4 weeks til Thanksgiving. (low carb)



  • yummummum
    Yes! Great idea, let's start a group! If someone wants to- go for it or I will do it later tonight.

    Was down to 159 yesterday!!! I haven't been in the 150s in 8 years!!!!!!! This is so huge for me! Great motivation too to stay focused through Thanksgiving. I can have a couple splurges without going crazy.

    What is everyone's plan for Thanksgiving? Taking a day off? A little of everything?

    I am doing 2 days in a row of meals and traveling. I have MFP on my phone so I think I will plan to log my foods still. I plan on def. sticking to Gluten free. Will stay 90% true to my usual regime with room for a little splurge if I can with out the wheat. The good thing is most desserts contain wheat so easy to pass on when I know I will feel swollen and bad!

    Gonna hit spin tomorrow before the first Thanksgiving!

    Safe Holiday to y'all! We made it! We focused!!
  • yummummum
    What should we name our group?
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    I will be working while you guys are all celebrating....sigh...no holidays until Christmas!!! I plan on sticking with the program through the weekend, so hoping to see the 160's SOON! I was hoping for this weekend, but the scale seems to be stuck...maybe it's broken, lol.

    yumm - That's so awesome that you got down to the 150's, you are a ROCK STAR!! As for group names, I have no idea - do we want just a strictly challenge-type group? More general low-carb?

    Great job everyone, we made it!! Have a great holiday weekend, and then lets get focused for Christmas! :)
  • yummummum
    Oh ! If I had read this post first I would have realized why you didn't have turkey on your diary :-)

    Grr... the scale was at 160 today... not a true gain at all... i tend to fluctuate but I would have like to have it stay 159 for the actual day! oh well big picture!

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!!

    So, I have a question - this week I have really reduced my carbs and increased my fat...and I'm retaining water like crazy! My fingers are swollen, my belly, my lower legs actually HURT because they're so swollen. I have no idea what it could be, it's not TOM, I thought you're supposed to LOSE water when you're doing low carb. My sodium hasn't increased at all, so it has to be food-related. Can someone please have a look at my diary and let me know if you have any ideas? THANK YOU!!
  • stoofers
    Hello all! Had a really nice Thanksgiving, sad my Fins lost, but they haven't had a playoff shot in about 5 years haha.
    Thinking about making a group today while at work, everyone ok with that? Thought I'd name it The Thanksgiving Group. Because we found each other through yumm's original post about Thanksgiving, which I nailed this year! Didn't gain any weight during my 4 day trip home.

    Let me know if that's ok and I'll set it up and send out invites today (already caught up on the work I missed over my 4 days off!).
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Stoofers - I'll join! Just give us a link. :) Or we could name it...the Turkey Trotters, lol...for Natasha!!

    And Natasha - I didn't really see anthing in your diary food-wise that might be causing the water retention, however the only thing I noticed is that you didn't track your water. (I don't track mine either!) Just make sure you drink enough, or you will retain to compensate.

    I was out of town for about 3 days, visiting friends. I haven't assessed the damage yet, haha...but for the most part I ate in moderation. I did indulge in some non-low-carb foods. My pants still fit today for work, so the damage couldn't have been much! I did some walking too, but not much else. :blushing: