas, or start a new one? I'll leave it up to our leader to decide...yummummum???? :happy:

    Planned out my meals for tomorrow, and should end up around 80g carbs, or 60g net carbs which is a much better goal for me I think. Hopefully a few days at or below this level will get me back on track! I am going to make sure I'm getting enough healthy fats in and not make the same mistakes I did this week!! Will think about some Christmas goals this week and post later...
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    haha sorry...a turkey trot or drumstick dash is usually a 5k on Thanksgiving morning - I did one last year (though only 2.4 miles - it was that or 4.5 miles! :noway: ), but it messed up my hip something terrible and took forever to heal.

    Good job planning ahead, nmg8!!
  • yummummum
    nmg8- you are doing so well! Don't worry about the number or the extra carbs!! I am there too.. stuck at 161.5 and had a couple higher carb days too. I am drinking water like a mad woman today trying to see if it would be possible to drop this week by Thanksgiving!! LOL

    Yes! Let's do a Christmas challenge!!

    Shar- no turkey trot for me but I am gonna get up and hit a spin class on Thanksgiving morning!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    shar - that`s awful about your hip, what happened! I`m totally bringing the Turkey Trot to Canada next year, that`s awesome...:laugh:

    yumm - Sorry to hear you`re stuck too - hopefully we can get unstuck this week!

    Okay, I've got my head back in the game, ready to kick it in to high gear til Christmas!!! We're leaving on the 21st of December for PEI (Prince Edward Island) for 2 weeks to visit my husband's family, so I would like to have a full month sugar/gluten/carb free (with no slip-ups!!!) under my belt before we go so I have the will to stay strong while we're there. PEI is the land of white bread and potatoes...carbs carbs and more carbs - I swear vegetables are a foreign concept!!! I will need to do my own grocery shopping and explain to a lot of people why I'm eating the way I am. It's going to be really really hard to keep with the program - every other time we've been there I end up getting off track and feeling horrible the entire time we're there, and it's just not worth it! What's the point of going on vacation if you feel sick to your stomach and feel like sleeping the entire time????? Okay, end rant. :blushing:

    I`m Natasha by the way...nmg8 sounds so cold and impersonal...:flowerforyou:
  • stoofers
    I'd love to keep checking in with this group! Christmas challenge sounds great! Should we start a formal group, yumm??

    Tomorrow is the big day!! I've lost 4 pounds and I'm pretty happy about it. 1 pound a week is fantastic! Thanks for the support, everyone. Have the best Thanksgiving tomorrow (I know I will, I'm taking 4 days off!!)