Can anyone handle the truth??

i'm starting to get irritated, feeling like i may be the only one here really able to handle "tough love". if someone told me im fat (which nobody does, because i'm not, because i work hard EVERY DAY), i'd be like "ok, theyre right" and vow to do something about it. i wouldn't fall into a shame spiral and eat ten boxes of ringdings and cry fat tears feeling sorry for myself.

I don't understand how being all lovey-dovey to each other ("you look great the way you are!" when theyre 200 lbs, etc) is helping ANYONE. those who say it are lying and those who need to lose weight (for their own health) are not being helped by this.

everyone needs to cut the BS and be realistic with themselves. that's what i do. that's why my "before" looks like your "after".

is anyone else actually SERIOUS about fitness, or is everyone just looking for a shoulder to cry on instead of a true sense of motivation?

nut up or shut up.


  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Well, if we're being honest, you're kind of a bonehead.

    I'm allergic to nuts, so I'm just gonna go the 'shut up' route.
  • RJ425
    RJ425 Posts: 2
    Well said riyahroyce
  • Well, if we're being honest, you're kind of a bonehead.

    I'm allergic to nuts, so I'm just gonna go the 'shut up' route.

  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I would actually prefer someone to tell me honestly, yes you need to lose weight!!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I only ever want to hear the truth. True story.
  • Thank You!! I cannot stand it when I hear people say that their significant other thinks they look great no matter what they weigh!!...wake up..they are lying!!
  • if you think i'm wrong, you're exactly the type of person i'm talking about. the kind i feel sorry for when i see them pretending they're happy instead of making themselves happy.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Oh geez... the wisdom of youth. I don't know what you're going for with this post, but it sounds like someone who has a superiority complex and has come here to scold all the fatties.
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Well, if we're being honest, you're kind of a bonehead.

    I'm allergic to nuts, so I'm just gonna go the 'shut up' route.

    Yes. Honestly.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    I honestly have never eaten a ringding and don't know what I'm missing. Are they tasty? Be honest. :P
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    Maybe you have NO IDEA what theses people have really gone through... I was pretty at my before... I WAS HAPPY at my BEFORE, because I didn't know any better...



  • kiawya
    kiawya Posts: 73
    There is NO WAY you could understand, relate or have any clue what so ever what it is like or how you would react. You shouldnt judge people when you have no clue what they are really going through.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    WOW! That is really cruel of you! EVERYONE is a human being and should be supported whether they weigh 100lbs or 300lbs! This website is for support and friendship no matter what size you are!
    I find it sad that you are taking this approach! Kuddos to you for being where you think you are. I am too!! But I dont down on ppl that arent there yet!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I am totally honest but NOT abusive or derogatory. You don't need to tell someone they're fat. They have a mirror, clothes and television for that. In fact, you don't need to tell ANYBODY what's wrong with THEM. WHO are YOU, Halle Berry!?
    YOU just worry about improving yourself. Friends are supportive, not hateful.
    NOBODY is perfect - don't worry about the speck in MY eye- get the log out of yours

    THAT is MY truth
    I've said it before and I'll say it here - it's just TOO DAMN BAD we don't have a mirror for the soul - THAT I'd like to see- how about you?
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I totally agree..................well no actually I don't. Boy it must be nice to be so perfect and odor free. You want no BS ok, this post makes you sound uppity and that you think you are better than others. I agree that I don't want to hear someone complain and not do something about it but man you came off like a total............. People respect no BS but not with your kind of uppity attitude
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    I only ever want to hear the truth. True story.

    I only tell the truth.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    whoaa. calm down there sparky... not everyone wants to be a gym rat like us. HARD TO BELIEVE I KNOW! :o

    but seriously... "my before pictures look like your after"... kinda uncalled for hun! not everyone has the same goals!

    oh.. and just in case you wanted to accuse me of being lazy...

  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Oh geez... the wisdom of youth. I don't know what you're going for with this post, but it sounds like someone who has a superiority complex and has come here to scold all the fatties.
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    I honestly have never eaten a ringding and don't know what I'm missing. Are they tasty? Be honest. :P

    You always crack me up! :laugh:
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    if you think i'm wrong, you're exactly the type of person i'm talking about. the kind i feel sorry for when i see them pretending they're happy instead of making themselves happy.

    Nice to have all the answers at age 22. Congrats.
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