lose 5 Pounds A Month November 2011 Challenge



  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Nov 1----> 247.6 Starting Weight
    Nov 8----> 244.8 Down 2.8 lbs
    Nov 15--> 243.4 down 4.2 lbs, so close!!
    Nov 22-->
    Nov 29-->
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Monday check-in and I am soooooo excited! I am joining a real gym this coming

    black Friday and can hardly wait to jump on that elliptical machine. Our gym has been

    sitting with 2 broken machines for the past 2 months and I am so tired of waiting :)

    Oh! It will be a day to celebrate! What are you guys looking forward to this week?
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    Nov 1
    169.8 lbs
    Nov 7
    168.4 lbs
    Nov 14
    169.2 lbs

    At this rate I'm not going to make the 5lb challenge!!!:cry:
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    1st Nov: 138lbs
    8th Nov: 136lbs
    15th Nov: 136.5lbs
    22 Nov:
    30 Nov:

    Gained half a pound :sad:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    11/01: 199
    11/08: 199
    11/15: 197

    2lb loss; the running is starting to payoff but I need to start the Jillian DVD's again!

    - Ailene
  • .
  • Woop! 1.4lbs

    Nov 1----> 159.8lbs
    Nov 8----> 158.8lbs
    Nov 15--> 157.4lbs
    Nov 22-->
    Nov 29-->
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Nov 1st SW: 191.0
    Nov 8th: 191.6
    Nov 15th: 191.2
    Nov 22nd:
    Nov 30th:

    TOM is finally over and I'm only up a .2 the day after, I'll take it! Jogged 13miles between Sat and Sun so I'm sure my muscles are still swollen. Zumba tonight, then 2 days of jogging. Fri we're headed to my Grandmas' for an early Thanksgiving on my moms' side of the family. I have another 13miles between Sat/Sun, soon it will be all in one day ^.^
  • pickles77
    November Challenge:

    Starting Weight: 177.6 (not good)
    Goal Weight: 170.0 ( gotta take off extra lbs I didnt lose last month)

    Nov 1----> 177.6
    Nov 8----> 174.0
    Nov 15--> 174.0
    Nov 22-->
    Nov 29-->

    No loss this week, but I still have 2 more weeks to go!!
  • subela
    subela Posts: 76
    Nov 1: 173.5
    Nov 8 176
    Nov 15 173
  • hofdog
    hofdog Posts: 269 Member
    I lost 5 pounds this month already, but put me down for another 5!!

    Nov 1 - 265.5
    Nov 13 - 260

    Nov. 15 - 258
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Nov 1: 181.6
    Nov 8: 178.6
    Nov 15: 177.4
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Eating has been a big challenge for me the last few weeks. I start the day with good intentions but my resolve starts to slip in the afternoon. I have pin pointed the issue though. Seems I have been “too busy” to eat my morning snack and I have a late lunch (long story short: I need to be available to my students during their lunch time) so by the time I realize I’m starving to death around 1:45 my blood sugar is way to low to go for healthy options and I snack from what is left over in the faculty lounge. NEVER a good plan…
    I am going to start up my morning workout DVD routine again, which means getting up an hour earlier and getting hungry earlier as well. This will help me eat on time, plus it helps tone me quickly as well (last time I was doing it I saw some awesome results in just about a month).
    I might even take a break from the scale for a while and just work on toning through New Years. I run into that all or nothing feeling when I see the numbers starting to climb and I’m close enough to goal that I really don’t need to sabotage myself due to a few turkey dinners.

    I see I’m not the only one who is having an issue with adding lbs, so lets all take a deep cleansing breath together and remember that every week, every day, every hour, every minute we can make a new choice to live, eat, and be healthy! :flowerforyou:
  • shatcher80
    shatcher80 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm definitely in!!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    so im kicking the nearly 3600 calories per week worth of Pepsi in favor of birth control pills. Yes I realize that is a TON op pepsi but in the past few months I have been absent and I have been out of control with the pepsi. I have gained 20 pounds since june

    Also the birth control pills might seem counter productive to me having a baby but im not ovulating so hopefully they will regulate my period in the next few months and help me get prego.... BUT Im really worried that I'm going to gain a ton of weight with them so thats why im kicking the soda. so im taking a big chance here since birth control is the reason im over weight to begin with. It sucks so bad that I have to do this but it also sucks that im not able to get pregnant so I guess i'll do it.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    55- Did your doctor tell you to go on BC pills? I ask because I have always been told that you should be BC pill free for one whole year before trying to get prego. None of my business... but because I care for you I had to ask. Also, weight is a huge factor in not getting prego. Once you drop some weight you might have a better go at getting knocked up. :flowerforyou:

    I wish you luck! Soda should be out of your hands anyway (harder said than done, I know) goggle Dr Oz, he had a show about kicking soda that might help. He cleaned a car battery with the stuff! :sick:

    :flowerforyou: Let me know how you are doing on the soda free front, I'm rooting for ya!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    jen thanks for being concerned : ) I have a condition called PCOS. It means I have cysts on my ovaries and they prevent me from having normal periods and I dont ovulate normally either. What the birth control does is reduces the cysts that I have and helps to regulate my cycle so that it is more normal and will hopefully make it so that the cysts are gone and I can ovulate with the help of the Metformin that Im also taking... It is pretty tricky getting prego with PCOS. I tried for a whole year with my son and he was 11-12 months old when I concieved again with the help of Metformin both times. This time It has been 2 years so my body had time to grow cysts and get all messed up again.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I'm doing Wednesday weigh-in:
    Nov. 2: 162 lb.
    Nov. 9: 160 lb.
    Nov. 16: 158 lb.
    Nov. 23:

    Mfp GW: 140 lb. And reassess from there.

    2lb. Lost. :-) it's going to be more than five pounds this month. Yeah!
  • pickles77
    55- I have PCOS also. That's why I am here. in 2009 I started MPF and after losing 20lbs got pregnant. I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks. :( Ive been TTC since then and nothing... My Dr. tried to put me on Metformin, but I just can not stand it! LOL. I am hoping that with a greater weight loss, and better diet, I can get pregnant and have a healthy birth.
    Has the Metformin really helped you conceive? I ask because even though I do not like what it does to me, I would deal with all that to get pregnant! We have been trying for 6 years now!! Still no children. Not sure what else to do!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    pickles> Yes! I have gotten pregnant and have 2 beautiful kids both concieved with the help of Metformin And I was 152 pounds both times I concieved (( This is the same weight I started trying at this time but iv gained 20 pounds since june )).
    The side effects haven't really bothered me except once after continuing to take it after I had my daughter but iv never had any side effects while ttc.
    With my oldest I tried for over a year to get pregnant and started taking metformin in january 08 and found out in May 08 that I was 2 months pregnant. then started taking it again in november 08 and found out in March 09 that I was 12 weeks along.